Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #7

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Interesting video of the pilots friend claiming the pilot was a professional who would never harm his passengers.

Of course it holds no weight as to whether the pilot is responsible or not. People can hide so many secrets and deviant thoughts from everyone else.
RE possible pilot suicide motive....I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but it just occurred to me that maybe because he was upset at the gov't about the prison sentence of Ibrahim, he reacted by creating an international crisis........the hijack........FULLY EXPECTING to be shot down in Malaysian airspace by the Malaysian gov't. That would explain why he lingered in Malaysian airspace for soooo long. But no one was paying attention, and didn't take the bait. So he either ran out of fuel and crashed...or landed somewhere. jmo jmo

There have been a few posters who have discussed this senario a while back on previous threads. It is the senario which makes the most sense based on the background information about the pilot and the information we currently have about how the flight progressed.

-Pilot's politically charged views
-The news from court the morning of the flight
-The plane transponders were turned off manually
-The plane remained airbourne until the approximate time that the fuel would run out
RE possible pilot suicide motive....I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but it just occurred to me that maybe because he was upset at the gov't about the prison sentence of Ibrahim, he reacted by creating an international crisis........the hijack........FULLY EXPECTING to be shot down in Malaysian airspace by the Malaysian gov't. That would explain why he lingered in Malaysian airspace for soooo long. But no one was paying attention, and didn't take the bait. So he either ran out of fuel and crashed...or landed somewhere. jmo jmo

BBM~ Good theory, but I believe this was a more sophisticated operation.

Since no one can find answers, this was well hidden. :twocents:
Now we should alert the press ! When a mystery gets its own forum on WS , it is a certified phenomenon ! :)

We need a trademark: Websleuths ™


Where can I buy stocks? :floorlaugh:
We don't know though if the plane did climb as has been reported. It has been said this information can be highly inaccurate.

Correct. But we do know that if a plane ascends at 45,000 feet, then drops down to 20-something-000 feet, everyone would die.

The G Force alone, would be enough, imo. Not that i'm a pro, but it's just the picture I have in my head.

He has already published that he has Flight Simulator X, if they really want to be sure they need to look at least what flights he did. FSX does record hours and what aircraft type used and any planned flights, but in terms of logging his flights I am not sure he had that add-on.

He also has PMDG 777 - of which I also have for FSX. I can pretty much fly the 777 easily, I still don't think he has anything remotely sinister to do with this incident. But we will soon find out.

It's pretty much as real as it gets :) You can even get realistic weather engines that give the same weather as real world and also sceneries for places such as Heathrow and Orlando MCO.


Even a cockpit voice recorder that is part of the so-called black box may not provide telltale clues if the 777-200 operated for four hours after controllers lost contact, as satellite data suggests. The unit keeps only two hours of audio as it overwrites older material in a continuous loop, said Todd Curtis, president of Seattle-based consultant LLC. -

See more at:

:eek: Maybe they are other words from the last 2 unknown hours of flying aimlessly?

Oh Lord, I hope so. :please:
Aviator, can you resize your pic?
Blew the margins :(

ETA- :tyou: Aviator!
RE possible pilot suicide motive....I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but it just occurred to me that maybe because he was upset at the gov't about the prison sentence of Ibrahim, he reacted by creating an international crisis........the hijack........FULLY EXPECTING to be shot down in Malaysian airspace by the Malaysian gov't.
I don't know of I am allowed to say this, but maybe the fact that the co-pilot is the son of a gov't official sparked something in the pilot.
The only way the U.S. - National Transportation Safety Board - could take over the investigation is if the Malaysians invite us to do so. It does not appear this is about to happen.

My theory: The Pilot is known to be a strong political supporter of an opposition politician - Ibraham, whose "guilty to charges of sodomy" conviction was reinstated earlier on the same day as this flight. Meaning he can not participate in an upcoming election which some sources report he was bound to win.

The Pilot has seen bribes and corruption within his country. Earlier this very day he saw how corrupted the judicial branch is. He has long observed various corruptions and bribes within the airline industry, including cargo not being examined, passports being stolen and sold.

The Pilot had a friend - another pilot - over to play on the flight simulator a few months prior. That friend made an offhand, sarcastic remark, "Hey, things are so corrupt, even the military is compromised. I'd bet an unknown plane could cross our country and the military would never even know it!"

