Tony Padilla Q&A

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I am catching up on this thread this morning, but I have one question so TP a witness for the defense?
Also, I have worked in the legal field for 30 years, and very rarely have I prepared a legal doc where signatures were on separate pages, UNLESS you were putting that doc together where a party was out of town and you had to send the signature page separately. That's when I worked for attorneys. I now work for a judge and WILL NOT put her signature on a page by itself. NEVER.

Edited to add: If you are signing a Last Will and Testament, you have to initial each page, which clearly states page 1 of 5, page 2 of 5, etc. so no pages can be removed, edited, etc.
Actually, for quite a while, I notorized inmate appeals and so forth. I would have them initial every single page.

In the private sector (which is what I am in now), a notary can notorize a person's will but it has to be initialed on each page and in proper form. By proper form I mean that the person who wrote it has to put the proper elements in. This is actually a part of what you study in order to get your commission seal.

To me, the copy in the post above where it shows TP's signature at the top of the page looks out of context to me. JMO, MOO

Sorry - didn't see your post before I posted the above :blowkiss:
I think the possibility that Casey's lead defense attorney possibly forged a document is a shocker.

If he did it, he might be feeling the same way Casey did on July 15 when her mother burst into Tony's apartment. S***. Now what so I do?

EXACTLY! this is the only point of extreme concern as far as I am concerned. The alleged FRAUD committed by a defense attorney! This is the main reason that Tony Padilla felt compelled to go on national tv, to set the record straight about the attorney submitting "FAKE DOCUMENTS" to the Court!!!!! Tony Padilla says he did NOT SIGN the document that Baez represented to the Court that he signed - meaning there must have been some serious cutting and pasting and FRAUD committed to somehow make Tony Padilla's signature appear to be attached to the "copy" of the privacy agreement, along with the signatures of the other parties involved.

There are no two ways around it ..... if Tony is 100% positive that he never signed the privacy agreement which Baez submitted with his Motion .....
Here's the motion with a copy of the agreement.
then this document is a FAKE and evidence of FRAUD!!!!!

As MM suggested in previous posts .... I completely agree that Tony P. must file a complaint with the FLORIDA BAR (it is not enough that the State prosecutors are aware of this fraud).

My questions are what does Judge Strickland do with this information regarding FRAUD and FAKE DOCUMENTS? Prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick told the Judge on Friday that Tony Padilla says he did not sign that document, and it is a "copy" - not the Original document(s), and that Tony P. says he signed a separate agreement. And Burdick gave the Judge a CD with statements from the Padilla crew. I guess the Judge has to wait until Baez produces the Original of the privacy agreement(s), and then go from there?

I am not as concerned about Tony Padilla's personal opinions of people involved in this multi-faceted case - that is always subject to interpretation. I am only interested in the core issue of possible FRAUD and FAKE DOCUMENTS. I do appreciate Tony Padilla being willing to step up and face the wrath that will be brought against him for highlighting this alleged FRAUD.
Originally Posted by Jolynna View Post
Here's the motion with a copy of the agreement.

To get Tony and Leonard on the same signature page and to make the pages and page numbers come out right, it looks like there would had to have been cutting and pasting.

I thought the same thing when I looked over the 19pg motion.

Originally Posted by Jolynna View Post
Here's the motion with a copy of the agreement.

To get Tony and Leonard on the same signature page and to make the pages and page numbers come out right, it looks like there would had to have been cutting and pasting.

Tony PadillaMy feeling exactly. Plus I asked for my own agreement.
Originally Posted by MaedchenX View Post
About that, it strikes me that a forged/altered document would fuel arguments for inadequate counsel if not having other ramifications for JB, say, oh, being disbarred. If this can be proven does anyone know what the consequences might be for all involved? This concerns me greatly.

As much as I want to believe JB would try to pull off such a thing, at the same time why in the world would he risk his career? Is he that stupid? I know AL surely can't be....sooooooooooooooooo....what is up with this DOC? Was it forged or not?

