2009.05.01 Document Release: "FBI FORENSIC REPORT" ONLY!

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I'm not at all shocked that they didn't find matching soil on her shoes. IIRC the shoes weren't taken into evidence until Dec so KC had plenty of time when she was on bail to either wash them or throw them out. She may be stupid but being the CSI fanatic she was, I'm sure she was smart enough to destroy any bit of evidence that would link her to the crime scene when she was home.

Yep! We are not sure that LE got all the shoes.

My theory is that the nasty ones were tossed.
I'm more interested in what was not tested for: Benadryl (diphenhydramine), Oxycodone or any other codeine-like drugs, and opiates. Dextromethorphan. Why not? Not enough sample? Any of those could have been used to tranquilize Caylee.

Diphenhydramine is the most widely used kid tranq.
I am concerned about the latest document dump and this forensic report. Yes, I believe Casey did get rid of Caylee, but can it be proved that she murdered her? So far with the evidence that I have seen, there is no physical evidence to link Casey to the actual murder. Partying, not knowing where Caylee was, and all sorts of evidence show neglect and that she didn't care wher Caylee was, but where is the evidence that Caylee was chloroformed, where is the evidence that she was placed in the trash bags by Casey, where is the evidence that she actually went through with killing her. Poor parenting doesn't equate to murder, and I was hoping to see actual linkage. Believe me, I do believe she did this, but to prove it is another story. The lack of evidence of a nanny won't prove that KC did this, it will just prove that she is a liar. What evidence do you believe will prove that she murdered Caylee?

There is that problem with human decomp-- with Caylee's DNA, in the trunk. And, there's the hair with the death band. AND, the two different dogs from two different counties hitting on the car.

On top of KC's hiding Caylee's demise/missing status for 31 days.

Plus the fictitious nanny. And, the fact that KC cannot produce ANY evidence of contact with said nanny, over the years during which she was supposed to be minding Caylee. No texts, phone calls, letter, photos, email-- nada. No one-- not family nor friends, has ever seen the egregious Zanny, either.

AND, the different stories re: how Zanny managed to kidnap Caylee. And, the "script" that Zanny gave KC, but that she could not produce.
This page: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendId=389838213 shows that it was updated or created on June 16, 08. The Sun sign is listed as Pisces, Casey's birth sign, with location listed as Miami. Now, Casey said her birthday was in September. There were conviently a group of comments on Casey's myspace during the time in question, deleted. If someone had taken Caylee, accessed her myspace to send and delete messages at will (not that hard to do) that person might also create this myspace with Dora as an additional message to Casey that he/she means business and she'd better follow instructions if she wants her daughter back safely. No one would be dumb enough to set this up to cover her tracks then put her own birth month and Caylee's favorite character as the pic.

On topic, the more discovery that is released the weaker this case becomes. The forensics clearly show no direct link between Casey and the murder and shows only the possibility that there was a HUMAN decomp event in the trunk of her car. I really still wonder where the entomology is. If it shows nothing, and/or they aren't going to use it then they don't have to hand it over through discovery. If it does, I don't believe they have the legal right to withhold it. Once the testing is done there is no further testing or investigation into those critters to do.

I'd also like to point out in the recent interview of Baez he didn't call the air sample tests "junk science" He and others agree that this is a very new area they are delving into and it must be tested and proven to be strong enough to use in a court of law. Keep in mind they still can't use field alcohol testing in the courtroom, only to give cause to arrest, take them in and use a better piece of equipment.

No. The chemical were positively identified as being characteristic of human decomp, and several other mammals were ruled out.

The report was not tenuous, AE.

And, the baby's decomposed DNA is NOT a new science. Nor is the death band in the hair. Both are established science.

So, do you suppose that KC did not notice that there was a corpse in her trunk for days?
So this leads me to think of two possibilities here:

1: They know she didn't murder her in cold blood but can't prove anything thing else either so they put the DP back on to assure her aquittal of murder in the 1st degree.

2: The are more interested in the conviction than in seeing justice served and hope, beyond hope that the DP will scare her into giving them what they can't get any other way, an easy win on a lesser charge. That is often the case. They make the person feel like they are playing Russian roulette with the bullet in the chamber somewhere and they have no choice, whether guilty or innocent.

3. They have additional evidence of guilt that we haven't seen yet (additional to the DNA in KC's trunk).
No. The chemical were positively identified as being characteristic of human decomp, and several other mammals were ruled out.

The report was not tenuous, AE.