This thought sticks in the Pilot's head. He begins to wonder if this could really happen. He starts to play on the flight simulator, working out a plan as to how something like this could possibly happen. It is an intellectual challenge for him to "play this game". He eventually figures out a potential flight plan for something like this to happen. This is all just a "game" to the Pilot. But it is a fun game for him to play. He plays it over and over again.

The afternoon of the event, he becomes very upset when he learns that his chosen political candidate is going to be put back into jail. All hope is lost for changes to take place in his beloved country, to end the corruption.

He reports at the airport for duty that evening. He learns his co-pilot is to be the guy who was recently reprimanded by the airline for breaching cockpit safety by having females in the cockpit during a flight. This does not particularly please him. He is not in a good mood anyway. He and his wife had an argument before he left home earlier that evening. She accused him of spending too many hours in front of his flight simulator.

The flight takes off. The co-pilot is young and wants to engage in idle chatter. The Pilot is not in the mood for this. The co-pilot persists. The Pilot is rude to him, telling him to be quiet. At that point, just to see if anyone notices, the Pilot turns off the transponder. No one notices anything - not even the co-pilot. The pilot makes the last contact with ATC, saying "Alright, good night" instead of using the normal wording for sign-off. Once again, no one notices or acknowledges this was a deviation from protocol. The Pilot thinks to himself, "It really is as bad as I feared".

Next, the co-pilot says he must leave the cockpit to visit the toilet. By protocol, he is not supposed to leave the cockpit at this time. Anger floods the Pilot, as he realizes how lax both performance and discipline actually are within the Malaysian airline industry. He gives a curt nod, "Yes" to the co-pilot.

This is when the pilot turns off the second communication system. In his anger and frustration, somehow "the game" begins. The Pilot enters the well rehearsed coordinates of "the game" into the autopilot.

The co-pilot returns to the cockpit. The Pilot tells him he has just received directions to divert the flight due to ground problems. He tells the co-pilot that he has already programmed the needed changes into the autopilot. That they may need to return to the original airport. The co-pilot does not question this. The Pilot instructs the co-pilot to make a calm announcement to the passengers about the diversion. "Assure them there is nothing wrong with the plane" he says, "just say there is some ground problem." The co-pilot follows instructions and makes the announcement. This pacifies the passengers and the flight attendants.

The plane then turns and passes back over Malaysia. The Pilot wonders if he will be picked up on radar, if fighter jets will suddenly appear outside the cockpit window. None appear. Now the plane has begun a series of preprogrammed turns.

After some time, the co-pilot finally wonders why they have not received any further instructions from ATC. Because they are now far off course. He suggests the Pilot call in to ATC for updated instructions. The Pilot says no, he does not want to do that, they are fine, they will just wait to hear from ATC.

At some point the co-pilot FINALLY realizes something is very, very wrong. He attempts to call ATC but gets no response. Nothing! He turns to the Pilot and asks "What is going on? What have you done?"

The two men begin to struggle. The co-pilot attempts to manually take control of the plane. The plane ascends steeply, then descends sharply. Finally it regains altitude and levels. The Pilot sat passively in his seat as the co-pilot struggled to control the plane.

The Pilot realizes what he has done. He has played the ultimate game. As the co-pilot busies himself reprogramming the autopilot in order to get them back home safely, the Pilot calmly reaches out and shuts off the oxygen supply to both the cockpit and the cabin......
He has already published that he has Flight Simulator X, if they really want to be sure they need to look at least what flights he did. FSX does record hours and what aircraft type used and any planned flights, but in terms of logging his flights I am not sure he had that add-on.

He also has PMDG 777 - of which I also have for FSX. I can pretty much fly the 777 easily, I still don't think he has anything remotely sinister to do with this incident. But we will soon find out.

It's pretty much as real as it gets :) You can even get realistic weather engines that give the same weather as real world and also sceneries for places such as Heathrow and Orlando MCO.


BBM~ :seeya: Do you if FSX works like a hard drive, as in it can be stored somewhere, and then wiped clean.

My gut tells me the pilot did not deliberately do this, but the logical reasoning tells me different. :scared:
There have been a few posters who have discussed this senario a while back on previous threads. It is the senario which makes the most sense based on the background information about the pilot and the information we currently have about how the flight progressed.

