The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 9th July - Trial Day 17

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The way I look at it is this re the lies...

If Gerard did not know his wife was dead when he called police that morning, which if he didn't kill her he'd have every reason to think she was still alive, then he would have no reason to lie about the scratches as they'd point to no crime other than a fight. If the truth was you and your wife had fought and she had scratched you then left the house, but alive and you'd committed no crime against her, then why not tell police that truth as you'd have nothing to fear and it could help them find her? Also, if you'd had a fight then you wouldn't call police so soon after her being missing in the morning because you'd think she might have gone off to cool down. You'd search for her first, call her best friend or family, etc. If you called them early because you thought she might have harmed herself you'd tell them that, you'd say we had a fight and she could get depressed I'm worried. But no, he said all was fine.

The other thing, is if you lied to police 'in case' something bad had happened to her you might look guilty then the bits about calling police early still apply but also, once you got arrested for the murder if you were innocent the flood gates would open. You'd already look guilty, and now you know they think you are, so you'd be wanting to tell the truth because that would explain their evidence. You wouldn't wait for trial 2 years later to do it and you wouldn't maintain the lie that they are razor marks.

Do I think there is any reasonable explanation where they can be razor marks? No. Do I think there's an alternative reasonable explanation for why he'd lie about them for a reason other than that he killed her? No. Therefore I consider them evidence of guilt and my understanding if the judges instructions is that in thinking that then that counts as evidence against him.
The way I look at it is this re the lies...

If Gerard did not know his wife was dead when he called police that morning, which if he didn't kill her he'd have every reason to think she was still alive, then he would have no reason to lie about the scratches as they'd point to no crime other than a fight. If the truth was you and your wife had fought and she had scratched you then left the house, but alive and you'd committed no crime against her, then why not tell police that truth as you'd have nothing to fear and it could help them find her? Also, if you'd had a fight then you wouldn't call police so soon after her being missing in the morning because you'd think she might have gone off to cool down. You'd search for her first, call her best friend or family, etc. If you called them early because you thought she might have harmed herself you'd tell them that, you'd say we had a fight and she could get depressed I'm worried. But no, he said all was fine.

The other thing, is if you lied to police 'in case' something bad had happened to her you might look guilty then the bits about calling police early still apply but also, once you got arrested for the murder if you were innocent the flood gates would open. You'd already look guilty, and now you know they think you are, so you'd be wanting to tell the truth because that would explain their evidence. You wouldn't wait for trial 2 years later to do it and you wouldn't maintain the lie that they are razor marks.

Do I think there is any reasonable explanation where they can be razor marks? No. Do I think there's an alternative reasonable explanation for why he'd lie about them for a reason other than that he killed her? No. Therefore I consider them evidence of guilt and my understanding if the judges instructions is that in thinking that then that counts as evidence against him.

Makes sense to me! :)
supersmartstonecoldfox :) I'd love to know who the original poster of that was though...

No comment. I just wanted his picture to appear again lol.
Good grief :(

I think Olivia will be a howling mess if the verdict is guilty. I don't think she will cope and will need to be helped from the courtroom.

My opinion is he killed her in the bedroom, smothered her on the bed. Easy to get on top of her and hold down the pillow or cushion over her face. If she already had a cold and had some breathing difficulty due to that it would have made things even easier for him.

I try to believe that WWGY comrade, however to encompass all the leaves so deeply entwined in Allisons' hair must have meant the personal close encounter re fingernails happened on the upper back leaf strewn brick area not indoors babe.
Question for the fangirls :D
I am trying to remember in order of what Todd Fullers name given is on here... help.. I know its starts with Stonecold.... and there's a 'fox' in there somewhere.

You're not looking for "supersmartstonecoldfox" by chance?
Heh heh! He's all right eh?
supersmartstonecoldfox :) I'd love to know who the original poster of that was though...

supersmartstonecoldfox can just see it trending on twitter :floorlaugh:
Once you start digging beneath the surface of GBC’s story, the cracks quickly appear – there are so many contradictions. For me, TF really seemed to hone in on the contradictions today.

GBC himself said there was no reason his wife would disappear – everything was fine. GBC himself told the police he did not believe she would harm herself. Everything was normal. TF emphasised the normal routine theme today. There’s a huge contradiction – from everything is just fine to what the defence now claims happened.

But something happened. Things came to a head. But GBC was not telling. As TF said: What were GBC’s choices? When an ultimatum was given to him the first time, he made a choice – to stay with Allison. BUT he didn’t really make that choice, did he? He continued with TMcH. Now he was facing the consequences of his actions.

As TF noted, TMcH figured something had happened: her first question to GBC when he told her Allison was missing was “did you argue?”

It was also noted that GBC had deliberately withheld from Allison, the police, his family ... that he and TMcH were back together. And, he didn’t want to answer questions about the affair in the 15 minute question sessions as recommended by the counsellor because “he didn’t think it was beneficial to bring up the past”. WHAT? This wasn’t the past – it was the present, they were back together! Another example of that high-level deception TF referred to yesterday.

I also was reminded that GBC seemed fairly certain Allison went for a morning walk (though he’s hedged his bets on that, I know) but the defence claim requires her to have set out on that 13km walk at night.

I thought the way TF repeatedly used the phrase “You might think it highly unusual that [insert any one of GBC’s actions here] ” was very effective.

Just my :twocents:
Off Topic GO THE BLUES :loveyou:

Ha! I saw the blues in Roma Street when I left court around midday. I pretended that I had no idea who they were and I looked straight ahead.
Proud of you Snails....

Did the same yesterday when a group of blues "golden oldies" walked past in Roma Street - Brad Fittler, blocker Roach etc - they got the same treatment from me - I was not impressed :)
I have noticed the predominance of wearing something among the two BC women and other women who are with them sometimes. Does anyone know what this signifies, if anything?

They think they are royalty....purple is an old royal colour....or used for mourning....more recently used as a colour that strong woman wear...take your pick...I think either the first or second option.... could just be coincidence....but purple is one of the 2 primary 'scouting' colours (purple & green).

It's also the colour of the World Scout Emblem.
RSBM. Wow. He's saying G could be lying only because he knows the scratches would implicate him in the murder of his wife; not because he actually did it.

In that case, supposing they had a furious argument and A scratched him and stormed off into the night, why didn't he give that explanation right from the outset? Surely an innocent person would be saying "yes, my wife scratched my face in the heat of the moment, but I love her and you've got to help me find her."

IMO the lie about the scratches is clear evidence of guilt.

What does RSBM mean? I am still catching up.
Could we hear of company fraud or embezzlement etc after the sentence? All Brett Cowan's priors were kept from the the jury and media but were released later (unfortunately). I doubt GBC has priors like Cowan's but in relation to tax evasion or fraud I won't be surprised.
I have noticed the predominance of wearing something among the two BC women and other women who are with them sometimes. Does anyone know what this signifies, if anything?

It signifies that these people are blind and stupid to the baden-clay lines, or that they know what gbc did but will continue to pretend he didn't IMO
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