And, the baby's decomposed DNA is NOT a new science. Nor is the death band in the hair. Both are established science.

So, do you suppose that KC did not notice that there was a corpse in her trunk for days?

Question, If they have the decomp fluids, in the trunk, can they ascertain they are th same DNA as Caylee's?
The 31 days is significant, but so far I haven't seen the reports that would seal the deal. Evidence of decomposition - did I miss a report that showed chemical composition of Caylee's body? Dog's hit in the backyard - what links it in the backyard to Caysey? I agree that the ZFG excuse is ridiculous, but the SA has to prove murder. I was hoping in the report there would be chloroform found, or drugs issued, or a fingerprint linking where Caylee was found to Casey, or dirt on a shoe, or dna some more science that would firm LE's theory. Believe me...I agree with you. Was just hoping for more.

Dogs hit on KC's trunk. Yes, Caylee's dead DNA was found, therin. And, Caylee's hair with the death band.

Just those THREE facts are extremely compelling, alone. To say nothing of the REST of the evidence.
It's all circumstantial at this point... but it's still compelling. These homicide investigators and ADAs are pretty darned smart and they'll figure a way around it. If Casey wore gloves and threw the shoes away - which anyone who has even watched a couple of episodes of CSI would know to do - they'll manage to show that somehow through a daisy chain of events.

It's a bad idea to become too dependent on scientific evidence. In the past, prosecutors proved murders all the time without it. "Proof" comes in many forms.

Anyone with a reasonable brain can figure out how to avoid leaving scientific evidence around.


Most criminals are convicted on circumstantial evidence.
The problem with the scarcity of tangible evidence is that the defendent in this case is a lazy, not exceptionally bright girl who apparently never thinks more than 10 minutes in advance. I don't believe for one minute that KC meticulously planned her daughter's murder and disposal in advance. This has all the hallmarks of an impulsive action. So while I do believe that it defies logic that the bags and the duct tape came from somewhere else besides the Anthony home, nothing so far ties KC and only KC to the evidence.

I think that when a DA asks a jury for the death of a young woman, they should be held to the highest standards possible. The evidence should be specific in terms of the defendent's guilt. Personally, I do not believe a death penalty case should be based upon circumstantial evidence only. That said, we do not know if the state has other forensics that are positive...such as her prints or DNA on any of the items found with the baby's body. I still cannot believe that a fingerprint was not found on duct tape, particularly where the tape was adhered to hair. This is mindboggling.

Then, for what reason was she driving around with the body of her child in the trunk, for days? And, making excuses for the smell?
As far as murder, eyewittnesses and strangers go, you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of this one...WORST evidence there is most of the time.

A good cirumstantial case is a much better way to go than a stranger's observation. In a store robbery that I know locally, there were three witnesses. Each one gave an entirely different description of the perp. Each gave a different race, weight and height. Funny,how people always seem to want a witness to prove a crime and often they are wrong on what they saw. Most people are not trained observers, to say the least, and during a crime the emotions overide the reality

Exactly. Which is WHY most criminals are prosecuted on circumstantial.

My Dad (a lawyer) once told me a story. A stadium contained a few hundred professional insurance investigators. They watched a staged accident.

There wasn't even consensus re: the color of the car. And, these people were trained observers.
I forgot to mention process of elimation. KC admits she left the home with Caylee. She admits that she was the last person from the household who was in Caylee's presence. So KC herself has ruled out any other members of the A household.

There is also KC's accusation of abduction by a non-existent person, from two different scenarios and venues.
Respectifully snipped

I thought this was very, very odd especially since GA attempted suicide not long after the search on Dec. 20. by ODing on his blood pressure medicine IIRC. At least that's what I remember being reported although I could be mistaken so I'll look for a link. I wonder if George already had his meds in his car?

Sorry if I sounded harsh before - comes out wrong sometimes.

