GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #4

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I'm not sure how her admitting that she also - emphasis on the also since he already admitted it to the cops - researched hot car deaths helps his case. The fact is, all this does is underline that they clearly both knew about the potential for these terrible tragedies to happen and thus they both had a heightened awareness that should have made them take steps to prevent it happening to them. I don't know if she is is involved, I'd like to think not and this is just the Cindy Anthony effect at play, but I do know this case is becoming alarmingly more and more like the Casey Anthony case. I foresee one huge over-the-top circus complete with clowns. Yep, all we need now is a Jose Baez-style defense attorney......I shudder to think.

Be careful I could totally see him taking over this case, and create a three ring circus yet again. I am glad it's in Georgia not Florida though.
They they have at least 5 cameras and also panic buttons in case the store is robbed in every single location. I don't think they have any outside the store though (except maybe the drive through).

They are the only fast food chain that I know who is more concerned about the safety of their employees than employee theft (hence panic buttons in case the employees are in trouble). If your teenager wants to get a job at a fast food place Chic-fil-A is probably the safest place for them to work plus they get every sunday off (Sunday is God's day and stores are closed).
Hmm. I will look for outdoor cameras.
Harris is an IT guy and he has to know they are going to search his computer. He has to know how to hide stuff, but he didn't

I am just not seeing this as intentional yet.

I think he thinks everyone would think it was a tragic accident.

You know. He is the kind of guy that is so adorable . The kind that is such a liar that he believes his own lies and does not realize others aren't buying his BS
I can understand that this woman is about to loose everything she has, so to be in complete denial is understandable. I think that she is clinging onto hope that this situation will be resolved. Her comments at the funeral may have been strange, but if she believes her husband is innocent of this and in complete denial, she will do what she can to help him. He is still alive, she probably thinks he will get out of this somehow, they will be back together.

Will be really interesting to see who actually searched, from where and when.

(just like it would to have all the other answers to our questions :))
Lost on the groom cake discussion? What did I miss that has to do with a grooms cake
It's pretty common from what I know to have life insurance as a benefit and you add dependent coverage too. I'd be surprised if there is NOT any insurance. She's employed too albeit part time but may have benefits.

For sure. We have 10k on each child through my husband's employer. I think the amount coukd come into play though...10k and 100k are very different, you know. Just like a suspicious web search a year before the death is different than a suspicious search a week before.
Did anyone read his Reddit comment in reply to another users comment about taking his sons to Alabama games on different campuses?

RH responds saying he will probably do the same with his son and kids if they have more.

Confusing as it makes it seem like he would be open to having more kids.

Always My Opinion Only!

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Why photos of the home?

What is the evidence of child neglect and child abuse?

Is there more?

This is totally my gut instinct based on a close friend that escaped from a very fundamentalist patriarchal marriage. This guy reminds me so much of her husband. Their children were viewed as objects to make him look good. He too took lots of photos and appeared in public to be a doting dad. In private his wife and children were ignored or walked on egg shells. They were there to serve him. She was expected to be submissive, he was the leader. He also bounced from one job to the next and was a huge exaggerator & bragger. If he wasn't doing a good job, if he was miserable, if something didn't go right, she needed to try harder because it was all her fault.
He would buy very expensive things and toys for himself ...yet his wife shopped at theift stores for her & her children's clothes. And she and the children ate beans & rice for dinner 4 nights out 5 while he ate steak and dined out with friends. The children had few toys because he didn't think the children needed them and hated seeing them laying around.

All of that to say...I'm wondering what the inside of their house looked like....

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Did anyone read his Reddit comment in reply to another users comment about taking his sons to Alabama games on different campuses?

RH responds saying he will probably do the same with his son and kids if they have more.

Confusing as it makes it seem like he would be open to having more kids.

Always My Opinion Only!

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What is reddit?
I had to step away after yesterday evening...

So she searched hot car cases and how they occur... he searched how hot cars have to be for a child to die. I am wondering... which searches occurred first and... perhaps she was concerned about what she saw on the news and he saw this as an opportunity for an out. Also, the one article says the police received information indicating that he went to his car at lunch time. So he didn't tell police that information, someone else did it sounds like. jmo
It went exactly as planned. It was no coincidence he was standing beside that car during the hottest few hours this entire month!

If he went to his lunch at a tradition lunch time (Between1 11:00-1:00) he would have been standing at his car during the observed HIGH temperature of the day.
Well....He had a dream don't ya know. His father claims, the accused child murderer shared a dream he had where his child was sitting on Jesus's lap and his wife was working at a nursery.

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Working at a nursery? That's odd. Why would he dream she had changed her career path?
Cause she would never trust anyone else with any of her future young children?
Did anyone read his Reddit comment in reply to another users comment about taking his sons to Alabama games on different campuses?

RH responds saying he will probably do the same with his son and kids if they have more.

Confusing as it makes it seem like he would be open to having more kids.

Always My Opinion Only!

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It doesn't really shock or confuse me. I assume this was before Cooper's death, as he wouldn't be posting on the Internet now. The couple were/are conservative, traditionalist Christians - I would assume they would want to have a lot of kids! And even if he didn't really want to, that would have been the societal expectation in his social circles.
If he was so sure it'd be taken as an accident, that people would believe him, then he might not have thought to hide anything. Also, as an IT guy, he'd have to know that short of destroying the HDD, the cops may have been able to dig around and find things. Nothing is totally deleted on your computer. I'm not 100% sure if those encrypting/erasing programs can destroy everything to the point that forensics can find no trace, either. And even if he used one of those programs, that would raise some suspicions in of itself.

IMO, he was too sure of himself that he thought it'd be written off as a tragic accident and never thought to deal with his searches.

But when he was arrested and realized things weren't looking in his favor, he knew they'd find them so what does he do? Confesses to them. I think he was trying to minimize them and make it seem like he was going it for a good reason. Sort of like a kid who, tattles on a sibling for breaking the vase right when the parents come in, to minimize their role in it -- it wasn't me, it was someone else. In this case, it wasn't research for killing my kid, it was to prevent it.


Seems that many of us are feeling a certain personality type here. Someone last night, based on their reading of his reddit posts/conversation pegged him as possibly having little man issues. Another poster pointed out that Harris was a rather larger man in response.

IME there are men who are over six feet tall who still exhibit some of the personality traits referred to as being a part of napoleon complex or little man syndrome.

Someone always trying to prove their worth or their prowess for example, because deep down inside they doubt themselves or their own value and therefore have to constantly show their intelligence, their mastery of something.

I get that vibe from Harris. If that assessment is correct a person like that would need a very submissive attitude from a spouse. the spouse would need to play an active role in always making sure her husband appeared to be the leader, the man of the family, handles the finance, exhibits prowess or vast knowledge of sports or otehr manly activities.

Like a small child with self esteem issues who needs constant praise to build self worth.


Thanks for letting me jump off yours. I know mine was not really in response to what you posted per se but your post brought last night's thought back to my mind.
You may not be aware that his friends referred to him as a "soccer dad" even before he had kids. That's the lifestyle he clearly wanted, not just fell into reluctantly because it was expected of him.

Maybe it didn't live up to his expectations.
Working at a nursery? That's odd. Why would he dream she had changed her career path?
Cause she would never trust anyone else with any of her future young children?

Or she would not have another, so she best get her mommy needs met watching other peoples.


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