-Pilot's politically charged views
-The news from court the morning of the flight
-The plane transponders were turned off manually
-The plane remained airbourne until the approximate time that the fuel would run out

Not specific to you Gia, just anyone here.

It is said Pilot attended court proceedings that morning. Also have seen it mentioned he went directly to the airport from the courthouse.

Does anyone have links to whatever articles are saying that?
Let me amend that: Does anyone know if this has actually been proven?
I just want to know if this is the rumor mill or the word of someone who was there with him, or knows him and confirms he was there, etc.

TIA! :seeya:
Test runs...or they already have what they want. With so many countries involved I doubt any demands would be met. The US doesn't negotiate with terrorists.

But this isn't the US. It's Malaysia. Their government might negotiate with terrorists. It's a corrupt system from what I've read.
This is the youtube of the pilot.

I'm just posting out of general interest rather than making a point. He had created a couple of how-to videos so you can see him giving instructions on saving energy by turning airconditioners.
[QUOTE=AlwaysShocked;10340671]The only way the U.S. - National Transportation Safety Board - could take over the investigation is if the Malaysians invite us to do so. It does not appear this is about to happen.

My theory: The Pilot is known to be a strong political supporter of an opposition politician - Ibraham, whose "guilty to charges of sodomy" conviction was reinstated earlier on the same day as this flight. Meaning he can not participate in an upcoming election which some sources report he was bound to win.

The Pilot has seen bribes and corruption within his country. Earlier this very day he saw how corrupted the judicial branch is. He has long observed various corruptions and bribes within the airline industry, including cargo not being examined, passports being stolen and sold.

The Pilot had a friend - another pilot - over to play on the flight simulator a few months prior. That friend made an offhand, sarcastic remark, "Hey, things are so corrupt, even the military is compromised. I'd bet an unknown plane could cross our country and the military would never even know it!"

This thought sticks in the Pilot's head. He begins to wonder if this could really happen. He starts to play on the flight simulator, working out a plan as to how something like this could possibly happen. It is an intellectual challenge for him to "play this game". He eventually figures out a potential flight plan for something like this to happen. This is all just a "game" to the Pilot. But it is a fun game for him to play. He plays it over and over again.


Respectfully snipped.

I had no idea of the sodomy charge(s). :eek: In what Country is the charge brought? Not all think it critical as the U.S. does.

The second paragraph is nonsense. The pilots know they are in uncharted and conflicting flight and water space. That is moot.

ETA: Quote function not working well, will underline all of the quote.
I am so far behind, but I remember someone posting earlier about there not being any significance to the March 8th date if this was a hi jack by terrorists. There are some interesting things that might make March 8th significant. One it is the finishing date of the Shahnameh, which is an epic poem that is a source of Persian pride. There are others too. . .read to the bottom. It seems like almost any of these could be a reason March 8th was picked.
Not specific to you Gia, just anyone here.

It is said Pilot attended court proceedings that morning. Also have seen it mentioned he went directly to the airport from the courthouse.

Does anyone have links to whatever articles are saying that?
Let me amend that: Does anyone know if this has actually been proven?
I just want to know if this is the rumor mill or the word of someone who was there with him, or knows him and confirms he was there, etc.

TIA! :seeya:

"Court of Appeals panel on March 7 ruled in favour of the government's bid to overturn Anwar's 2012 acquittal on charges he sodomised a male former aide.

The 66-year-old was sentenced to five-years-jail but was freed pending appeal. He has alleged a long-running campaign by the ruling regime to destroy his political career with false charges. Police sources fear the court decision left Captain Zaharie profoundly upset, the Mail on Sunday reports.

“Colleagues made it clear to us that he was someone who held strong political beliefs and was strident in his support for Anwar Ibrahim,” an investigation source said according to the UK tabloid. “We were told by one colleague he was obsessed with politics.” Colleagues said Zaharie, 53, planned to attend the court case on March 7 but investigators are yet to confirm if he was actually there."

Correct. But we do know that if a plane ascends at 45,000 feet, then drops down to 20-something-000 feet, everyone would die.

The G Force alone, would be enough, imo. Not that i'm a pro, but it's just the picture I have in my head.

Yes, if that happened. But we don't know that the plane ascended to anything like 45,000 feet.
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