CA - Elizabeth Holmes (Theranos) Wire Fraud Thread *Guilty* #2

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I don't think that Cory Booker really knows her.
NY Times and L&C don't agree...

Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) has turned his criminal justice reform efforts to convicted fraudster Elizabeth Holmes, asking a federal judge to impose a “fair and just sentence” on the Theranos founder, whom he describes as a years-long “friend.” He wrote a 2- page letter to Judge.

She ought to be doing 13 years like Balwani or more. She made people believe that they had Cancer and Miscarriages because of her faulty results and lies. That's unforgivable. Hope she enjoys her last weekend of freedom and that she's going to Texas.
I get that EH is easy to hate but let's stick to the facts: jurors at trial for more than 4 months who saw and heard all the evidence convicted her on 4/11 charges and cleared EH on any patient-related charges. And not one of these alleged victims provided a victim impact statement or came to court to speak of their ordeal. Why is that?
I get that EH is easy to hate but let's stick to the facts: jurors at trial for more than 4 months who saw and heard all the evidence convicted her on 4/11 charges and cleared EH on any patient-related charges. And not one of these alleged victims provided a victim impact statement or came to court to speak of their ordeal. Why is that?
Part of that was due to errors on the part of the prosecution. At least one witness was set to testify until the judge prevented it.

U.S. District Judge Edward Davila gave Elizabeth Holmes’s defense a win on Wednesday when he granted her lawyers’ motion to prevent a patient from testifying about his blood-test results in the government’s case.

Prosecutors had planned to call a patient identified in court records as “B.B.” to testify as early as Thursday about questionable test results he received from Theranos in 2015 that “made him suspicious,” according to court records.

I think some other witnesses were excluded in pre-trial motions as well.

I know the prosecution put out requests for victim impact statements but by then ten years had passed and I wonder how many patients even realized that false test result they got at Walgreen's was related to Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes.

IMO, what really prevented Holmes from being convicted on the health-related charges was that the Theranos patient database was destroyed. If the prosecutors had the database they could have presented statistical evidence of the poor quality and high failure rate of the Theranos results.

Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) has turned his criminal justice reform efforts to convicted fraudster Elizabeth Holmes, asking a federal judge to impose a “fair and just sentence” on the Theranos founder, whom he describes as a years-long “friend.” He wrote a 2- page letter to Judge.
I like Cory Booker, but he should have seriously considered his life choices on this one and just sat it out. Also, bloody h*ll, is he implying to the judge that judge might have been considering a sentence that wasn't fair and just?

IMO, what really prevented Holmes from being convicted on the health-related charges was that the Theranos patient database was destroyed. If the prosecutors had the database they could have presented statistical evidence of the poor quality and high failure rate of the Theranos results.
Thanks for this information. I wasn't aware that the database had been destroyed...or somebody couldn't find the password?

Oh well, EH will have plenty of time to complete her studies in Mandarin or whatever she was up to when she started Theranos.
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I like Cory Booker, but he should have seriously considered his life choices on this one and just sat it out. Also, bloody h*ll, is he implying to the judge that judge might have been considering a sentence that wasn't fair and just?

Thanks for this information. I wasn't aware that the database had been destroyed...or somebody couldn't find the password?

Oh well, EH will have plenty of time to complete her studies in Mandarin or whatever she was up to when she started Theranos.
I am still intensely interested in learning what her actual transcripts from Stanford show.
As Elizabeth Holmes prepares to report to prison next week, the criminal case that laid bare the blood-testing scam at the heart of her Theranos startup is entering its final phase.

The 11-year sentence represents a comeuppance for the wide-eyed woman who broke through “tech bro” culture to become one of Silicon Valley’s most celebrated entrepreneurs, only to be exposed as a fraud. Along the way, Holmes became a symbol of the shameless hyperbole that often saturates startup culture.

