George's inconsistencies

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Sep 2, 2008
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"Taken a month ago, by a person by the name of Zany"

Wow I have read this set of documents several times and just realized in his police report George says this exact line!

Not her nanny Zeniada or her Nanny Zany or her nanny we all call Zany but a "PERSON BY THE NAME OF ZANY."

This is VERY telling, this sounds to me like he knows nothing of ANY nanny.

I don't think this has been mentioned before and maybe we need to start a George's inconsistancey thread?

BYW Cindy's police report does not even mention the Nanny or the Nanny's name or who took her just that she discovered finnaly after finding Casey that Caylee is missing.

I would think knowlege of a Nanny would be important news to provide officers at this time, they seem to have NO knowlege to offer just information given them by Casey.
GA is former LE. his whole statement is written very professionally. i think that is why he said it like that...

but it is still an interesting observation.
GA is former LE. his whole statement is written very professionally. i think that is why he said it like that...

but it is still an interesting observation.

14 years removed but yeah I thought that too but why not mention she was the nanny, his inner morals may have prevented him from documenting too much information beyond what he was informed of at that moment.

I like how he crossed off all the blanks lines, he CERTAINLY does not want anyone comming back at him for false information! and was protecting himself from anyone adding more information in the empty lines!
I think you may be on to something there!

I tested this on my 17 year old daughter, who's not absorbed with this case like I am. Without her knowing what I was referring to I simply asked, "If I said to you 'a person by the name of Joe' what would you know about this person?" She replied, "Joe is someone you don't know and really don't know anything about."

When I asked for more clarification, she used this as an example: When she started working she would tell us when Logan, her supervisor, had scheduled her to work. As we began to refer to Logan regarding her schedule, though we had not yet met him, we had a "familiarity" with him, if you will. I would speak to her as if I knew him (i.e. "Did Logan schedule you for Friday?"), and would speak to others as if I knew him (i.e. "Logan, her supervisor, scheduled her for Friday.").

On the other hand, tonight she got a bizarre voicemail which was a wrong number. She described the caller as, "'Some person named Holly' who was looking for tickets to Wicked for her mom." My daughter does not know a Holly and does not have any idea about tickets to Wicked.

All this to say, I think that statement definitely sounds like George is clueless about any nanny named Zany. Good catch!!
I think you may be on to something there!

I tested this on my 17 year old daughter, who's not absorbed with this case like I am. Without her knowing what I was referring to I simply asked, "If I said to you 'a person by the name of Joe' what would you know about this person?" She replied, "Joe is someone you don't know and really don't know anything about."

When I asked for more clarification, she used this as an example: When she started working she would tell us when Logan, her supervisor, had scheduled her to work. As we began to refer to Logan regarding her schedule, though we had not yet met him, we had a "familiarity" with him, if you will. I would speak to her as if I knew him (i.e. "Did Logan schedule you for Friday?"), and would speak to others as if I knew him (i.e. "Logan, her supervisor, scheduled her for Friday.").

On the other hand, tonight she got a bizarre voicemail which was a wrong number. She described the caller as, "'Some person named Holly' who was looking for tickets to Wicked for her mom." My daughter does not know a Holly and does not have any idea about tickets to Wicked.

All this to say, I think that statement definitely sounds like George is clueless about any nanny named Zany. Good catch!!

I don't think George ever heard of Zanny and I don't think Cindy did either. I believe Cindy is very gullible when it comes to Casey, and that Casey was able to convince Cindy she'd mentioned Zanny's name to her...."Remember Mom, Zanny -- she's the one with the puppy. Remember Caylee talking about playing with the puppy?"

Or at least that's what I did think, until Jesse said tonight that Casey started talking about Zanny back in November. (Or February)
I don't think George ever heard of Zanny and I don't think Cindy did either. I believe Cindy is very gullible when it comes to Casey, and that Casey was able to convince Cindy she'd mentioned Zanny's name to her...."Remember Mom, Zanny -- she's the one with the puppy. Remember Caylee talking about playing with the puppy?"

Or at least that's what I did think, until Jesse said tonight that Casey started talking about Zanny back in November. (Or February)

I am holding out for the Geraldo transcripts for that, I believe he meant when they became friends again which was I believe in June. I do'nt recall him saying November in relation to when they became friends again.
why don't you change the title of this thread to George's inconsistencies?
I am holding out for the Geraldo transcripts for that, I believe he meant when they became friends again which was I believe in June. I do'nt recall him saying November in relation to when they became friends again.
But, they may have been talking. I think we'll find an inconsistency there...but I may be wrong.
why don't you change the title of this thread to George's inconsistencies?