I would like to ask Tony Padilla if he knows of any way to "prove" that he did NOT sign the copy of the privacy agreement which Baez submitted with his Motion? Is it just Tony P's word against Baez, since Tony P admits that he forgot to get a copy of the original agreement which he did sign?
Don't you know that if it is shown that the signatures do not correspond to the body of the agreement, JB will blame it on clerical staff, and try to pass it off as a simple 'error'.
Originally Posted by Gypsy Road View Post
As much as I want to believe JB would try to pull off such a thing, at the same time why in the world would he risk his career? Is he that stupid? I know AL surely can't be....sooooooooooooooooo....what is up with this DOC? Was it forged or not?

Unless the document is forged, JB will have the original which will have Tony's actual signature. So, it isn't like the truth won't be found out one way or the other.

The prosecutor responsibly asked for the original. She had to considering what she'd been told.

This will be very interesting, to see what the Original of the privacy agreement(s) looks like!!!
Either the defense attorney will be proven to have committed fraud .... or Tony Padilla will have to apologize for suggesting that he did. IMO
If what TP ways is true, it's going to be difficult for JB to produce the original, signed in ink document. Has he been required by the court to submit the original document?

The State prosecutor asked the Court for the Original document, and in response Baez acted insulted that he was being accused of submitting a fake "copy", and mumbled something about being able to present the Original, he just didn't have it in Court that day .....
IIRC Tony said when he was signing the agreement which was separate from LP and the others that Baez arranged the documents so the others did not know his was different from theirs. That makes me wonder, did they all sign their own document and JB copy/pasted them all together? Or did Tony sign something separate from the others and the others didn't notice he signed a different sheet of paper than they did? Or did Baez have Tony sign his own separate agreement as well as the combined agreement the others signed? So maybe Tony's signature with all the others was not a forgery but he also separately signed a second agreement voiding the first one for himself only and those documents are conveniently absent? I hope Tony comes back to answer some more questions.
Originally Posted by Marina2 View Post
If what TP ways is true, it's going to be difficult for JB to produce the original, signed in ink document. Has he been required by the court to submit the original document?

Yes, Judge Strickland wants to review it. :)

ETA: Was just watching this part of the hearing, and caught this: Linda DB will review the original, and if it's not right will let Judge Strickland know. From the Judge's mouth. :)

There ya go .... that answer my questions! Thanks! I had not read that far yet, to find MM's post.
IIRC Tony said when he was signing the agreement which was separate from LP and the others that Baez arranged the documents so the others did not know his was different from theirs. That makes me wonder, did they all sign their own document and JB copy/pasted them all together? Or did Tony sign something separate from the others and the others didn't notice he signed a different sheet of paper than they did? Or did Baez have Tony sign his own separate agreement as well as the combined agreement the others signed? So maybe Tony's signature with all the others was not a forgery but he also separately signed a second agreement voiding the first one for himself only and those documents are conveniently absent? I hope Tony comes back to answer some more questions.

Tony's posts:
"Jose had us all sign a document. The document that he entered into court as part of his motion is not the agreement that I signed.
I asked Jose's office that I wanted my own agreement completely separate from Leonard, Rob, and Tracy. They are not employees of mine and I had to protect myself being the bail agent. Jose compiled the paperwork to look as though we all signed the same agreement.
Jose is arguing that we are working for him and are extensions of his defense. He is now required to produce the originals to the court. The original documents completely separate not only me from JOse but me from Leonard Tracy and Rob as well. Not because I don't like them but because they are not employees of mine.
Jose produced false documention and NEVER made us aware that this would be filed in court

I tend to think you are right about maybe Tony P. signed both agreements, and then the second/separate agreement has been destroyed (because Tony has no copy and no proof of it). All my own opinion of course.
Also, I have worked in the legal field for 30 years, and very rarely have I prepared a legal doc where signatures were on separate pages, UNLESS you were putting that doc together where a party was out of town and you had to send the signature page separately. That's when I worked for attorneys. I now work for a judge and WILL NOT put her signature on a page by itself. NEVER.

Edited to add: If you are signing a Last Will and Testament, you have to initial each page, which clearly states page 1 of 5, page 2 of 5, etc. so no pages can be removed, edited, etc.


That is such good advice.

Revising pages of a typed document without initials is a piece of cake. You don't even need photoshop. That's a lot of temptation for another party with something to gain by editing.

