AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #3

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Another comment on one of her status'-Has anyone heard of "body talk"
Tammi Peters Smith We'v asked to do this thing called "body talk" with the investigators! What it does is help to bring out our Cognitive memory in our brain,so we might remember something she may have told us that may have seen insignificant at the time,so it may not be in the front of our memory bank...and now,who knows, it could help find him!
2 hours ago
Sorry if this was already posted-i was away for a few and i am trying to catch up!

Why does this sound like it's going to lead into "repressed memories" or something! Ack
I am speechless.
Me too. I bet Tammi was fuming over that bit of honesty from her daughter. She uses religious stories and verses to justify everything, as if her word is just not enough (which it's not). Ms. Christianity is getting on my friggin nerves !
DD: everyday your on the news. whats going on!! i think you have something to do with the whole thing..

TS: What did I do to you? Fight for almost 5 years for custody of my own kids! Any mother would do that that loves her kids...Your father was doing a lot of ugly underhanded things to me and causing you three to sickness because of it. Which forced me into giving him a step-parent adoption which would allow you 3 to have a normal life! How could I ... See Morefinally be pushed into that??? Because of my love for you, and because of the Bible: King Solomon had two women stand before him professing that they were both the mothers of that child. He said he will cut the child in half and they could both have one half of the child. One mother cried out, "NO", let her have the child! And that is when he knew who the real mother was.....I loved you kids so much that I was willing to give you up so that you wouldn't continue to be chopped up to bits! I won't email you again until all of this is over, and you will see that "everything" we have said has been true! And I "DO" love you!!!!

DD: the reason why i doubt you is b/c you did the same thing to us. i have every reason! i would never be sad or hurt about the things im saying about you..b/c i know there true. stop with these stupid games. tell everyone where the baby is. its gettin old im tired of watching you on the news!! XOXO (my *advertiser censored*!!)

Thanks, Momtective. This confirms to me that they are in this right up their eyeballs. This is her own biological child making these statements.
Vegas around the 20th of April
California April 11
Me too. I bet Tammi was fuming over that bit of honesty from her daughter. She uses religious stories and verses to justify everything, as if her word is just not enough (which it's not). Ms. Christianity is getting on my friggin nerves !

She seems to have her own interpretation of the bible to fit HER circumstance.
DD: everyday your on the news. whats going on!! i think you have something to do with the whole thing..

TS: What did I do to you? Fight for almost 5 years for custody of my own kids! Any mother would do that that loves her kids...Your father was doing a lot of ugly underhanded things to me and causing you three to sickness because of it. Which forced me into giving him a step-parent adoption which would allow you 3 to have a normal life! How could I ... See Morefinally be pushed into that??? Because of my love for you, and because of the Bible: King Solomon had two women stand before him professing that they were both the mothers of that child. He said he will cut the child in half and they could both have one half of the child. One mother cried out, "NO", let her have the child! And that is when he knew who the real mother was.....I loved you kids so much that I was willing to give you up so that you wouldn't continue to be chopped up to bits! I won't email you again until all of this is over, and you will see that "everything" we have said has been true! And I "DO" love you!!!!

DD: the reason why i doubt you is b/c you did the same thing to us. i have every reason! i would never be sad or hurt about the things im saying about you..b/c i know there true. stop with these stupid games. tell everyone where the baby is. its gettin old im tired of watching you on the news!! XOXO (my *advertiser censored*!!)

Thank you ... Holy Cow! The daughter must be sick of hearing her stuff and then to quote Bible vs. .... DRAMA! And, good for her, she calls Tammi on her MO
Why does this sound like it's going to lead into "repressed memories" or something! Ack
The body talk idea reminds me of Misty's voice analysis and hypnotherapy sessions. It hasn't been that long for the Smith's, why would they need to unlock their subconscious memory stores. LE has to be loving these people !
She seems to have her own interpretation of the bible to fit HER circumstance.
Yep, when she pulled out the King Solomon story to give her daughter a reason for not being a mother to her, I just about lost it ! What a self serving hypocrite ! :furious:
From her FB

Q- Do you think they are any closer to finding baby Gabriel?

Tammi Peters Smith
Yes, we are very close!! That's why we spent so much time at the police station yesterday helping them, working together to brainstorm some ideas. We all came up with an awesome scenario that may help find him in a matter of a few days... Hopefully!!!! They were very thankful for all our hard work and participation! And we are very happy to do it, if it means finding that little angel!
3 hours ago
Is it me or is she once again trying to make this about her?
Here is Momtective's original post AZ - 8 mo. old Gabriel Johnson missing since 12-26-09, #3 - Page 22 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

And this is the case I thought you were referring to

It's on page 2

I am guessing these are different cases -- same MO though :(

Oh, thank you!