With all the talk about the gun which was confiscated, I forgot all about that. He would have had access to the "right" drugs if he had really wanted to do it - further evidence imo that his actions were a ploy to garner sympathy. I don't wish that the outcome had been successful but the whole attempt thing makes me distrust him even more than I did in the first place.
Brini - I'm hoping you're still on when I'm done typing this post. I just remembered something from my first "sit-in" autopsy...If somebody has a bodily infection or virus, and they die while having said virus, decomposition would speed up...making it appear as if the person was deceased for a longer period of time. If Caylee was sick when she died, her skin might not have hardened as quickly, considering the fact that she really could have been sick and the infection could have continued it's festering within her tiny body. What about if Casey actually buried Caylee in the back yard, then dug her up and placed her in the trunk...maybe she actually wasn't in the trunk for 2 days as previously suspected, but maybe her infection seeped and made it look that way - kind of like a pot boiling over with pent up steam which needs to evaporate. Maybe that's how the decomp got in the car? Sorry for the off the wall post, but I just remembered I learned this and I'm wondering if it really could have been the case. If so, I'm wondering if it could change the timeline at all? Infection can speed up decomp, and the Florida heat can compound that even farther. If this is the case - I wonder if anybody else from the Anthony's or Casey's group of friends is hiding something else... Hmmm. This is something we didn't even think of. You're a nurse, waddaya think? Their timeline has been bothering me for such a long time, now I can finally put my finger on why it's been bothering me. If Caylee was sick with a virus/ flu, and if Casey gave her Benadryl or Dimatap for whatever reason (or anything else like it), then the sugars in those OTC's would attract flies even more so than a usual corpse. Having said this, what about if the Duct Tape was placed over little Caylee's mouth/nose area after Casey saw bugs? Maybe the larvae made her sick to think about or something...maybe that's the reason for the kiss with a heart sticker? Just thinkin'...but...if this is the case, how does it affect either side from a legal aspect? Hmmm...
ok, here we go just FYI Klonopin is usually prescribe with paxil as an anti-anxiety. this is a very common prescription drug. Propoxyphene-n is a very low level pain killer, primarily used for sprain ankles, hairline factures... As far as prescription refills that depends on the independent states according to their drug laws. The feds (DEA) have restrictions also. The 30 days issue deals primarily under your insurance policy, I dont know of any state law that state 30 days fill only ..... Yes the current date it was filled will be on there.. Just to set the record straight....

O'kay. Where's the Paxil?

It is listed FIRST as an anti-convulsant and used for anxiety issues as well.

Darvon was listed as an example of Propoxyphene. Says causes drowsiness and not to take with alcohol.

Regarding 30 days, etc. I was pointing out that because a prescription has a current date does not mean it couldn't have been in the house for years which you have agreed with, I think.
I don't think they'll bring out the Zanny defense without Casey taking the stand. As NG said, she'll be sliced up like a Thanksgiving turkey if she does. She is the only person on earth that has ever seen the Invisnanny and IMO, the story must come from her.

The only way I see her taking the stand is if it's clear the DP is looming. She may get on the stand and say it was an accident. I don't believe that for one second but with enough crocodile tears and the right juror, it may work. I have seen posts where people thought the duct tape and sticker were a sign of love or remorse. :eek:

I was worried about the SP jury too. I think the OJ jury is not far from our minds when it comes to a case like this because clearly the guilty walk free sometimes.

As far as the decomp stains, I think that car was cleaned thoroughly before LE took it into evidence. A former LE officer did live in the house.

And, GA cleaned the cars routinely, anyway.

The OJ case does not compare, so don't let that bother you: 1) OJ was tried in Los Angeles. Where von Bulow and Blake were tried. I'm surprised we got a conviction on Spector! Los Angeles was celeb crazy, at that time, and KC is no well-loved celeb. 3) OJ didn't murder a baby, and carry the body around in his car. 4) There are no Mark Furmans on the FL investigative team. 5) Though OJ's attorneys were more sizzle than steak, they were very accomplished sizzle. They managed to confuse the star-struck Judge Ito. Judge Ito having tossed away his control of the court, and his hitherto fine reputation as a jurist, at the same time. 6) The defense blew it, on many points. Badly.

So, unless FL courts have the same habit of letting the inmates run the asylum that the CA courts have had, there's no comparison.

Remember, WE are the state where the "Twinkie Defense" was invented and used successfully.
Who in their right mind would leave meds on a bedside table with a toddler in the house. That is just asking for trouble.

You said, "in their right mind," tekilla.:)
Well since they used the presence of chloroform in the trunk to 'prove' a decompositional event took place,(prior to Caylees remains beinng found) its kinda pathetic that now they want to use it to suggest it was the cause of Caylees death.

Its going to be present in any human decomposition, so how could its presence proove anything other than a human has begun to decompose?

Methinks the state is starting to look a little desperate.... And it hints at the state still not having a logical or reasonable theory for how little Caylee died. That's what happens when you use tunnel vision.

The opposite. They just put the DP back on the table. And, despite KC and JP snubbing a "deal," nobody has offered one. Yet, anyway.
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