Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #6

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Yes... And it brings to mind, again, that the x-Ray (sorry... I don't know the technical term) for the cargo wasn't working on just that plane that day...



I hadn't heard this - please could you repost where you saw it? Thanks
I agree with the poster a few pages back who said there's no way the authorities are just starting to look into the backgrounds of the passengers and crew members. The Malaysians have downplayed everything right from the beginning but they knew something was wrong almost immediately, when control of the plane didn't pass over to VN like it was supposed to. I'm sure there was a scramble at that time to locate and contact the plane. Commercial planes don't just disappear without a trace without human intervention. There are too many monitoring systems in place to prevent anything like that happening, especially since 9/11.

You don't just sit on something like this, a potential threat to national security, for 8 days and then decide to meander over to the pilot's house for a look see. I'd bet a nickel that the background of everyone on the plane, including the babies, has been checked, re-checked, and checked again, and that process started within hours if not minutes of the plane's disappearance.

I just can't believe the Malaysians are the circus clowns they appear to be, and I also believe the US has a lot more control of this situation than we, and maybe even the Malaysian government, are aware of. At least I hope so.

ITA. And like someone else said, I think the US, China, India, Pakistan, etc. they were waiting on the sidelines because they didn't want to get involved. It was only when they saw that Malaysia could not do it themselves, that some like the US decided to step in. Well, China I don't know about b/c its mostly their citizens so that would be really awful if they were not sharing all information.
Someone asked how many were involved in the search..

Retweeted by H2O Comms
Mohd Najib Tun Razak ‏@NajibRazak
As of today, 14 countries, 43 ships and 58 aircraft are involved in the search. - Admin
You mean 03/03/14.

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No, she means March 8, 2014.
The plane went missing on the 8th, why would we look on the 3rd?

8/3/2014 day before month, that is how they write the date in Malaysia (and many other places.)

Also I think it is fairly common for pilots and stewards/stewardesses to be passengers on a plane. They often fly to the next assignment. Especially red eyes. If I were the airline I probably would keep this fact to myself for awhile. (public wise).

I have seen a few crashes now where an off duty pilot or stewardess assisted. :twocents:
Yes... And it brings to mind, again, that the x-Ray (sorry... I don't know the technical term) for the cargo wasn't working on just that plane that day...



WHAT??? OMG I did not know about this!
Mumbling as in he had an oxygen mask on???:scared:

He didn't say. He just said he was able to make contact with them on anothe channel at the request of ATC and all he got back was mumbling and that was it, nothing more ever again.
Where does another pilot making contact and getting a mumbling response, fit in?

:seeya: I know I know!!

It happened when another plane in the air tried to contact the Malaysian plane in between the shutdown of the 2 communication devices.

I also know that sometimes when the control tower is unable to contact a plane, they will ask another plane to try and make contact on another frequency. I believe this is called squawking...I think
Mumbling as in he had an oxygen mask on???:scared:

No, one of our pilots said there is a microphone in the oxygen mask..
. so that wouldn't explain the mumbling.

Last night I watched Helios Flight 522 which was a decompression - auto pilot - crash because they ran out of fuel.
The flight attendant who had a pilots license attempted to save the plane (he used the extra oxygen to stay conscious.)
He called for mayday several times but it wasn't heard until they found the black boxes.
The radio was still connected to the previous airport, so no one heard his mayday.
He was not mumbling, but was very quiet for what it's worth.

Yes, from your link and also the one I posted, it does seem on the surface like they were just wanting to get into Europe for "new" lives.

But also, we don't know the whole story. IF and big IF they are terrorists, it really doens't matter whether the mom was waiting for them in Germany or not. IF and big IF they had a plan, they were going to go through with that plan.

Also, for example, the 911 hijackers, everyone is US who had contact with them described them as nice and quiet poeole. I doubt they would have told this friend anything.

This is just speculation and JMO.

Why would you even tell your family you were going to start a new life?
Why not say you were going on vacation?
None of the 9/11 hijackers had family waiting for them on the other end of the flight.
I see no reason to involve your Mom in the whole thing, making her think you were moving there.
Which begs the question...have they cleared Malaysian Airline security?

