WESH: Duct Tape Info in the Document Release

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Originally Posted by LaLaw2000 View Post
I am not a senior poster on the psychological thread, radio, but I don't know that Casey will do fine in prison. She is probably propped up against her pillow...

Then she starts to anticipate Baez' visit. She will try some new hairstyles, clean up a bit, and get her nice mattress pressed pants out from under the mattress to don. (yes, an inmates iron is folding clothing 'just so' under the mattress)

Just before she goes to sleep, she thinks, "This is really not so bad..........."

Now I really do not think that she will do fine in prison because that will be her first big dose of reality. SHE will be truly frightened for the first time in her life because she knows there are inmates there who would love to kill her and make a name for themselves. AND she may lose her temper with the wrong inmate and she will either be killed or at least spend time in solitary confinement. Casey will get the attention she craves with some adoring inmates because of her celebrity status, but she will also attract those that will hate her. She will long for the good old days when she was in the county jail and had loving attention from her lawyer and her own private bedroom. (cell)

I just do not think Ms. Casey will do well in prison at all. I am also confident that even if there are no recoverable prints on that duct tape, there will be enough evidence to convict her in the totality of all of the evidence.

Also, there are inmates there who would give anything to see their babies...Where she is going most of the women on death row are in for murdering an ex, etc...I do not think there are many there for murdering their own child. These are the women who are going to take apart KC limb from limb and possibly do a Dahmer on her.

Makes you wonder, if she had been in general population from the beginning then maybe she would have been scared and frightened enough to make a plea???
Oh, also, I'll look up the caselaw to back this up - but there are two different kind of warrants. One, looking for specific items - like Marina2 said above, if you are looking for a fridge you shouldn't be looking in a sock drawer. But another type of warrant is for if LE reasonably believes a crime was committed in a place, they can look in that whole place for evidence that would prove/disprove the crime occurred.

The first type is usually meant to be against a person - we believe you stole a fridge, so we're going to look for a fridge. The second type against an area - we believe a murder occurred here, so we are going to look for evidence of a murder.

I never know if I make things more confusing than they were originally, so sorry if my explanations are unclear- my mind is a little wacky haha.
No, this is good. It sounds like they have a Type 2 search- if there is such a term... because they don't know exactly where the murder occurred.
Not lame, but I must warn you, prolonged attempts at mucking about through that cesspool/mind may cause the following:

derrrrrr :crosseyed:

advanced narcissism :gift:

advanced delusions :star::cool2:

bloating :puffy:

speaking only because you love the sound of your own voice :talker:

adding 'sss' sounds where none should appear :snake:

advanced flirting :smoochiesmilie:

inappropriate behavior :highfive:

lying to law enforcement:idea:

tripping down hallways where you do not work :loser:

You missed :behindbar

I still think LE has a knife from the car (or one similar to it since Cindy says she washed it) if it was part of a dinner set it probably doesn't much matter if she gave them the knife if it had been dumped in her silverware drawer.

And a second knife found with Caylee's remains.

It's really confusing though, even with the docs. Sometimes it looks like we're reading about point A, only to discover we have gone through point B and C and now we're on point D. Or worse we thought we were on point C only to wind up back at point A without any reference to moving. KWIM?

Bold: WRONG!
Makes you wonder, if she had been in general population from the beginning then maybe she would have been scared and frightened enough to make a plea???

In Florida, can one plead 'no contest' and admit to nothing? Or does a plea come with a confession in front of the judge in court?
Can not believe i'm gonna do this to myself....:)

One knife
Blue handle

back to doc dump...quick duck for cover...
No, this is good. It sounds like they have a Type 2 search- if there is such a term... because they don't know exactly where the murder occurred.

But they have enough direct physical evidence to tie at least part of the crime to the A's house. The items found on or near Caylee's body. bedding, trash bags etc. This would mean they have more then enough to get what you describe as a type 2 warrant.
I remember LA's "notebook" he was keeping with his own investigative notes. Wonder if that is what they were after. JMHO

This thought crossed my mind as well, and right now, I am seriously medicated so my mind is cloudy: I believe LA had moved back in by this time, correct?

And as to taking things not on the warrant, they can take items "connected" in plain sight and/or call for addendum's if needed. No addendum's appear to have been made, so I would think the language in the warrant and the "connection" permission would cover items not specifically named.
The 500 pages to be released include investigators' reports from the scene where Caylee's remains were found, the lists of all the property taken from the Anthonys' home and FBI reports on the evidence. They've been characterized as "bombshell" reports.

Detectives are still investigating whether there are discernible fingerprints on the duct tape that was stretched across Caylee's mouth by the killer. There is no answer to that question at this point.

The above is from wftv. Sounds like the duct tape evidence isn't back yet so its a moot point. The bombshell must be evidence from the house. Same heart stickers found, same type of bedding etc etc. The duct tape is still to come.... Don't know where blink got her info. Maybe there is a preliminary match someone is telling her about. Maybe LP is her source. lol
Pardon my ignorance, but what does "discernible fingerprints" mean?
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