Besides the fact that Baez's Privacy Agreement says one thing and the point of Baez's motion is to prove the opposite, considering the way it is put together, IMO, NOTHING proves this is the contract Leonard's, Tony's, Tracy's and Rob's signatures go with. Baez left the document open to be challenged in court. And it was.

If it were just Baez, I would totally agree with you. However, she also has Andrea Lyon, Linda Kenney-Baden, and Todd Macaluso.

I do hope Tony Padilla comes back to answer more questions. Regardless of how we may feel about how he feels about the Anthony family and Rev. Grund, he has a great deal of knowledge about aspects of the case. I've discovered here that a well-worded question will yield information we would like to know. Realize, there are things he can say and cannot say.

This post triggered me to go look at the Motion regarding Padilla crew with the attached privacy agreement which Tony Padilla says he did NOT sign .... and I see that not only Baez SIGNED this Motion, but so did Andrea Lyon!!! That would make them BOTH guilty of submitting fraudulent documents to the Court in this Motion - IF it is proven that the document is fake!
The State prosecutor asked the Court for the Original document, and in response Baez acted insulted that he was being accused of submitting a fake "copy", and mumbled something about being able to present the Original, he just didn't have it in Court that day .....

Baez also made a snide comment about the interviews on CD that LDB gave to the judge being "true originals" or something. :rolleyes:


Not an initial to be found in that agreement.

It is definitely best to have all parties who execute a legal document (of any kind) initial all pages. Otherwise, it would be very easy for a page within the document to be "re-created" with revisions. I prefer to always include "Page __ of ___" at the bottom center of each page, and also include a space there for each party to initial each page.

But, I can confirm that depending upon who might prepare legal documents, this isn't always done, and I've also seen many that have the signature page separately on the last page of the document, even if there was adequate space to include signatures on the previous page with part of the agreement text. (Sorry if I'm making this confusing!).

i think it all depends upon who prepares the legal document, and if JB's office prepared it, it's no surprise that it wasn't done correctly ... due to his inexperience. JMHO.

As to whether it was intentional, I can't say.

TotallyObsessed - Had I seen your post above, it would have saved me a lot of typing! I echoed you.
Also, I have worked in the legal field for 30 years, and very rarely have I prepared a legal doc where signatures were on separate pages, UNLESS you were putting that doc together where a party was out of town and you had to send the signature page separately. That's when I worked for attorneys. I now work for a judge and WILL NOT put her signature on a page by itself. NEVER.

Edited to add: If you are signing a Last Will and Testament, you have to initial each page, which clearly states page 1 of 5, page 2 of 5, etc. so no pages can be removed, edited, etc.
On second thought... maybe JB IS that stupid. Thinking back to the stuff he had on his website, I wouldn't put it past JB forging this doc. Remember his website and the false advertising about himself? He was boasting about stuff he had never actually done - and he got called out on it and was told to take it down by the Florida Bar. Maybe he did indeed forge the doc and AL never questioned him about it because she was knee deep in other stuff regarding this case. Just saying!

In my opinion ..... one might think they could get away with this type of fraud especially when there is no copy of any other agreement to refute the document which was submitted with the Motion. The keeper of the Original separate agreement might think they can destroy it and nobody can prove it ever existed.
If TP did sign a separate agreement, and Notary kept a log, perhaps it would list privacy agreement and the type of document he thinks he signed. I doubt the other one was also called a privacy agreement.
Originally Posted by MaedchenX View Post
About that, it strikes me that a forged/altered document would fuel arguments for inadequate counsel if not having other ramifications for JB, say, oh, being disbarred. If this can be proven does anyone know what the consequences might be for all involved? This concerns me greatly.

I would like to ask Tony Padilla if he knows of any way to "prove" that he did NOT sign the copy of the privacy agreement which Baez submitted with his Motion? Is it just Tony P's word against Baez, since Tony P admits that he forgot to get a copy of the original agreement which he did sign?


I think it is more important for Baez to prove Tony DID sign the agreement than it is for Tony to prove he didn't. Baez is the one who is trying to use the Privacy Agreement as evidence of what he alleges in his motion.

IF Baez had had the bounty hunters and bondsman date & initial every page of the document, all he'd need to do now is produce the original.

I, personally, am skeptical detached signature pages prove anything when challenged by one of the signatories. Anybody can write anything and attach it to separate signature pages.
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