I stated way, way back that they need to take a good look at the security people at the airport in KL. It was when the news of the stolen passports broke. But, I honestly don't think those two were part of this - wasn't one of their mothers waiting at the Frankfurt airport for her son to arrive? I can't think of a hijacker having his mom wait for him - but, then again, I'm not a hijacker :seeya:

No, one of our pilots said there is a microphone in the oxygen mask..
. so that wouldn't explain the mumbling.

Last night I watched Helios Flight 522 which was a decompression - auto pilot - crash because they ran out of fuel.
The flight attendant who had a pilots license attempted to save the plane (he used the extra oxygen to stay conscious.)
He called for mayday several times but it wasn't heard until they found the black boxes.
The radio was still connected to the previous airport, so no one heard his mayday.
He was not mumbling, but was very quiet for what it's worth.

Why would you even tell your family you were going to start a new life?
Why not say you were going on vacation?
None of the 9/11 hijackers had family waiting for them on the other end of the flight.
I see no reason to involve your Mom in the whole thing, making her think you were moving there.

Bingo, MsF, and wholeheartedly agree.
I stated way, way back that they need to take a good look at the security people at the airport in KL. It was when the news of the stolen passports broke. But, I honestly don't think those two were part of this - wasn't one of their mothers waiting at the Frankfurt airport for her son to arrive? I can't think of a hijacker having his mom wait for him - but, then again, I'm not a hijacker :seeya:

Just jumping off your post Leilei.

The extra security that came with 9/11 in the U.S. at airports is not worldwide.

And, some airports in other areas do not want that extra security.
If this plane went over land, I don't see how it could have gone undetected by many countries. And we know for certain, India and Pakistan monitor their air spaces very closely. If the plane went over water, what was the point? What is the point of any hijacking in that sense, other than to kill people? If the goal was to kill people, why all the fuss with changing paths?

****Just jumping off my own post (remembered a thought), if it was a hijacking, there is a specific reason, IMO, they chose a night flight. That would lend to the theory that they wanted to land this plane somewhere. But then, I think about the air spaces of different countries and how would it be possible to go undetected?
ACARS turned off.
Transponder turned off.
Handoff to Vietnamese air controller "Alright. Good night." Which apparently isn't normally what pilots usually say. MIGHT be verbal highjack code, but we won't know because each country has their own verbal code, and don't want that code known to terrorists.

Per CNN right now.

Politics was not, should we say, my "strong" point. :blushing: So in layman's terms, can you simply? Is it a known fact the captain fund- raised for the opposition and who is the opposition? :banghead::banghead:

On a happy note, I did fairly well in English. :facepalm:

U did gud in English?... Gud four U!


The pilot built a flight simulator in his home that can be seen in a video of his. Might not be anything in and of itself, although i don't know any pilots that built those at home.
Going up to 45k feet would mess with cabin pressure and knock the cabin passengers out. If there was a fire, then the o2 masks wouldn't deploy, otherwise it sounds like they would. But then the autopilot would descend to 10k feet before the 5 minutes of cabin 02 ran out.
The pilots have different 02 up front that lasts for 30 minutes.
It sounds unheard of that a plane this size would disappear without leaving a trace in the water.
Seems like too many redundant systems were manually turned off.
I think this plane went somewhere intentionally.
If something went according to plan, we will find out eventually. If it did not go according to plan, we may never know.

At least one of our pilots here posted they have an almost identical set up in their home.

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It has been said by the experts that 45,000 feet is a survivable altitude.
But that it may have killed the engines and they may have had to dive down to 23,000 feet to start them again.
The concern would be the engines running on the thin air up there.
Maybe I should mention that my husband has traveled to Malaysia quite a few times to set up call centers for a computer company. He really liked it there, he said the people were very friendly and the scenery (especially the old temples) was incredibly beautiful. However, like many expanding countries he has been to, corruption is rampant. It is part of the culture and money talks if you know what I mean. It does not surprise me that people boarded the plane with fake passports or that cargo was not inspected. People can be paid to look the other way and it is very common there.
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