Done, thanks and thanks for merging my other thread, I don't have a clue why I did not just post it there myself. Must be late.
why don't you change the title of this thread to George's inconsistencies?
Great's your hand? Better, I hope.

PS- I guess the thread starter should be the thread changer, huh?
I am holding out for the Geraldo transcripts for that, I believe he meant when they became friends again which was I believe in June. I do'nt recall him saying November in relation to when they became friends again.

That is the way I took it too. I took it to mean when they met back again in June.
I re-watched the Geraldo Video and he did say november, but only the name Zany he never related or knew of any other name. But lets leave that on the Geraldo interview thread for now this one regards George... :)
Snipped for clarity of response.

I like how he crossed off all the blanks lines, he CERTAINLY does not want anyone comming back at him for false information! and was protecting himself from anyone adding more information in the empty lines!

Anybody in Corrections or LE will do this on a "formal" statement, it shows me that his LE experience is showing. I write reports like this all the time, and it's required that you cross off all unused lines, if you need to add to your statement afterwords you have to do an amended form and include a copy of the original. If he's been doing security work, I spoke with a friend of mine that owns a security company and he say's his guards do the same thing, it makes the statements more credible if they have to go to court.
I remember the first time I read the docs, I think George also said something to the effect of "I have not see my grandaughter or heard her voice since June 9th" Not a direct quote because I am not pulling it all out again to find it, but it was something like that. Not only, oc course, do we have the problems with the date, but I remember the first time I read it thinking how very specific George was being and how it seemed to me he had started covering his butt right fromthe beginning and knew something was up. If I really believed the nanny story, I wouldn't think to cover my butt because I wouldn't be worried about my own possible connection to the suspect. I think George knew the suspect was going to be his daughter because he didn't buy that story either.
Anybody in Corrections or LE will do this on a "formal" statement, it shows me that his LE experience is showing. I write reports like this all the time, and it's required that you cross off all unused lines, if you need to add to your statement afterwords you have to do an amended form and include a copy of the original. If he's been doing security work, I spoke with a friend of mine that owns a security company and he say's his guards do the same thing, it makes the statements more credible if they have to go to court.

Anything like this is considered legal documents... same as in nurse's notes in a hospital or nursing home.
I remember the first time I read the docs, I think George also said something to the effect of "I have not see my grandaughter or heard her voice since June 9th" Not a direct quote because I am not pulling it all out again to find it, but it was something like that. Not only, oc course, do we have the problems with the date, but I remember the first time I read it thinking how very specific George was being and how it seemed to me he had started covering his butt right fromthe beginning and knew something was up. If I really believed the nanny story, I wouldn't think to cover my butt because I wouldn't be worried about my own possible connection to the suspect. I think George knew the suspect was going to be his daughter because he didn't buy that story either.

Yes, and then he came up with the story that he saw Casey leave with Caylee at 12:50 on June 16th.
I have always been curious why ALL of them went with that June 9th date at the beginning and then only changed it once the video of Caylee with g-g/pa on Father's day was discovered. Strange!
And how about the story that some "people outside the normal scope of things" were watching the kidnappers and they knew they were being watched. How weird is that?
I would still like to know where GA was on the day Cindy reported to the police that her grand daughter was missing. He callled his son lee to check on his mother.

I have not heard of GA's whereabouts on that day, has anyone else ?.
I don't think George ever heard of Zanny and I don't think Cindy did either. I believe Cindy is very gullible when it comes to Casey, and that Casey was able to convince Cindy she'd mentioned Zanny's name to her...."Remember Mom, Zanny -- she's the one with the puppy. Remember Caylee talking about playing with the puppy?"

Or at least that's what I did think, until Jesse said tonight that Casey started talking about Zanny back in November. (Or February)

On that note, it's sort of interesting that during her third 911 call, CA can be heard crying and explaining to an unknown person that "Casey says Zanny took her a month ago....She finally admitted that Zanny took her a month ago."

To me, that sounds like CA was familiar with the name and was speaking to someone she also expected to be familiar with it.
On that note, it's sort of interesting that during her third 911 call, CA can be heard crying and explaining to an unknown person that "Casey says Zanny took her a month ago....She finally admitted Zanny took her a month ago."

To me, that sounds like CA was familiar with the name and was speaking to someone she also expected to be familiar with it.

I could have sworn she actually said "She finally admitted the babysitter stole her...I have to find her."
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