FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #2

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I am so sad for this child. What she has been going through the last 3 days...

IF she has been alive for 3 days. :cry:

Unfortunately if this was a stranger abduction she was not likely alive within hours. The only other scenario that makes sense to me would be an accident under the GF watch. All the parents/grandparents are accounted for, so a parental abduction is out.
I note that Haleigh's father and his girlfriend, both immediately took a polygraph. Here we are with the Anthony's, almost seven months later and they haven't taken one...............

hi, if NG is reporting that, this info may be incorrect unless the sherriff on tv has confirmed it - all news statements I read, the LE stated polygraphs have been offered to many involved and LE has no comments whether the polygraph tests have been taken or refused.
there are many types of them... If I were LE I would also be looking closely at employees of her school where she attended as well... another place that she could possibly have been targeted by a monster..

Ditto!!! I would too!!
Exactly! This one does sound like a legitimate abduction especially with the 44 RSO living w/in 5 mi. of the house.

They need to castrate these creatures if they are going to release them.

On Nancy Grace they said that the G/F's lie detector results haven't been made public yet. Just the B/F.
Exactly! This one does sound like a legitimate abduction especially with the 44 RSO living w/in 5 mi. of the house.
That is unbelievable to me... 44 registered sex offenders!!! Good Lord!
Doesn't sound hopeful just knowing that bit of news!
TES has been asked to help search. The TES search will begin Friday morning at 8 am. It's going to be a rough search, in some remote areas. There may be more info at the TES Website - just wanted to pass this info along to all of you.

Yikes! Why are they waiting until Friday??? Time is of essence!!!
Unfortunately if this was a stranger abduction she was not likely alive within hours. The only other scenario that makes sense to me would be an accident under the GF watch. All the parents/grandparents are accounted for, so a parental abduction is out.

I agree with you redhead....these are the two scenarios to focus on. So, search for a body or conduct some "persuasive" interviews. Thinking that she may still be alive and with a stranger....ugh, can't go there...
I know the Dad said that the GF had passed a poly, but I would like NG to straight out ask the Sheriff if she has!
Unfortunately if this was a stranger abduction she was not likely alive within hours. The only other scenario that makes sense to me would be an accident under the GF watch. All the parents/grandparents are accounted for, so a parental abduction is out.

Those are exactly my 2 scenarios, impatient. Accident coverup or abduction and probably deceased.
Hypothetical time line:

Dad picks up Haleigh from the bus stop and takes her home

Dad goes to work

Gf is at home with the kids and puts them down at 2000

Gf saw her sleeping at ten

Gf gets up at 0300 to use the restroom, notices door ajar and Haleigh is gone

Gf calls Dad just as he is getting home at 0337... just as he is pulling in the driveway

Gf tells Dad that the door is open and his daughter is gone

Gf calls 911 with Dad ranting in background. Phone is hung up

911 calls Gf back again. Gf does not know exact weight or height of child. Phone is hung up again.

feel free to add or subtract to this... I figured it would help to get a timeline going
Ditto!!! I would too!!

I think he said that the back door was always locked. He had only opened it 2 times to empty a vaccuum and something else. If it was locked and they hadn't lived there long, I wonder if a prior tenant or one of their friends still has a key. Someone had to be able to unlock the door.
On Nancy Grace they said that the G/F's lie detector results haven't been made public yet. Just the B/F.

Yup... so my hinky meter earlier wasn't lying.

Am very glad the dad passed. I can't imagine what he's going through.
Sorry, Leila, but Melinda Duckett's apt. was in a one-story building. ;)

Was it really? I remember seeing pictures of the window taken from a parking lot and it seemed high up on the side of the building. Of course, it's been a couple of years. I remember NG questioning Melinda and then her suicide.........IIRC, the next day. I think that's one reason why NG has been somewhat soft on the Anthony family.
I heard a little yappy dog during one of the interviews NG showed. wonder if they have a dog?
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