Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #2

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I've seen the mother on tv appealing for Mariah's return. Has the boyfriend made any appeal? Also I'm wondering if poly's have been given to mom and boyfriend, dad and girlfriend? TIA

I believe dad and his girlfriend offered to take poly's but it was stated that LE said it wasn't time for that yet or that their NOT at that point yet or something to that effect....don't know about the mom and her boyfriend....
I've seen the mother on tv appealing for Mariah's return. Has the boyfriend made any appeal? Also I'm wondering if poly's have been given to mom and boyfriend, dad and girlfriend? TIA
No word from boyfriend at all. Don't know about poly's for mom and bf.

Dad and his girlfriend have been cleared. I believe they said they offered to do poly's but were told it wasn't necessary in the interview they did on HLN last night.
Exactly and if they don't want to put themselves on display for the voyeuristic masses then who are we to question that. They will talk when they want too.

Innocent parents are front and center, regardless of what the public thinks. Innocent parents are getting their kid’s story out there, talking about their kid continually. This is a time tested fact. I cannot think of one innocent parent who wasn’t out at press conferences, at command posts, searching for their child. I also cannot think of any guilty parents who were front and center.
I’m wondering if one of the boys is somehow accident..... but brothers can rough play. So who knows. Did she have medication for her leg problems? Did she take too much? I think the explanation is right there in plain sight, but not yet uncovered

I haven't seen what the underlying cause of the leg weakness is but if she was born prematurely or there were birth complications it could be cerebral palsy, just guessing. If that is the case she could be prescribed baclophen (to help with tone) and valium (for muscle spasms) as well as botox injections. It's a pretty standard course of treatment.
Innocent parents are front and center, regardless of what the public thinks. Innocent parents are getting their kid’s story out there, talking about their kid continually. This is a time tested fact. I cannot think of one innocent parent who wasn’t out at press conferences, at command posts, searching for their child. I also cannot think of any guilty parents who were front and center.

What about Lisa Irwin's mom? Deorr Kunz's parents?
Question....can anyone confirm the last time the child was seen by someone other than the mom or BF? Were her boys with her at the time or where they with Dad? I wonder if they have talked to the boys yet?

I am wondering If tis little girl was "missing" much earlier than reported. This whole thing makes me sick. I think Mom and her BF are lying.
How do we know she didn’t contact him? Did she try calling 6am he may well have been sleeping still and missed a call

Is he lying? Is he not being truthful? No real truthful, factual facts about this case seem forthcoming from anyone right now. LE included! It’s a shambles

Per his interview on Nancy Grace he was at work, heard it on the radio, called parents to see if it were true and his daughter, called sheriff dept and they came and talked to him. There was thing about different numbers or phones I couldn't understand. Not sure if he was saying ex may not have had new number or what.
Innocent parents are front and center, regardless of what the public thinks. Innocent parents are getting their kid’s story out there, talking about their kid continually. This is a time tested fact. I cannot think of one innocent parent who wasn’t out at press conferences, at command posts, searching for their child. I also cannot think of any guilty parents who were front and center.

That is not true, there are lots of parents who inserted themselves into investigations, cried on camera and then were found guilty. [FONT=&quot]The parents of Shafilea Ahmed to name one for example.[/FONT]
There are people who have been found guilty of involvement who were in front of cameras. Shannon Matthews' mom (UK case) is the one that stands out for me, but there's a British-made documentary called "Crocodile Tears" about the subject of people giving interviews and how sometimes the innocent look guilty and how the guilty ones give themselves away in those interviews. Some of the guilty take those media interviews as an opportunity to proclaim their innocence, some of them just seem to like the attention. JMO.
Question....can anyone confirm the last time the child was seen by someone other than the mom or BF? Were her boys with her at the time or where they with Dad? I wonder if they have talked to the boys yet?

I am wondering If tis little girl was "missing" much earlier than reported. This whole thing makes me sick. I think Mom and her BF are lying.

We don't have that confirmation. LE are asking for anyone that had contact with the family on Sunday or Monday to contact them. The boys weren't with Dad. He hasn't seen them in about a year.
I haven't seen what the underlying cause of the leg weakness is but if she was born prematurely or there were birth complications it could be cerebral palsy, just guessing. If that is the case she could be prescribed baclophen (to help with tone) and valium (for muscle spasms) as well as botox injections. It's a pretty standard course of treatment.

CP is a good guess but I don't think that's it. Parents and LE are quick to say if a child has some dire medical need or is disabled in some way since no one mentioned it I doubt that is the issue. Come to think of it, did LE ever say the child had a walking problem or is that info coming from the family member who told the media that?
Innocent parents are front and center, regardless of what the public thinks. Innocent parents are getting their kid’s story out there, talking about their kid continually. This is a time tested fact. I cannot think of one innocent parent who wasn’t out at press conferences, at command posts, searching for their child. I also cannot think of any guilty parents who were front and center.

Delano Wilson's parents. Elaina Steinfurth's parents. There are more and it's sickening after they're charged and you go back and watch their lies and fake tears.
Per his interview on Nancy Grace he was at work, heard it on the radio, called parents to see if it were true and his daughter, called sheriff dept and they came and talked to him. There was thing about different numbers or phones I couldn't understand. Not sure if he was saying ex may not have had new number or what.

From the raw video interview, he stated he was at work, and heard the alert, he thought it just couldn't be his child, so called his s/o and asked her to look it up. She did, and confirmed it was his daughter.
Delano Wilson's parents. Elaina Steinfurth's parents. There are more and it's sickening after they're charged and you go back and watch their lies and fake tears.

Obviously someone who'll kill their own child has some major issues going on, but it takes a really sick individual to then repeatedly seek out cameras and lie about it. I think some of them really do thrive on the attention.
My questions are this

- Are LE even attempting to speak to her brothers? I feel for them as they are very much innocent and children themselves and maybe not the five year old but the ten year old at least could maybe try to explain the family living situation and if he seen anything unusual they day she went missing.

- I agree with dad it is very strange and odd that no one heard anything. And the fact that her pj's were removed and next to the bed is even more strange. I doubt an intruder or kidnapper would take the time to undress the girl and risk being caught before taking her out of the home it makes no sense. I think it def had to be some one little Mariah at least trusted otherwise she would have put up a fight or screamed and cried for help.

- The fact that the mom and bf borrowed a suit case for vacation is scary to me. Did the family actually go on vacation? If they did could that be where the mom and bf disposed of Mariah rather then around their area which would be expected to throw police further off and then returned home and made up the story of the abduction?

- I think dad is being sincere. I've seen cases sadly like this one too much where the child or children are placed with the parent they are worse off with and sadly in this case it could have cost this man his poor daughter (I'm trying to remain hopeful maybe she is alive).

I'm sure the things I mentioned police know about I just hope this baby gets justice.
My point was that it matters to LE, not us. We're not LE, we're amateur buffs.

ETA: LE knows the legit timeline and that's what's important.

There are a number of LE/former LE and attorneys here as members.
There are also members who have been here forever, followed a zillion cases and even went to court proceedings in person. I would not call everyone amateur buffs as WS has helped in cases before.
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