K&B Ask for custody order to be sealed

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Bond? Murder 1, no local family and a citizen of Canada? He's kidding, right?
RC are we sharing a brain tonight or what? :rolling:
It's been a "baited breath" wait to see what Judge Sasser had to say in this last order. Wonder if the motion will be honored. Seems there is fear over what they more likely than not already suspect is included in the order.
You better hope not - obviously mine is not functioning up to speed.:crazy:

Well I'm going to need a whole brain tomorrow so if you're not planning on using it for awhile...I'll get it to you later, k?
If Brad makes bond, Scott Heider will take him in. Maybe Heather Metour would reconsider Brad.

"Irreparable damage" to Brad's ability to have a fair trial? Ha ha. Brad has caused irreparable damage to Nancy, his children, the family on either side.

I think K&B are the tackiest lawyers I've ever seen around here. Prancing:genie::genie: you know whats:cat::cat:
I don't know, especially when one party is focusing on "Joe Sixpack" and "Joe the Plumber." Same constituents available for jury duty in this or any case, on average. Most juries are not made up of Ph.Ds. and Rhodes Scholars, just your average citizen, carefully selected by jury consultants and matching as close as possible to an optimal profile.

Sorry, guess my idealism was showing. I expect Joe the Plumber etc to be semi articulate and capable of reading a newspaper article geared toward the educational level of a fifth grader. :rolleyes:

Back OT: he sure seems like a major flight risk - surely that will be a factor when it comes to bond, won't it? Or would that just make them set it astronomically high?
K&B, if you're here, please note that it's a "media" world out there. You should know. Look at your website. Talk about websites. <snort>
I think there are a lot of people who don't want to take the time to read and learn and would rather be fed pablum. How many times have we observed news articles to be inaccurate just in this case? The problem isn't legal documents getting out--it's actually that the public only hears a tiny soundbite on the news or reads just a headline and then forms their opinion and makes up facts that don't exist. I would worry more about that if I were an attorney.

As for making bond, I imagine the judge will consider several factors including the charges, the risk, etc., etc.
Don't let him out!!

He might kill himself and then we will NEVER know!!!
I've said this before to folks I know - that information being made public won't have an impact on the jury pool.

Let me explain why....

I was seated in a wrongful death case a few years back. I was downright flabbergasted of what would be considered a jury of my peers. People trying to get out of jury duty but not smart enough to answer the leading questions of the judge to dismiss them:

Juror A - needed to be excused because he had a bad case of "whelps" and went to the ER. "Are you in pain now, sir?" he was asked. "No, your honor". "Do you have any follow up appointments set up for treatment?" "No, sir" (What the ER visit and birthing puppies ever had to do with one another I never did figure out) ;-)

Juror B - Had to be excused to go to the kindergarten "graduation ceremony" for their grandson. He's a difficult child and it's required that they be there.

Juror C - had a grandmother die recently. Was asked if they could be objective. Yes, no problem. Had they considered filing a malpractice claim? No, not really. Then - the next day rolls around and the light bulb went on and they said it would just be too painful and they might be filing suit against her Dr.

The list went on.

The jury will be the ultimate insult to Brad if it's anything like the folks I saw - because there's no way he'd consider them a jury of his peers. It's scary out there....
LOL Raleigh! I've never served on a jury but I've heard stories of what can walk through the door.

The jury will be the ultimate insult to Brad if it's anything like the folks I saw - because there's no way he'd consider them a jury of his peers.

Yes, you nailed it.
LOL Raleigh! I've never served on a jury but I've heard stories of what can walk through the door.

Yes, you nailed it.

I've been on three (well, an alternate on one of them). What does that say about me?
LOL Raleigh! I've never served on a jury but I've heard stories of what can walk through the door.

Yes, you nailed it.

I've served on one. I was jury foreman on a theft case when I was in college. The evidence presented by the prosecution didn't make sense with what they were accusing him of. Our first vote was pretty much an even split. We found him not guilty.
I've been on three (well, an alternate on one of them). What does that say about me?

That you and others like you are exceptions rather than the norm!

The jury will be the ultimate insult to Brad if it's anything like the folks I saw - because there's no way he'd consider them a jury of his peers. It's scary out there....
Very true. Sad and a bit ironic, but true.

I think there are a lot of people who don't want to take the time to read and learn and would rather be fed pablum.

The problem isn't legal documents getting out--it's actually that the public only hears a tiny soundbite on the news or reads just a headline and then forms their opinion and makes up facts that don't exist. I would worry more about that if I were an attorney.

I do agree that as a society we're used to being spoon fed by educators, gvt, media, etc and that many never step beyond this or question / research things to find out the facts and make informed decisions. Hopefully that's due more to busy schedules and lifestyles than anything else.

Regardless it can be an advantage when it comes to trials and finding jurors - even from the local community. People can be marginally aware of something that's going on from hearing blips on tv or skimming the newspaper but haven't followed things closely enough to be prejudiced about the case. Meaning in theory I believe it's possible for BC to get a fair trial locally - and if not right there at least in an adjacent county. At the rate they're going though I'm sure K&B will try for a COV.

And I'm very interested in seeing if the custody orders will be sealed and wonder what (if anything) might be there that's making them request it. I still believe it would have been in his best interests to have reached an agreement and put the hearing off until there was some sort of resolution with the criminal case...

But anyway SG I'm not and wasn't disagreeing with you -- I was just suffering from a lapse in judgement by (more than likely) giving the general population a bit more credit in the smarts department ;)
I've served on one. I was jury foreman on a theft case when I was in college. The evidence presented by the prosecution didn't make sense with what they were accusing him of. Our first vote was pretty much an even split...

Re-iterating that I hope someone like ncsu95 (or at least with the same thought-process) ends up on the BC jury..... :)
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