Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #17

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I think so as well. There are 3 people that have shown real and genuine grief, IMO. And that is Jim and Janet Bennett, and Savannah.
Everytime I even hear the others names, it makes me angry. Brooke was a beautiful sweet child that was let down and wound up dead because the people who were supposed to protect her from the evils of this world just simply failed her. There is no way around that.
Cassandra can say 'to hell with some people' all she wants. I do not need her permission to be angry with her for not being the mother she should have been. And I am angry beyond words at Denise. I do not see how that woman can even show her face in public.
I do not think it will bother either woman at all to show their faces! I don't believe that these two think they had any thing to do with this little girl being dead. This maybe the only way they can live with themselves. Most people with even a shread of common sence know what they contributed to this crime. Possibly more than we know! Am I gona be in trouble for bashing them? I forgot about the rules. SORRY!
I'm sorry but if I were Cassandra, Denise and AR would not have been at the funeral. I honestly do not believe that they know what we know, they have been busy with the funeral and all that goes with that, and the LE and FBI probably have not shared all off the information they have, it is still an ongoing investigation.
Anyone find that safe yet?

What is going on w/the moron who ditched it? Where is he?

Thanks...that's what I was wondering...if anyone found the safe yet.

Another thing I found eerie about the affadavits (misspelled I'm sure) Is when they were talking about the take down and tie up when he was asking J1 to if she could help he said something about a tazer and that he didn't want to do that right off because she would be getting more of that later...Tells me that they had planned to harm her if not kill her.


Hi everyone I'm a newby.
I do not think it will bother either woman at all to show their faces! I don't believe that these two think they had any thing to do with this little girl being dead. This maybe the only way they can live with themselves. Most people with even a shread of common sence know what they contributed to this crime. Possibly more than we know! Am I gona be in trouble for bashing them? I forgot about the rules. SORRY!

They are NOT the victims. They are scum. They caused this.
sorry for posting about yesterday today but I was waiting for my access dying to post and couldn't.

I also think that when they were talking about sending "dad" on a business trip, I don't think it was an actual business trip I think J1 meant a Breckenridge business trip.

again JMO
Agreed. And forgive me if this has been brought up already..but where was little C while all the hanky panky day escapades were going on? They were out of where was lil C?? AR was old enough to have been babysitting/watching her during the summer to save on daycare. Where the heck was she during each and every day of the summer??

I know this will not be popular but I was glad to see that Denise attended with little C. She did not intrude and sit with the family. The preacher appears to ask if its ok for C to speak before he calls her up. Little C cannot possibly comprehend what has happened, I think it was very very important for her to attend this funeral, she doesnt understand at this point that her mother allowed danger into her house etc. I am sure in little Cs mind she has lost her father, a cousin, and a sister, she doesnt need to feel she lost a mom right now also. I thought it was wonderful that Cassandra stood up and hugged little C after she spoke, this little girl didnt have a dang thing to do with what has happened and I am glad Cassandra realizes thats.
You could be right Ktaylor about the business trip. I also wonder who else went on that trip to NYC with Brooke and C?
Gagnon went to college in Maine, so maybe four states.

I'm still curious about what prompted Cassandra to leave Gagnon after only 4 or 5 years of marriage, when Brooke was eight and Savanna was what, 13?

Yes. That is one story I would like to hear. Like I said, Gagnon did not decide to get into child *advertiser censored* overnight. I would like to know what all went on in that house in Alabama, and just when did Jacques get to be such friends?

Correction. Possibly five states. Veromi shows an address for Gagnon in Blue Springs, Mississippi. He gets around, this guy.
I'm sorry but if I were Cassandra, Denise and AR would not have been at the funeral. I honestly do not believe that they know what we know, they have been busy with the funeral and all that goes with that, and the LE and FBI probably have not shared all off the information they have, it is still an ongoing investigation.

OMG I couldn't agree more!!! I would NOT wanted them either if that was my daughter!!!!!!

I too can't beleive Densie is showing her face, standing up at the funeral for all to see......

Do we know yet for sure if Dense knew that MJ was RSO & had been in prision?? I am also curious to know if Cassandra knew???
Exactly--they were there to protect AR I'm pretty sure.

Or to protect Denise? It is hard for me to believe AR attended that funeral. I could be wrong, as many times before, but I would almost be willing to bet that AR was somewhere else.
OMG I couldn't agree more!!! I would NOT wanted them either if that was my daughter!!!!!!

I too can't beleive Densie is showing her face, standing up at the funeral for all to see......

Do we know yet for sure if Dense knew that MJ was RSO & had been in prision?? I am also curious to know if Cassandra knew???

They ALL knew. Even bio dad who was LE.
It seems I remember reading somewhere that Thermadyne (MJ's employer) was quoted as saying that they were unaware of MJ's SO status.

Does that mean that Vermont DOC Probation department does not verify employment status when recommending an offender be released early from probation?

He started working for Thermadyne after he was released from probation early. He was working for a Thermadyne competitor when he was released early from probation.
Agreed. And forgive me if this has been brought up already..but where was little C while all the hanky panky day escapades were going on? They were out of where was lil C?? AR was old enough to have been babysitting/watching her during the summer to save on daycare. Where the heck was she during each and every day of the summer??

She could have been at day camp. A lot of little kids do that over the summer.
You could be right Ktaylor about the business trip. I also wonder who else went on that trip to NYC with Brooke and C?

hmmm I wonder that too.

Then I could go with my hairbrain theory and say that Breckenridge is real and they are setting MJ up for Brooke's murder but that's waaaaaaaaaaaay to far fetched.
Agreed. And forgive me if this has been brought up already..but where was little C while all the hanky panky day escapades were going on? They were out of where was lil C?? AR was old enough to have been babysitting/watching her during the summer to save on daycare. Where the heck was she during each and every day of the summer??

You make a great point about little C and Cassandra.

I too have been thinking the same thing, I also am curious if MJ had been sexually abuse her as well????
I too can't beleive Densie is showing her face, standing up at the funeral for all to see......

Do we know yet for sure if Dense knew that MJ was RSO & had been in prision?? I am also curious to know if Cassandra knew???
She had to know. She married him the minute he got out, if not while he was still in there.

Maybe Denise's coldness at the funeral was anger at being relegated to a seat away from the family?
Or to protect Denise? It is hard for me to believe AR attended that funeral. I could be wrong, as many times before, but I would almost be willing to bet that AR was somewhere else.

"About 50 family members occupied four rows in front of the casket. To the right of the casket sat Gov. Jim Douglas and several members of the Vermont State Police and FBI, who were out of uniform and in mourning clothes. To the left, well away from the rest of the family, sat Jacques' wife, Denise, and her daughters."

This is the link in case you missed it http://
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