GUILTY CA - Isidro Medrano Garcia for kidnapping, rape of 15yo girl, Santa Ana, 2004

According to this report, he was the mother's boyfriend:

Police say in 2004 Garcia was living with the girl’s mother, who he was dating at the time. It was then that he allegedly began sexually abusing the girl, and in August of that year Santa Ana police received a call from her mother reporting that Garcia had beaten her and disappeared with her daughter.

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Thanks... I had read a story earlier, not linked here and THAT was definitely not clear!
The creep was dating her mother....he kidnapped this young lady and held her captive! So happy she is alive!!!!!

First stories said Jaqueline was dating him. I wonder which one is correct?
Why was my comment removed? Her name was on the news. It's not a secret.
Said she went missing from Compton even though lived in Santa Anna.
More details in this one also, pics, talking about the baby shower, etc.

I don't believe the name given (here) is her real name, just what her neighbors knew her as.

Based on the various iterations of the story in different news sources, my guess is that there was some sort of love triangle thing going on, not a kidnapping.

Scenario: Mom has a live in boyfriend, teenage daughter arrives from Mexico to live with them, teenage daughter starts having a relationship with the boyfriend in secret, Mom finds out and takes offense, boyfriend beats her up and takes off with the daughter. Then mom reports it as an abduction and the boyfriend/daughter go on the run as a couple. Eventually their relationship sours and daughter seeks to reunite with family while sending boyfriend to the big house for the next 50 years and out of her hair.

All very neat and tidy and plausible based on the accounts that have appeared in the media. There is an alternative explanation for the timeline.

To be frank, it does not sound like an abduction to me. The charges are based largely on what the daughter told LE, and it will be interesting to see what the facts turn out to be.

Actually she was 15 when she was taken. And at the above link it indicates the Mother is the one who reported the kidnapping and the assault 10 years ago. Mom also suspected sex abuse at the time. It isn't something that just came out after she made contact with her family.

Does anyone know what the age of consent is in that state?
I just heard a reporter from the LA Times speaking on the radio from Santa Ana. He said he has been speaking to neighbors who are totally, totally shocked as they knew Garcia and the victim and had no idea she had been abducted.

The reporter also said he worked as a Janitor at night, and forced her to work with him, and that she escaped twice but was captured. They lived minutes from the police dept.

Actually she was 15 when she was taken. And at the above link it indicates the Mother is the one who reported the kidnapping and the assault 10 years ago. Mom also suspected sex abuse at the time. It isn't something that just came out after she made contact with her family.

Does anyone know what the age of consent is in that state?

I think the age of sexual consent is 18 in CA.
They got married in 2007 and had a child in 2012.
Based on the various iterations of the story in different news sources, my guess is that there was some sort of love triangle thing going on, not a kidnapping.

Scenario: Mom has a live in boyfriend, teenage daughter arrives from Mexico to live with them, teenage daughter starts having a relationship with the boyfriend in secret, Mom finds out and takes offense, boyfriend beats her up and takes off with the daughter. Then mom reports it as an abduction and the boyfriend/daughter go on the run as a couple. Eventually their relationship sours and daughter seeks to reunite with family while sending boyfriend to the big house for the next 50 years and out of her hair.

All very neat and tidy and plausible based on the accounts that have appeared in the media. There is an alternative explanation for the timeline.

To be frank, it does not sound like an abduction to me. The charges are based largely on what the daughter told LE, and it will be interesting to see what the facts turn out to be.

I think for sure this is what his defence will be. However, she was a 15 year old minor at the time of her disappearance, so the fact is he has broken the law in at least two ways by;
1: having sex with a minor
2: taking her away without parental consent

Even if she had gone willingly, there would still be a case against him.
He had a lot to hold over her all these years. Besides the alleged sexual abuse before the kidnapping, there was sexual abuse after the kidnapping. Possibly other violence too. Media has reported that she had just arrived in this country illegally so there would be fear of someone finding that out and of herself and her Mother getting in trouble for that. Media reports that she didn't speak English at the time. He stripped her of her identity. Then her child was born, another thing that would hang over her head. Not only was she vulnerable to him, but so was the child.

Reportedly the violence continued, so she would make sure to try to behave in ways that wouldn't make him angry. That would include when she was interacting with the neighbors. And I would guess that when the neighbors were around he stayed pretty close, at least where he could observe her. After so many years he most likely became pretty confident of her. After so many years he most likely felt like she wouldn't be able to get in contact with her family.

I admire her for having the strength to reach out. So many of the children don't for one reason or another.
41-year-old Isidro Garcia, on suspicion of kidnapping for rape, lewd acts with a minor and false imprisonment.

Per local news she was dating him when she disappeared.

All the articles I saw stated "she" was dating him at the time and by "she", I took it to mean the mother, although the sentences were poorly written.

Why was my comment removed? Her name was on the news. It's not a secret.
Said she went missing from Compton even though lived in Santa Anna.

I'm glad Websleuths protects victims. The identity of all crime victims should be kept private if the victim desires it. In any event, Websleuths has policies about naming minors that it adheres to even when the media doesn't. This gal was a minor when taken and for some reason LE is not releasing her name.

Based on the various iterations of the story in different news sources, my guess is that there was some sort of love triangle thing going on, not a kidnapping.

Scenario: Mom has a live in boyfriend, teenage daughter arrives from Mexico to live with them, teenage daughter starts having a relationship with the boyfriend in secret, Mom finds out and takes offense, boyfriend beats her up and takes off with the daughter. Then mom reports it as an abduction and the boyfriend/daughter go on the run as a couple. Eventually their relationship sours and daughter seeks to reunite with family while sending boyfriend to the big house for the next 50 years and out of her hair.

All very neat and tidy and plausible based on the accounts that have appeared in the media. There is an alternative explanation for the timeline.

To be frank, it does not sound like an abduction to me. The charges are based largely on what the daughter told LE, and it will be interesting to see what the facts turn out to be.

Holy moly. I would never use the words "love" or "relationship" to describe a grown man taking advantage of or abusing a child. She was 15. He was a full grown man at 25. Whether she thought she loved him (which I doubt), or not, his actions were legally and morally repugnant.

Actually she was 15 when she was taken. And at the above link it indicates the Mother is the one who reported the kidnapping and the assault 10 years ago. Mom also suspected sex abuse at the time. It isn't something that just came out after she made contact with her family.

Does anyone know what the age of consent is in that state?

He was 30/31.

That's right! My poor math skills. So even worse. A 30 year old man molesting a 15 year old child is not a "love triangle".

My friend's 14 year old son was preyed upon by hisfather's 30 year old roommate. He had what he considered a "consensual" relationship with her. He was exposed to things he never should've been. He developed an anxiety disorder and became a heroin addict.

I have no tolerance for abuse of children.

Somehow, some way, however, I had a feeling there would be those who viewed THIS girl as "lusty" and somehow complicit in her molestation, abuse and kidnapping. I just knew it.

I'm sorry that's the case. This now young woman is a victim of a violent predator. I'm glad that LE isn't fooled and has charged this hideous person with rape and kidnapping:

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