2009.06.19 FBI Decomposition Report

That is why a few of us on this board feel that it was odd that KC was searching the internet for chloroform and neck breaking---for a child. It is not that physically difficult to kill a child. It is horrible but true. Kids are pretty easy to kill...you don't need to search the internet for hours... However, two adults, say like CA/GA would be a little more difficult to bring down.

OT - But...I think all of that searching - if it can be tired directly to Casey - was more about her fantasy life than about a real plan she had. I think she did spend hours and hours fantasizing about killing her parents and her child and about the many different way this could be achieved - neck breaking, household weapons etc.

It doesn't show me a plan but it does show me her state of mind. When the time came she was mentally ready and primed to act.

I'm still going with the chloroform seraches as having more to do with curiosity regarding RM's post about chloroform, it's possible use as a sex toy and yes, also as a weapon. All those thing merge together in Casey. It's not uncommon to see sex associated with violence in a sociopathic mind.
I am with Casey left the house and needed to get rid of Caylee, she had no time for her if she was not at home, she left under stranded conditions, "fight" and killed her out of hatred towards Cindy. And the stories began.
Ah.. I just found the letter of intent. It was dated 4/13/09. What do you all think about that?

I have always believed that the DP was brought back because of the duct tape findings. I am more confident now that the state will attempt to show that Caylee was alive when that duct tape was applied and she did not die painlessly. Whenever the state found out that there was immense suffering involved in Caylee's death, I believe, the DP was an easy choice.
OT - But...I think all of that searching - if it can be tired directly to Casey - was more about her fantasy life than about a real plan she had. I think she did spend hours and hours fantasizing about killing her parents and her child and about the many different way this could be achieved - neck breaking, household weapons etc.

It doesn't show me a plan but it does show me her state of mind. When the time came she was mentally ready and primed to act.

I'm still going with the chloroform seraches as having more to do with curiosity regarding RM's post about chloroform, it's possible use as a sex toy and yes, also as a weapon. All those thing merge together in Casey. It's not uncommon to see sex associated with violence in a sociopathic mind.

I hear you, NL. And up until today, I have been with you.

I have to this point been cautious about the chloroform levels in the trunk because no reports indicated what the levels were nor did they put them in perspective. Today's report did just that, and I agree that the levels were in fact outrageously high.

I've also been a proponent of the chloroform searches being more or less innocent and inspired by Ricardo's myspace picture upload. While I still believe the latter, I am not sure about the former. After all, the searches began with chloroform, and then went down a darker trail.
One chemical found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car is the kind emitted when someone is possibly deprived of oxygen, the report said.
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I think Richard H has misinterpreted the contents of the FBI report on the chemical analyses done on the car trunk. The report refers to certain chemicals that are suggestive of a decompositional event occurring under deprived oxygen conditions - i.e. in an enclosed environment. There is no mention in that report of chemicals present when a live person is deprived of oxygen as he seems to suggest here:

'when you actually read the analysis from the trunk, it says there's higher levels of a certain compound that is present when a person is dying from suffocation -- which is a lack of oxygen.'

The FBI report says no such thing! :rolleyes:
Kobe is back...

Forensics expert Dr. Larry Kobilinski is advising Casey Anthony's defense team. He questioned much of what was included in the autopsy report.

"That is really not clear cut, I must say. It is not clear how the child died and if you don’t know how the child died, you really can't know it was a homicide," Kobilinski said.

Kobilinski noted that it only takes two weeks for a body to skeletonize in a Florida swamp, and he questioned the medical examiners conclusions about when the body was put in the woods.

"I think that there are experts that might disagree with that. There is a question about when the body was placed there," Kobilinski said.

Kobe is back...

Forensics expert Dr. Larry Kobilinski is advising Casey Anthony's defense team. He questioned much of what was included in the autopsy report.

"I think that there are experts that might disagree with that. There is a question about when the body was placed there," Kobilinski said.

Especially if they're PAID to disagree, eh Kobe?:furious:
Gee, wonder when GA and CA were told of the FBI's scientific results? (Or wait, is that part of the "junk science?" They're unreal. Really.)
Not really. They are taking a page from the Marlene Newell coverage of the Scott Peterson trial - everything except the experiment that she did (tossing a stuffed Kermit and a doll into the Bay and comparing when they washed ashore with the evidence of where Conner washed ashore) is junk science. After attorneys pull the they-never-gave-me-discovery card, the second card they play is "it's all 'junk science.'"
Kobe and the botanist will clash, as will the entomologist.
Am I hallucinating or didn't the A's say on national tv that the reports that there was hair on duct tape or even duct tape were false? I am having "senior moments" so I am unsure of my memory???
Kobe is back...

Forensics expert Dr. Larry Kobilinski is advising Casey Anthony's defense team. He questioned much of what was included in the autopsy report.

"That is really not clear cut, I must say. It is not clear how the child died and if you don’t know how the child died, you really can't know it was a homicide," Kobilinski said.

Kobilinski noted that it only takes two weeks for a body to skeletonize in a Florida swamp, and he questioned the medical examiners conclusions about when the body was put in the woods.

"I think that there are experts that might disagree with that. There is a question about when the body was placed there," Kobilinski said.

I think the fact that there were roots growing through the vertibrae validates Kronk's discovery in August. Sorry, Kobi - that's just common sense. Diobn't need to be a forensic anything to figure that out. Roots cannot grow through bones that are not there. Period
I think another bombshell for me is the detection of acetic acid, a byproduct of creating chloroform with acetone and chlorine. This coupled with the google search in March 2008 and the extremely high concentrations of chloroform, as already discussed, convinces me of intentional creation of chloroform for nefarious purposes....not accidental small quantities of chloroform due to cleaning products.
Am I hallucinating or didn't the A's say on national tv that the reports that there was hair on duct tape or even duct tape were false? I am having "senior moments" so I am unsure of my memory???
I think it was Conway that said it and he said it on their last appearance on LKL
I have had the lyrics to THIS song in my head all day. :eek: Isn't that sad? Poor, poor baby.
Am I hallucinating or didn't the A's say on national tv that the reports that there was hair on duct tape or even duct tape were false? I am having "senior moments" so I am unsure of my memory???

You are not hallucinating, all is good on Friday June 19, 2009 :D

My turn to play Captain Obvious today, OK?

...and in the bag from Tony's apartment meaning it was post-disposal...and close to 6/27. IMHO when Casey texted Amy, "There was definitely part of a dead animal plastered to the frame of my car." @ 11:34AM 6/27...4mins after leaving G&C's and ~13mins before running outta gas @ Amscot it was because she'd just done the paper-towel cleaning @ G&C's...couldn't toss the decomp-soaked-towels out @ G&C's house. That she took a trash bag from Tony's (not a new one from G&C's) suggests she had the cleaning in mind when she left Tony's...perhaps even having @ it in Tony's parking lot...although less likely, 'cause methinks she woulda tossed it in the dumpster as she existed the parking lot there.

Just a shame she forgot to get rid of it in the dumpster that was 4 feet away :eek: when she ran outta gas :doh:

I wonder if the dumpster had a lock on it. Some businesses lock their dumpsters so that they are the only ones who can use it. Or perhaps she didn't want to draw attention to herself. It's one thing to park a car and "slink" away but, if you're throwing a bag of trash in a dumpster in broad daylight, somebody might notice.

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