Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 7

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No words...........just loss of appetite.
I understand a parent supporting their child...but to believe and feed her delusions is just sad on so many levels. I can't even hate them...I feel they are participants in the ruin of their own lives. I don't expect them to hate her but I hate her for not loving them more. I would never allow my parents to do this.
Oh wow. So they love their daughter. Overturning her conviction? Yeah sure like that will ever happen. I thought better of them. Guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree. They are as deluded as she is.

Wow. Horrified. Of course they support her, she is their child. But for the love of God, she slaughtered a young man. Butchered him. They are looking for help for the wrong thing. God help them.
For me it was when she tried to outsmart Juan on the stand. She would not back down.

What scared and amazed and (not in a good way) impressed me the most during cross was how she so quickly came back with answers that did not (would not) concede that he was totally right or wrong. Example: If he asked her if this particular conversation happened on Monday she would say PART of it occurred on Monday. She always somehow managed to qualify her answer to make it seem that he was only partially right. She is scary in how she can do that. How can someone's brain work like that? How can you ever "win" a point (I hesitate to say win, but I can't think of any other way of putting it) or conversation when she so easily dismisses proof or reality. I can't imagine what her parents went through trying to raise her when she so easily does this. You know you are right, but she won the battle just through twisting it. I watched the cross examination this weekend and she does this constantly.
I didn't know this is her 1st DP case. I'm very worried that she'll give her LWP. She seems to be too much of a softy IMO. I hope I'm wrong.
The writing is on the wall for JSS that her decision to block public was just plain wrong. She just needs to reverse her decision and allow everyone back in the trial, and demand the trial continue.

If Nurmi and JA dont want to testify now, too bad. Thats on them.

If JA cannot find someone who is willing to stand up and defend her for mitigation purposes - well, I am sure there have been other convicted murderers who had to face that fact before as well.
To me, it's just like the 'moment' is too big for her. She's scared to exercise her authority, in her first DP case, for fear of appeals. And the DT have sensed that, and run amok in her court room since Day 1. I'm sorry - but I've watched many trials (as have many people here, obviously) - and judges usually instill a sense of authority & calm in me, a sense that they outrank everyone in their court room, and deservedly so. Judge Secret Stephens does none of that for me, IMO. I DON'T have faith in her. At all.

Exactly. And just like I have said on numerous occasions, she has caused a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. She has been so worried about appeals and giving the defense everything they want that she went too far and crossed a line.

She gave the defense way too much to where it has now become illegal to allow them to have what they asked for, and now her own actions can now become a possible real appeal.

She needs to quit worrying about appeals, and make proper decisions based on courtroom law, and the law will stand behind her.
Wow. Horrified. Of course they support her, she is their child. But for the love of God, she slaughtered a young man. Butchered him. They are looking for help for the wrong thing. God help them.
Maybe they feel responsible for her demise.
Oh wow. So they love their daughter. Overturning her conviction? Yeah sure like that will ever happen. I thought better of them. Guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree. They are as deluded as she is.

They'd be better off taking any money that comes in and putting it on Jodi's books at Perryville. That way she can buy a fan, some rammen noodles and a tuna packet every week.
Why do you think "justice for Travis" and "free trial for Arias" or so different?? She has BEEN CONVICTED. Let her present a mitigation case, but NOT in secret! This country allows for her to have the presumption of innocence....not the "right to a super secret, hidden trial conducted behind close doors so no one takes issue with any opinion expressed."
From WAT:

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 40s 41 seconds ago

#JodiArias Nurmi is the 1st one out.

Willmott sits at def desk w/Arias & Maria looking at pic of TA & JA at Grand Canyon.

Interesting. Why would that picture be looked at? Didn't the Freeman siblings go to the Grand Canyon with Travis and Jodi. Could one of them be the secret witness if not Jodi? Hmmmmmm
The writing is on the wall for JSS that her decision to block public was just plain wrong. She just needs to reverse her decision and allow everyone back in the trial, and demand the trial continue.

If Nurmi and JA dont want to testify now, too bad. Thats on them.

I'm no lawer, so IMO - JSS has effed up royally here. She's allowed her fear of the DT (and what they might do) to dictate *her* court room decisions, and she's lost control. Every single 'legal' social media person I follow - even those I consider to be distastefully pro-Arias - have said that JSS is wrong, in some way. I think she's frightened by the magnitude of the case she's judging, and it's showing.
I now wonder about Nurmi's comments in court today. Did he try and block the media for the same reasons back in Nov '13 and she said something like - we will cross that bridge when we come to it. So this is Nurm trying to force her hand? It seems this trick might have been up his sleeve if the heat got too warm at some point in time. If JA was indeed testifying on the stand . . . she could have done that at any point in time. Timing of this is really looking suspect. This won't go unnoticed by the jurors IMO
They'd be better off taking any money that comes in and putting it on Jodi's books at Perryville. That way she can buy a fan, some rammen noodles and a tuna packet every week.
And a tv, and crafting supplies if perryville is anything like McAlister they can get some pretty nice things on commisarry
To me, it's just like the 'moment' is too big for her. She's scared to exercise her authority, in her first DP case, for fear of appeals. And the DT have sensed that, and run amok in her court room since Day 1. I'm sorry - but I've watched many trials (as have many people here, obviously) - and judges usually instill a sense of authority & calm in me, a sense that they outrank everyone in their court room, and deservedly so. Judge Secret Stephens does none of that for me, IMO. I DON'T have faith in her. At all.

She's way too cautious and this is just the wrong case to practice on. Maybe she'll learn now that psychopaths need a firm NO, as long as they don't have easy access to knives and guns.
Apparently this was just a foolish decision on JSS's part. Fear of 'potential' threats, and 'choking on a chicken bone' becoming a credible death threat that has everybody hitting the panic button. It's like a bunch of 6 year olds. Jeez.
I hope this was JSS finally calling their bluff and getting the possibility of a mistrial due to this secret witness nonsense out of the way. It will be interesting to see how she handles things going forward.
Long time, no post. I avoided thinking about JA from the end of the trial until this penalty trial, including crime shows about the case. I'd had enough of her and don't mind keeping up through twitter and Beth's site. It's nice to not have to deal with her and her attorneys. As for this secret witness business, it never should have happened. There is no way that JA or her witnesses have to give super-secret testimony. Time for JSS to step up and stop this time-consuming clown show. moo, of course.
I understand a parent supporting their child...but to believe and feed her delusions is just sad on so many levels. I can't even hate them...I feel they are participants in the ruin of their own lives. I don't expect them to hate her but I hate her for not loving them more. I would never allow my parents to do this.

Exactly. At least hate what she did. Love her, but know that her justice was deserved.
What astounds me is she's already been convicted of first degree murder. WTF are we waiting for? Decide on her sentencing already and be done with it! Either she rots in a hole for the rest of her life or she rots in a hole with tons of appeals and then eventually dies either in prison or years and years from the DP.

This is a circus.
I'm truly concerned JSS would give CMJA lwp
She could. I will never put anything passed her. An end to the chaotic madness might be the best thing to do here.

Not sure how the Alexanders would react, though.
And I'll even bite here. A childhood friend of mine I knew for over 20 years pled guilty to 1st degree murder. His DT called me to ask if I'd be a mitigation witness. I said no and gave my reasons why. That was that. I was never subpoenaed, his Dt didn't cry foul that they couldn't provide mitigation witness that were too afraid to come forward. He was married,had a baby and was just 19 when the crime was committed and received LWOP. That's how cases are supposed to go
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