Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #13

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I personally don't think the foam would have been an obstruction to an open casket funeral. Morticians can work wonders, and that seems like something that could be cleaned up. I suspect she was actually shot in the face, and that's why open casket was out of the question. :(


I just realized I misread your post and missed the part about that knife. Sorry about that! It's probably time for me to go to bed! But yes your theory certainly is plausible.

If it was a 22 rifle, it sounds like there's little recoil, it's clean entry, but does a lot of damage behind the scenes. Could that mean a closed casket?
They scrambled up the sandy cliffs leaving a clear trail for LE to find once LE began looking for it. They beat their way 1 km into the bush and put the gun to work, leaving both dead.


This may sound silly...considering if it was a murder/suicide, that a gun would be the most likely weapon to be used; I can't imagine someone using a knife for that.

But...wouldn't the gun be completely soaked after being in the river? Would a wet gun still fire? Or are we thinking there was sufficient time for the gun to dry?
Yes, my understanding is in Canada, the firearms they would have had access to would have been more likely a rifle or a shotgun--hunting weapons--than handguns.

I can certainly see them using a .22, though as I said earlier, I am not sure it would account for the damage that has been implied to CD.

Whoever mentioned earlier that it would be too small for deer is correct. This is really Arkansas--and I apologize for the trip down Hillbilly Lane--but a .22 is what would be considered a "squirrel gun" around here.

However, as I mentioned earlier, a .22 caliber pistol was a favored weapon of one infamous Mafia hitman, so I think that general caliber would serve BS's and KM's purposes.


Hillbilly Lane, that cracked me up! So wait... you have a master's degree and live in rural Arkansas, is it really that hillbilly out there? Sorry off topic but just curious lol
This may sound silly...considering if it was a murder/suicide, that a gun would be the most likely weapon to be used; I can't imagine someone using a knife for that.

But...wouldn't the gun be completely soaked after being in the river? Would a wet gun still fire? Or are we thinking there was sufficient time for the gun to dry?
The gun would be dry because they traveled down the river in the boat, pulled to shore and got out before the rapids (with the dry gun), then pushed the boat back into the river to keep LE off their trail. The boat and the rest of their gear then went over the rapids without them in it, and washed up further downstream.
Hillbilly Lane, that cracked me up! So wait... you have a master's degree and live in rural Arkansas, is it really that hillbilly out there? Sorry off topic but just curious lol
Oh, I can't even begin to describe how redneck and hillbilly it can be here! LOL I don't mind, though. As they say, you can take the girl out of the hills, but you can't take the hills out of the girl! I came back for a reason. :)
Well, yes i've watched the video. My very first impression is that they were murdered, hence the RCMP back on the crime scene with metal detectors.

Just my very very very personal opinion!

ETA no murder/suicide... Murdered.

Wouldn't that be something?! LE did first state they were investigating homicides and that could be protocol and PR language but whoah, can you imagine if there was some vigilante justice with these two? Crazy plot twist!
Great question.

A poster here (@10ofRods) has a theory that Schmegelsky Sr. purchased a high powered air gun. It was pointed out that possession of such a gun violates the Criminal Code unless purchased by someone with a gun license, and that it is highly unlikely that Schmegelsky had one.

With that not working, next step was to suggest that Schmegelsky purchased it from an eBay vendor in the United States, even though that is illegal and it is highly unlikely that the gun would ever make it across the border.

For one thing, the package would be inspected by Canada Customs or its package delivery agent (Canada collects VAT on any package worth over CAN$20 before the package will be delivered), and on top of that the declaration would have to be falsified, with nobody bothering to check an incoming firearm in a country with strong gun control laws.

On top of that, guns imported to Canada are subject to duty on top of VAT, which in my personal experience, having done it with a fine Spanish shotgun via the US, is a rigamarole all by itself.

As you say, it makes a lot more sense that Schmegelsky purchased a perfectly legal lower powered gun in Port Alberni, but that doesn’t fit the theory.

Here’s Bryer with his Airsoft rifle that AS bought him for his 17th birthday. The article says, “The $600 weapon …”. I'm guessing that’s AUD because I haven’t seen any worth that amount here.


Dad of Lucas Fowler's alleged killer gave son rifle 'for play'
If it was a 22 rifle, it sounds like there's little recoil, it's clean entry, but does a lot of damage behind the scenes. Could that mean a closed casket?

No. That’s why a 22 cal isn’t legal for hunting larger animals. There is not enough wound damage created by bullet entry and exit (IF exit was to actually happen) and the animal could take days to die.
Oh, I can't even begin to describe how redneck and hillbilly it can be here! LOL I don't mind, though. As they say, you can take the girl out of the hills, but you can't take the hills out of the girl! I came back for a reason. :)

Gotcha! I grew up in the prairies. I'm a little bit cowgirl at heart, but then wanted big city. Did the city, now want to get away from the city and go back to some open land around less people! Funny how some of us go back to where wanted to get away from :)
That's a big assumption to say they left items on shore. They likely pushed the boat out onto the river to erase their trail and when it spilled on the rapids, the items were washed to shore. They probably never set foot where the boat and personal items were found.

