FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #36

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Dear Posters:

Thanks for your patience.

The mods are applying the same policy here as in the other cases: there is to be no sleuthing of the POI's family members unless LE also publicly names them as suspects or POIs.


Also just wanted to add that I agree about schools busing all students home, but remember that we have to be willing as a society to pay for that. I know I am willing to pay extra taxes for that, and I hope others are too.

A "walking school bus" is another idea.

Or, some sort of break for LE to live in houses that are close to schools. If small kids see a police car in the driveway, they can identify a safe house.

I don't know about Clay County, but in Putnam County [which borders Clay] every school has a full time LEO.

The school board used to also offer LEOs free [or nearly free] housing in mobile homes on each of the school campuses. I'm not sure if that had to be discontinued. There was some problem re: taxable income that cropped us with the IRS, so I don't know if it's still done or not.
Once a student departs the bus, the parents are responsible for seeing the child makes it home safely from there and the school system is no longer in charge of the child.

I agree.I have either always walked my children to and from school or went to their bus stop and picked them up from the bus stop.My kids never walk alone or go outside and play alone.I do find it acceptable for a older child to pick them up from the bus stop and stay with them at home untill someone gets home from school or work.

Every year I called School Transportation and offered my driveway as the bus stop. I always knew where my four children got on the bus in the morning and got off every afternoon. Didn't mind having 15-20 kids in my yard twice a day. I live in Clay County Florida about three miles from Somers home. Thank goodness we live more than two miles from the schools. Now it is 1 1/2 miles. Just an idea for parents out there to offer for next year but do it now!

I saw your post about where did the work info come from because Jarred's myspace is private...

Well... he has 2 profiles. One states that he lives in Orange Park & the other in Jacksonville. You would NEVER know that the two are the same until you click view more pics on the "public" one. It's the same exact pic that shows on the private one. The public one looks very "fake" to me. I don't know that the work history is gospel either. I just posted "this is what that myspace says"... The guy was sneaky. he probably had multiple myspaces & facebook accounts...but honestly, probably more on the myspace side since kids seem to use it more (shaking my head in disgust) ... The "friends" he has listed on there seem to be people from all over the US & Canada. He only has bout 13 friends.

and what do you know... the myspace is now GONE! ... i just tried it out and it has been removed & so has the "private" one. ...

I think we just got another answer to our questions... this guy was prolly all over the internet doing shady things... some of his user names are jarr3dh, yurrio and psycholama420... he is an internet gamer...he belongs to multiple gaming sites...

hi guys...
haven't been on this forum in a while but fyi that psycholama one is not him... it is a real person in another state... and if it was a fakey then he had another woman fake it with him because there were comments to him from her over the past several years his name is jarred harrell and he is the same age and he did visit the same gaming sites as the perp jarred but it is not him imoand his ms name is PsychoSamatic420
I don't know about Clay County, but in Putnam County [which borders Clay] every school has a full time LEO.

The school board used to also offer LEOs free [or nearly free] housing in mobile homes on each of the school campuses. I'm not sure if that had to be discontinued. There was some problem re: taxable income that cropped us with the IRS, so I don't know if it's still done or not.

Clay county I believe still has mobile homes on each schools property and a LE and family live there. I'll have to check to be sure. Never heard they discontinued the practice. It's really to keep down vandalism during non school times.

All LE in Clay take their LE cars home with them and park in their driveway. They cannot use car for personal use but it's great to have the cars scattered around the county.

All schools also have a Deputy assigned to the school as resourse officer.
John Harrell does work for DCF - he released the DCF reports to the media and those who requested them - makes ya go hmmmmm -- he is the one in charge.
It never ceases to amaze me...most normal young men his age are interested in big girls there own age, going to college, getting married, starting new jobs and families not watching child *advertiser censored* and lusting after little girls, What in the world makes these freaks of nature tick?
I doubt he killed her in Callahan and then brought her body back to his neighborhood.

I think his Callahan home had to be searched for possible evidence of the murder, and also for possibly more pornographic materials.

My opinion Only.

That's not what I said. I was adding to my post above that one.

Looking at the map, Callahan is on the direct route from Orange Park to the landfill in Georgia.
IMO he had access to both homes.

My theory was...what if he snatched her in Orange Park and quickly left the area? That would explain how he was not seen disposing of Somer's body that night while the search was going on.
What if then he killed her in Callahan and drove the 30 minutes or so to the public landfill.

It was a theory that involved the landfill, not the neighborhood.
Thanks LFlorida:

It would make sense about the searching the landfill.

But LE said they followed the trucks because of a hunch from a detective. I don't know which detective...the name has changed several times.

i don't have a link so believe me if you want to but it was originally said that the decision to search the dumps immediately had to do with a meeting they had since the haleigh case kind of like a what to do if a kid goes missing workshop
Info as to which crossing guard was the last to see Somer. All of this info was compiled by noway

FL- Somer Renee Thompson, Orange Park, Thread #34 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Crossing Guard Never Saw Somer 10/21
• Miller and Gano and Grove Park and Gano -- not sure they saw Somer
• DeBarry and Gano -- she is positive she did not see Somer

I'm still not convinced something didn't happen at the other Gano house (with construction - am I allowed to post the house #?). LE spent an awful lot of time there. It's feasible that the POI snatched Somer from near there (maybe the park? behind the house? but somewhere before the crossing guard at DeBarry and Gano) and put her little body in a bin there later, knowing that the house was vacant and he wouldn't be seen.
I'm still not convinced something didn't happen at the other Gano house (with construction - am I allowed to post the house #?). LE spent an awful lot of time there. It's feasible that the POI snatched Somer from near there (maybe the park? behind the house? but somewhere before the crossing guard at DeBarry and Gano) and put her little body in a bin there later, knowing that the house was vacant and he wouldn't be seen.

I agree or he took something from the dumpster or house to put her in.She may have left the Gano house they were renovating.I did not think so originally.I keep coming back to soot on her body.Did she get soot on her just walking in the back like this kyle said or was soot actually all on her body.That would tell me something from this renovated house on Gano was connected some how to Somers death.
Another thought I had since Jarred Harrell lived so close to the other house they were renovating on Gano.I'm curious if he knew the contruction workers or if he maybe went into this house after the contruction workers left to party or anything.I'm just thinking.
I just made a thread on the Haleigh Forum here on WS asking if there was connection w. Jarred Harrell.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4808359#post4808359"]Is there a Jarred Harrell connection to this case? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Keep checking that thread for replies/discussion on it.
I'm still not convinced something didn't happen at the other Gano house (with construction - am I allowed to post the house #?). LE spent an awful lot of time there. It's feasible that the POI snatched Somer from near there (maybe the park? behind the house? but somewhere before the crossing guard at DeBarry and Gano) and put her little body in a bin there later, knowing that the house was vacant and he wouldn't be seen.

IIRC the "soot" was mentioned on Somers body per dad .........
Does anyone know exactly WHEN he went to MS? I haven't seen that info anywhere.
I'm curious who Jarred hung around with when he lived at the house on Gano.I'm am starting to think he acted alone though.
Anyone know what is going on with JH's case. He was arrested on thursday and I thought it was just a temp hold of 72 hours.
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