I don't know if all the cases referenced on here are the same case, it's just continuing in court, or not. I'd have to go follow the case numbers and such, but I think the important thing is that it is the same MO. It's actually more important if this is yet another case and NOT the one having to do with Jack's son-in-law, Warford. I'm not sure the one that had to do with baby H and Warford took place in Tennessee or not - did Warford actually say in the interview with him? I know he seems to live in Texas now.
Is it me or is she once again trying to make this about her?
You got it RR, it is all about her ! LE is not going to solve this case, SHE IS ! So, if we want Gabriel brought home we need to keep listening to her and so does LE...

:furious: :furious: :furious:
They lived in TX? left trip from Mexico and ended up in IND????
I don't understand the air lines route???
Hi! I'm not understanding either where EJ and baby Gabriel were travelling from back to AZ that the Smiths ran into them at the airport. At the time, IIRC, Gabriel was about a month old? Does EJ have family out of AZ? I apologize if this has already been covered here, but I couldn't be here the past couple of days. :waitasec:
Something is very off about the Smith couple. Desperate to insert themselves into the investigation, practically begging for a lie detector test, even happy about being named persons of interest, on NG show 3 times last week and probably every night next week (we all know how NG cannot let go of a story). I'm thinking that these two are making up a lot of what they are saying. They are just too glib and are thrilled to have their faces on television. Has anyone checked if they have any type of criminal record?
GABRIEL was born on May 3, 2009

Iirc, the Smiths said they met EJ in the airport when Gabriel was a month old, so that would mean they were all traveling in June. Does anyone know if Tammi's FB says anything about another trip, aside from the "timeshare" post in April?

Also, I can't help but wonder if the timeshare post was a cover-up for them to be unavailable right at the time Gabriel was born. Tammi said on April 22, "When are you guys coming down here? Isn't it this month? Were leaving Saturday for a week at the beach in Mexico. Were finally using our Time Share!!!!" so that would mean that they left on Saturday April 25 for a week, and one week after that would be May 2. This probably sounds far-fetched, but I wonder if they knew EJ before the baby was born and wanted to be on hand for Gabriel's birth?
Is it me or is she once again trying to make this about her?
If she didn't have any part in what happened to Gabriel, how would she be able to "brainstorm" anything?? She could think she knows something based on what EJ had told her, but was it true? By now she should know that EJ lies. MOO
Hi! I'm not understanding either where EJ and baby Gabriel were travelling from back to AZ that the Smiths ran into them at the airport. At the time, IIRC, Gabriel was about a month old? Does EJ have family out of AZ? I apologize if this has already been covered here, but I couldn't be here the past couple of days. :waitasec:
I heard on some news clip that one set of Grandparents live in the north east, not sure where exactly. I don't have a link though.
Iirc, the Smiths said they met EJ in the airport when Gabriel was a month old, so that would mean they were all traveling in June. Does anyone know if Tammi's FB says anything about another trip, aside from the "timeshare" post in April?

Also, I can't help but wonder if the timeshare post was a cover-up for them to be unavailable right at the time Gabriel was born. Tammi said on April 22, "When are you guys coming down here? Isn't it this month? Were leaving Saturday for a week at the beach in Mexico. Were finally using our Time Share!!!!" so that would mean that they left on Saturday April 25 for a week, and one week after that would be May 2. This probably sounds far-fetched, but I wonder if they knew EJ before the baby was born and wanted to be on hand for Gabriel's birth?

It's not out of the realm of possibilities that EJ contacted the Smiths during her pregnancy about adopting the baby. She could have been leading them on all this time, probably enjoying the positive attention they gave her. I heard that she had a friend in Boston and went to visit that friend a month after the baby was born and that the Smiths were on that flight and held the baby all the way from Boston to AZ.
Yep, when she pulled out the King Solomon story to give her daughter a reason for not being a mother to her, I just about lost it ! What a self serving hypocrite ! :furious:

I don't like to toss out unsolicited Bible verses to people that don't share my pov, but I would like to point out that apparently Tammi, when deciding how to deal with her birth children, skipped over the verse in the Bible that says that a person that does not care for their family has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.
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