Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #127

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I am new to posting here but have read for a long time. This is a truly wonderful place to be a part of. Anyway....I always go back to the car being left. To me that is the key to this puzzle. If she had really broken down and called her dad, the car would have been picked up instead of being towed. I am sure you guys have talked about this before, but this is the piece that really bothers me. Is it a fact that her purse and keys were left in the car????
This has been the largest irritant to me throughout this charade. NOT ONE of them have been out knocking on doors and scouring the lakes and parks they were known to have been.

To me that says volumes. They tell everyone else to get "off their butts" but they do absolutely NOTHING to search for that baby.

Is there ANYONE here who lost a child that would not be out searching day and night for that child? I know I can't be the only one who would leave no stone unturned if my child/grandchild were missing.

I have seen them sitting at a table and handing out leaflets. When Laci Peterson went missing, the entire town (and most of the county had flyers on every busienss and every pole in town. Thanks to volunteers who pounded the pavement. The point is that flyers don't get put out unless PEOPLE do it adn telling people to do what you don'd or won't do.

The difference, I have to assume is the behavior of the family.
Issn't it funny how Leonard (who also won't get off his azz, picks the largest city in the USA in which to place Caylee? I thought bounty hungers literally hunted people down. Anyone seen him get his ugly puss off TV to hunt at all? This entire cast of characters disgust me. Hopefully, if anyone finds Caylee, she'll be taken away from them forever.

The day he got out of jail Greta or NG (can't remember which) asked him that night if he had a chance to talk to CA. He said something along the lines of no, I had to get ready to come over here (meaning to be interviewed). That did not sit right with me and put me on guard ever since. I mean for nearly the entire week prior to her release it was Dun dun dun....BH to the rescue! And then he doesn't wtick around to see if she talks because he has a interview to do? WTF?
I agree.

I wish what he said was "we bailed Casey out as Baez led us to believe that she would co-operate in the search for her child and could not do so in prison....she has 3 days to start assisting in locating Caylee or we will be having her bond revoked".
I am new to posting here but have read for a long time. This is a truly wonderful place to be a part of. Anyway....I always go back to the car being left. To me that is the key to this puzzle. If she had really broken down and called her dad, the car would have been picked up instead of being towed. I am sure you guys have talked about this before, but this is the piece that really bothers me. Is it a fact that her purse and keys were left in the car????
IIRC it was Cindy who said her purse was on the front seat of the car.
How about just mailing it to them?

Eh, I think that would be less effective, I'm sure they have thousands of emails, calls, letters, ect like that. The skywriting would cause more public pressure, you can't delete it, hang up, or throw it away. Impossible to ignore.
Is it a fact that her purse and keys were left in the car????

First: Welcome!

The only person that I heard talk about the purse and keys being in the car was from Cindy. Media reported info about it from sources etc., but I never heard LE mention it during the press conferences.
One blogger group has come up with an inovative idea to put a little pressure on Casey Anthony to spill the beans about lil Caylee! You are going to start seeing cars everywhere with "Hey Casey where's Caylee" logos on their vehicles. It has already started, so be watching.
Not just in florida we have comfirmed people saying they are bearing said logo on their vehicles in Va, NC, Tennesse, and even Canada! Its spreading like crazy!!! Casey is the person that holds the keys to where this child is and what happened, lets all be a part of getting to that truth!!! I live in boynton beach and so far i have 10 people with signs in their back windows or wherever they want to put it.. i am making signs to bring to work and hand them out to people who want to do it too.. my other friend works at a mall and she is handing them out there.. she has 30 made so far...spread the word.i'm sure the media will know about this soon to ..
Love it! :clap:

But I think you should edit it & use a fake address.

I thought about it except the fact that the address is everywhere and the apartment is vacant. If mods have a problem I'd be happy to delete.
Eh, good point!

Eh, I think that would be less effective, I'm sure they have thousands of emails, calls, letters, ect like that. The skywriting would cause more public pressure, you can't delete it, hang up, or throw it away. Impossible to ignore.
Issn't it funny how Leonard (who also won't get off his azz, picks the largest city in the USA in which to place Caylee? I thought bounty hungers literally hunted people down. Anyone seen him get his ugly puss off TV to hunt at all? This entire cast of characters disgust me. Hopefully, if anyone finds Caylee, she'll be taken away from them forever.

If he's half as good at hunting missing children AS he is at hunting down the next interview... I think there's half a chance he could find Caylee.
First: Welcome!

The only person that I heard talk about the purse and keys being in the car was from Cindy. Media reported info about it from sources etc., but I never heard LE mention it during the press conferences.

Thank you for the welcome :) OT- How do you get anything done with this case going on? I have been stuck to the computer 4-ever:)
Padilla said: "5 days in which to bring her back or we're going to go out there and her find the child actively."

Isn't that what they are suppose to be doing? do these people actually think before they speak?

The question is.... do the Padillas want to walk away from this circus they joined & admit they were used OR are they happy with the publicity they are getting from being tied to this SICK, SICK game the Anthony family are all playing?

If they want to donate their money, time & expertise to helping find a missing child.... there are plenty of missing children whose parents ARE dying to find their babies. Parents who wouldn't dream of wasting precious moments telling lies.... they know every minute lost can be the difference between LIFE & DEATH.

Casey does NOT want Caylee to be found. Not now. Oh maybe in a couple of years, she'll have a sudden revelation & reveal where Caylee's body can be found..... she'll tell where the make-believe nanny buried her.... and her mother will be so grateful & in her debt for allowing her to give Caylee a proper burial. :furious:

I don't know why, but IMO I think that is what the 3 day thing is. It just seems to me that LP et al thought that they would have made more progress by now. But I don't think that they are willing to admit that they may have been used yet, if that is the case. (maybe in 3 days?) LP doesn't strike me as someone that would admit defeat easily...especially publicly. ...holding out hope that he is Sly As A Fox and will see this through to the end.....the TRUTH is out there somewhere.... All just my humble opinion.... CASEY..WHERE IS CAYLEE??!!
I am new to posting here but have read for a long time. This is a truly wonderful place to be a part of. Anyway....I always go back to the car being left. To me that is the key to this puzzle. If she had really broken down and called her dad, the car would have been picked up instead of being towed. I am sure you guys have talked about this before, but this is the piece that really bothers me. Is it a fact that her purse and keys were left in the car????
I believe she was hoping it would be stolen. I think she thought it had been stolen and that her "plan" was working. JMO
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