That's where I'm at with this as well. It would make absolutely no sense for them to go back upriver. The only reasonable assumption is that the "personal items" came out of the river, having floated there on the currents.

I think one of the following is true:

- They decided to swim for it
- They fell in
- They tried to use a smashed boat and it sank.

No matter which of these happened, I think the result was the same: they crawled out of the river at the 8k mark minus most of their gear.

Or maybe they hiked down to the river at the 8k mark and threw their stuff in. It seems unlikely, but possible.

There's absolutely no way I believe they had a good functioning boat. Nobody reported one missing. It's highly unlikely.

Not only that, but I've been studying videos of the area. It is impossible to walk along much of the shoreline. Flat out impossible. It's too steep. You would fall in.
Wouldn't that be something?! LE did first state they were investigating homicides and that could be protocol and PR language but whoah, can you imagine if there was some vigilante justice with these two? Crazy plot twist!

If that happened I would literally be so done with this case that I would go live in the wilderness myself. Like, nope, this is too weird for even me, I'm out. I highly doubt it though. It sounds like they were in such a remote area that it would have been near impossible for anyone to come across them, for one thing. I think with the metal detector they may have been looking for their cell phones. My prediction is it's going to be that Kam helped Bryer commit suicide and then did so himself.
This may sound silly...considering if it was a murder/suicide, that a gun would be the most likely weapon to be used; I can't imagine someone using a knife for that.

But...wouldn't the gun be completely soaked after being in the river? Would a wet gun still fire? Or are we thinking there was sufficient time for the gun to dry?

RCMP are looking along the Sundance Creek, which connects the Rav4 with the Nelson River. If they took that route, what are the chances that a boat was sitting there? They are looking at the possibility that they walked until the river cliffs became so steep that they couldn't continue on the shore.





Sundance Creek
If that happened I would literally be so done with this case that I would go live in the wilderness myself. Like, nope, this is too weird for even me, I'm out. I highly doubt it though. It sounds like they were in such a remote area that it would have been near impossible for anyone to come across them, for one thing. I think with the metal detector they may have been looking for their cell phones. My prediction is it's going to be that Kam helped Bryer commit suicide and then did so himself.

I doubt it too realistically, too movie-ish lol. That would make sense for metal detectors to find cell phones. I'm really curious to know how much ammo they had and how much was left in the end. These two guys just seem so lost, not knowing which end is up in everything that happened.
Here’s Bryer with his Airsoft rifle that AS bought him for his 17th birthday. The article says, “The $600 weapon …”. I'm guessing that’s AUD because I haven’t seen any worth that amount here.

View attachment 197942

Dad of Lucas Fowler's alleged killer gave son rifle 'for play'

Ok so this is straight up disgusting. These people (replace the word "people" with a profanity I'm not allowed to say here) are already hounding this guy who is grieving and suffering from long standing mental illness. AND on top of that, they're also trying to convince him that it's his fault his son turned into a killer...because he bought him an airsoft rifle?! Are they TRYING to drive him to suicide at this point or what? I bet they would actually enjoy that if it happened, because it would give them more sensationalist news fodder.

Anyway, bedtime for me, goodnight all.
Wouldn't that be something?! LE did first state they were investigating homicides and that could be protocol and PR language but whoah, can you imagine if there was some vigilante justice with these two? Crazy plot twist!

Murder suicide also has to be investigated as a homicide, no third party necessary.
Did anyone else notice this pop up on the airsoft link.


We noticed your IP address is from Canada. If you're importing to Canada please keep in mind that airsofts gun shipping to Canada must shoot between 366 and 500 FPS with 0.20g BBs.

Unfortunately, airsoft guns that do not meet those specifications are not allowed in Canada.
No. That’s why a 22 cal isn’t legal for hunting larger animals. There is not enough wound damage created by bullet entry and exit (IF exit was to actually happen) and the animal could take days to die.

What about people?
If that happened I would literally be so done with this case that I would go live in the wilderness myself. Like, nope, this is too weird for even me, I'm out. I highly doubt it though. It sounds like they were in such a remote area that it would have been near impossible for anyone to come across them, for one thing. I think with the metal detector they may have been looking for their cell phones. My prediction is it's going to be that Kam helped Bryer commit suicide and then did so himself.

I'm torn on the suicide thing. BS is the one who was "experienced" with fire arms and possibly had the violent streak. KM seems headstrong, confident but also maybe had empathy for BS so possibly he was a softer/sensitive type. KM seems like he'd have a conscience more than BS (to me). Part of me thinks the opposite. BS was nervous socially but seemed comfortable causing discomfort. I have to wonder if he killed KM then himself. I see both sides on this one...
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