VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #16 *ARREST*

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That reminds me about the other assaults reports that morning. Did anyone provide a suspect description? Could it be? Just a coincidence all these neferous activities?
I only heard the description from one of the attacks and it was a white guy. No idea which incident that was. I wish I could remember where I read that....
Just thinking out loud...if one of my friends was lost and I knew she was drinking - I would probably head out to find her...But, like a PP said, that is through my older responsible eyes. If I was partying, I might not want to leave the party or maybe would've forgotten about the text until the next morning.
From reporter on Twitter:

Just talked to owner of Tempo in #Charlottesville. Was #HannahGraham in there the night she disappeared? "Anything is possible." @wusa9


So... I think the Tempo owner said previously that Hannah was not in Tempo, but should have included in that statement: "as far as I or my staff knows". Now there's a grey area, so I believe she was inside and drank that drink we know was bought at 1:10 a.m. jmo
But this is an interesting point people are making. Why did she leave the first party? It wasn't over yet, was it? It could have been something upset her there. With all she dealt with on her cross-town jag, I wouldn't be surprised if it was another creep.

(snipped) My thought is that she may have had a crush on someone and was looking for him at the bars, thinking he may be in one of them that night.
Idk, my 18 year old daughter isn't that naïve. Also she thinks any guy older than 25 is a creepy old dude!

Yeah, some kids are different. I personally wasn't like that, either. I didn't drink until I was 21. First kiss at 19, lol. But all my friends my age thought I completely full-on sucked. I didn't get along with kids my own age. Most of my friends were younger, and we had sort of "big sister, little sister" relationships. Now THEY'RE at the age where they're pulling all these stunts... Meanwhile I'm pulling my hair out =P
(snipped) My thought is that she may have had a crush on someone and was looking for him a the bars, thinking he may be in one of them that night.
I had that thought, too.
I'd have totally done that if I was 18 and had a little liquid courage.
Idk, my 18 year old daughter isn't that naïve. Also she thinks any guy older than 25 is a creepy old dude!

Yeah, some kids are different. I personally wasn't like that, either. I didn't drink until I was 21. First kiss at 19, lol. But all my friends my age thought I completely full-on sucked. I didn't get along with kids my own age. Most of my friends were younger, and we had sort of "big sister, little sister" relationships. Now THEY'RE at the age where they're pulling all these stunts... Meanwhile I'm pulling my hair out =P
I have posted this several times.

It is an excellent article that talks about the limitations of cell phone pings. It is not that easy or accurate always.

A quote from the article

The paradigm is the assumption that, when you make a call on your cell phone, it automatically routes to the nearest cell tower, and that by capturing those records police can determine where you made a call—and thus where you were—at a particular time. That, he explained, is not how the system works.

When you hit “send” on your cell phone, a complicated series of events takes place that is governed by algorithms and proprietary software, not just by the location of the cell tower. First, your cell phone sends out a radio-frequency signal to the towers within a radius of up to roughly twenty miles—or fewer, in urban areas—depending on the topography and atmospheric conditions. A regional switching center detects the signal and determines whether to accept the call. There are hundreds of such regional centers across the country.

The switching center determines the destination of your call and connects to the land lines that will take it to cell towers near the destination. Almost simultaneously, the software “decides” which of half a dozen towers in your area you’ll connect with. The selection is determined by load-management software that incorporates dozens of factors, including signal strength, atmospheric conditions, and maintenance schedules. The system is so fluid that you could sit at your desk, make five successive cell calls and connect to five different towers. During a conversation, your signal could be switched from one tower to the next; you’ll also be “handed off” to another tower if you travel outside your coverage area while you’re speaking. Designed for business and not tracking, call-detail records provide the kind of information that helps cell companies manage their networks, not track phones.
Thanks for reposting this. I was stunned at how far she traveled that night. Her apartment was so far away from where she ended up.

YW, also she did all that roaming and within approximately 1/2 hr. of running into that . She disappears!!!

Ted Williams Fox News said last week that the underpass (he was standing in it) that homeless folks use it, and might be the reason she was running in the Shell video. Sorry no link it was on TV

So freakin sad
I'm unclear as to the relevance of this?
My point , although not clear, I apologize, that just because someone is ACCUSED of rape, doesn't mean that they are a serial killer or serial rapist. JM was never charged so I can't make a judgement on his current actions because of the accusation.
I had that thought, too.
I'd have totally done that if I was 18 and had a little liquid courage.

If it was an older guy (legally able to drink at bars), she could have thought she might prove she's "not a little kid" by popping up in his watering hole.
(snipped) My thought is that she may have had a crush on someone and was looking for him at the bars, thinking he may be in one of them that night.

That's a pretty good struck college freshman........
I believe you are right. When I started dating after my divorce I think I went out w/ a predator type of guy and it was one of the most terrifying experiences of my entire life. We met at the restaurant and he made me uncomfortable from the start. Right after we were seated he started talking about sex and hooking up with me. I hadn't even placed my order yet! I said that I wasn't ready for that, and he kept talking about it, asking very personal questions. I said that we weren't compatible and that I was just going to go and he got mad. He started going on and on about how girls always play these games, and that he knew I wanted to "******ity ******," but that I just wanted to be a tease. He got louder to the point that men at tables nearby started getting out of their seats. He said he could just follow me home and hook up with me since he knew I was just playing games. I got so scared I ran right out of the dining room. Our food hadn't even arrived, that is how fast this "date" went downhill.

I went to the hostess podium to try to pay for my order and was in tears. The girl asked what was wrong and I said I had to go because this guy I was on a date with was scaring me and when I went to gesture to him, he was gone, and nobody saw him leave. I had no idea what he drove, if he had even left, etc. I was in a total panic, sobbing. Restaurant staff and other patrons were trying to see if they could see him hanging around the parking lot. I was certain he was waiting in the parking lot to follow me home. When I said I had no idea what to do because I couldn't risk him following me and didn't know where to go, the manager of the restaurant asked if it would be OK if he escorted me home. He had the hostess go with him so that I wouldn't be uncomfortable with the situation, Two other staff members followed in a car a few cars behind to keep an eye out for anyone following. When we went out to the parking lot as a group (at least 5 minutes after he left) he tore out of the lot with his headlights still off and went the opposite direction. Still, the manager and staff members followed me then walked me from my parking lot to my door to make sure I got home safely. I'll never forget their compassion and how kind they were to me to make sure I got home safely.

I slept with the lights on for 2 weeks after that.

Wow! I am so thankful that you had so many people around to help during this frightening situation. I'm glad you are okay!
Just don't see Hannah waiting outside for JM to go into Tempo for a few drinks. Hannah had been on a mission all night long. Now she's gonna wait for a stranger to finish a few drinks while she waits outside? Don't see it. Also, based on JM's aggressive behavior, he's not going to leave Hannah's side if he thought he had any chance with her.
Idk, my 18 year old daughter isn't that naïve. Also she thinks any guy older than 25 is a creepy old dude!

When I was 17 almost 18 I dated a guy that was 35 divorced with 5 children.
Yes, That happens with me often. Or a voicemail wil pop up that was sent a few days prior.

And sometimes, I type out a text and forget to hit send. Maybe once Hannah got into Tempo (stopping for the first time after all the walking she'd done), she had a chance to check her phone and realized she hadn't hit send on the text. And since the message was still valid (true she was lost), she hit send at that point, at 1:20 am which was 10 minutes after JM bought two drinks...
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