Her motives are still somewhat mysterious, and some supporters say federal prosecutors targeted her unfairly in their zeal to bring down one of the most prominent practitioners of fake-it-til-you-make-it — the tech sector’s brand of self-promotion that sometimes veers into exaggeration and blatant lies to raise money.
Sen. Booker may know her personally, but it is offensive to the judge and to the jury that convicted her that she is innocent and her sentencing is not correct.

And it it even more egregious that he used his influence as a "friend" to try to sway the judge.

Just like the other 100 highly placed individuals who gave positive testimonials about her. They just all seem to be too dense to see the scam she was running. Maybe too much money got in the way.
The Youtube channel, White Collar Advice, has a lengthy video about Holmes' life in prison. Among other things, It delves into how long she will actually be in federal prison. They estimate 7.5 years:

1) There's the standard 15% good behavior reduction which could bring her sentence down to 9.5 years.

2) Then there's the First Step Act which passed in 2018. It benefits nonviolent inmates who complete recidivism abatement programs and maintain excellent conduct. This could further reduce it down to 8.5 years.

3) Finally, if all goes well, Holmes will go to a nice halfway house to serve her last year.

PS.. The video also mentions a chance that Holmes qualifies for a prison drug & alcohol reform program which would knock yet another year off her sentence. Hmmm.
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Sen. Booker may know her personally, but it is offensive to the judge and to the jury that convicted her that she is innocent and her sentencing is not correct.

And it it even more egregious that he used his influence as a "friend" to try to sway the judge.

Just like the other 100 highly placed individuals who gave positive testimonials about her. They just all seem to be too dense to see the scam she was running. Maybe too much money got in the way.

Woah! This is incorrect and grossly unfair to Senator Booker.

To be clear, in the linked MSM, nowhere did Booker question the jury verdict. And given letters are sent to the federal court prior to the Court announcing the sentence, he also never said the sentence by the judge was incorrect!

Facts matter!

In a two-page letter to the court, Booker was quoted as asking the federal judge to impose a "fair and just sentence."

Given the maximum sentence that EH faced under the law was 20 years, who's to say Booker doesn't think 11 years was "fair and just?"

More Facts:

Based on her offense level, Holmes' sentencing range was between 11 and 14 years behind bars.

(For context: The U.S. Probation Office recommended 9 years; Prosecutors asked the judge that Holmes be imprisoned for 15 years.

The maximum sentence under law was 20 years

Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) has turned his criminal justice reform efforts to convicted fraudster Elizabeth Holmes, asking a federal judge to impose a “fair and just sentence” on the Theranos founder, whom he describes as a years-long “friend.”
The Youtube channel, White Collar Advice, has a lengthy video about Holmes' life in prison. Among other things, It delves into how long she will actually be in federal prison. They estimate 7.5 years:

1) There's the standard 15% good behavior reduction which could bring her sentence down to 9.5 years.

2) Then there's the First Step Act which passed in 2018. It benefits nonviolent inmates who complete recidivism abatement programs and maintain excellent conduct. This could further reduce it down to 8.5 years.

3) Finally, if all goes well, Holmes will go to a nice halfway house to serve her last year.

PS.. The video also mentions a chance that Holmes qualifies for a prison drug & alcohol reform program which would knock yet another year off her sentence. Hmmm.

#4) On another YT, Bill Clinton is quoted saying he'd pardon EH.

And in the US political culture, it could still happen.

Who would have thought Illinois Gov Rod Blagojevich would be out on Executive Grant of Clemency in 2020 after serving only 8 years?
Inmates Await Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes: ‘I Want to Be Her Friend’ - WSJ

A copy of the bestselling book “Bad Blood,” which documents Theranos’s rise and fall, was spotted in Federal Prison Camp Bryan’s library earlier this year, an inmate who was released in March recalled.
“Some people are like ‘I want to be her friend,’” said Tasha Wade, a current inmate who was convicted last year of defrauding a former boss to take vacations and pay for cosmetic and dental procedures. “But other people are like, ‘I can’t believe that’s all she got for taking all that money,’” Wade said.

Inmates also said some guards took a special interest in higher-profile inmates. One, for instance, recalled a corrections officer joking with colleagues that she looked forward to ordering Holmes to scrub pans.
The prison’s tradition is that new inmates do a 90-day stint in the kitchen, the inmates said, noting that there are exceptions. The job pays 12 cents an hour and is considered one of the prison’s most grueling, said Lynn Espejo, a former inmate from Arkansas who was convicted of defrauding a physician’s office where she worked. Espejo, who now works in advocacy on behalf of other inmates, maintains her innocence.
Evans, their 22-month-old son and infant daughter would be able to visit Holmes every weekend—visiting hours are limited to weekends and holidays—the inmates said. The Bryan camp’s visiting room has a play area for children, and families can gather in an outdoor area near the facility’s entrance.

BOP policies say children under 10 can sit on their parents’ laps at Bryan, and women who breast-feed may do so in visitation areas, but any milk they pump between visits will be discarded. Photographers sometimes take family pictures in front of backdrops painted by other inmates—for instance, roses for Mother’s Day, inmates recalled.
#4) On another YT, Bill Clinton is quoted saying he'd pardon EH.

And in the US political culture, it could still happen.

Who would have thought Illinois Gov Rod Blagojevich would be out on Executive Grant of Clemency in 2020 after serving only 8 years?

Do you have a link to the youtube? I googled and couldn't find anything about Clinton saying this. I would think it would be fairly newsworthy. Are you sure it wasn't a deepfake?
"Cleaning pans in the kitchen for .12 an hour" considered the "most grueling work". New inmates get that job for first 90 days.

EH would do well to keep to herself and embrace the "most grueling" jobs. Life is going to change. And I don't feel sorry for her at all.
"Cleaning pans in the kitchen for .12 an hour" considered the "most grueling work". New inmates get that job for first 90 days.

EH would do well to keep to herself and embrace the "most grueling" jobs. Life is going to change. And I don't feel sorry for her at all.
Not do I. In fact, I hope she hates every second of it.

It’s going to be waaaay different from the cushy privileged life she’s had.
I like Cory Booker, but he should have seriously considered his life choices on this one and just sat it out. Also, bloody h*ll, is he implying to the judge that judge might have been considering a sentence that wasn't fair and just?

Thanks for this information. I wasn't aware that the database had been destroyed...or somebody couldn't find the password?

Oh well, EH will have plenty of time to complete her studies in Mandarin or whatever she was up to when she started Theranos.
Excellent points! Cory should have sat this one out for sure! It helps to have friends in high places though
I'm of the opinion that she is so deeply delusional, a prison sentence will have no meaningful impact on her. I think she will emerge from her sentence largely unchanged in terms of her basic personality and viewpoints. Given what she did over all the years with Theranos, and then showing no sign of acknowledging any wrong-doing, her prison sentence will just be, in her mind, an annoyance to be endured, while her children wait for her to get out. And then she will be off to a life of sunshine and rainbows.

All we can hope is that she doesn't find a way to harm others once she's out. It will be decades from now when the impact of having such a person for a mother will be fully known to her children. The public will probably never know about that unless something very dramatic happens.
I'm of the opinion that she is so deeply delusional, a prison sentence will have no meaningful impact on her. I think she will emerge from her sentence largely unchanged in terms of her basic personality and viewpoints. Given what she did over all the years with Theranos, and then showing no sign of acknowledging any wrong-doing, her prison sentence will just be, in her mind, an annoyance to be endured, while her children wait for her to get out. And then she will be off to a life of sunshine and rainbows.

All we can hope is that she doesn't find a way to harm others once she's out. It will be decades from now when the impact of having such a person for a mother will be fully known to her children. The public will probably never know about that unless something very dramatic happens.

You nailed her personality!
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