OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #4

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It's been 5 days. I'm wondering how long Kyron could live on his own if he wandered off and got lost. Does anyone remember how many days Nadia was missing? I know it was very near the limit when she was found.
Sheriff's Capt. Jason Gates described the variety of tips as "leads that aren't as exciting, and other leads that are more prevalent."

"We need more," he said at a news conference Monday. "Every tip, no matter how insignificant you think it is, could be the one we need."


Please call in your tips, no matter how unimportant you may think they are, and even if you think someone else might have already called it in, or that LE has thought of it. It only takes one tip to break a case.
This is curious. The AP has issued a photo elimination on the photo of Kyron with the orange background. According to THIS WEBSITE, a photo elimination is a photo that carries no threat of legal action but is objectionable for other reasons, such as error, poor taste, or inaccuracy (including photoshop). When these occur, either an AP photo KILL or ELIMINATION is moved, alerting members.

For an example of an AP elimination, read THIS ARTICLE.

On the Atlanta Journal Constitution's website is an article about Kyron. They accidentally ran the eliminated photo with the article, although it's now restricted by the AP, so it's not to be used in association with an AP article.

What in this photo is in error, poor taste, or innacurate (photoshopped)? Anyone want to guess?

Here are screencaps:


i was hoping to wake up to good news this morning...this just sucks. I'm praying for this boy to get home safely :praying:
:waitasec: based on the background i say this is a school picture....it's probably copyrighted to the photography company and maybe they didn't get permission before publishing it.....just a guess for me
Sheriff's Capt. Jason Gates described the variety of tips as "leads that aren't as exciting, and other leads that are more prevalent."

"We need more," he said at a news conference Monday. "Every tip, no matter how insignificant you think it is, could be the one we need."


Please call in your tips, no matter how unimportant you may think they are, and even if you think someone else might have already called it in, or that LE has thought of it. It only takes one tip to break a case.

I was looking at the interceder links and one article is titled something to the effect that tips are 'flooding in'. When I saw that I thought perhaps media should refrain from using such phrases because someone out there with what they think is an insignificant tip may see that and figure whatever they have to offer has already been turned in, or that with such an overwhelming response LE might not consider it important.

I know media wants that 'scoop' and tend toward sensational reporting, but they really need to stop and consider how their words come across to people who may have information that could help find this child.

Not sure I'm making sense here lol.
:waitasec: based on the background i say this is a school picture....not sure why it would be in error or poor taste

If it were a copyright issue, AP would have issued a Photo KILL. But it's not a copyright issue.

Here's info on Photo KILLS: a photo that is objectionable and calls into question the threat of legal action, libel or copyright.

If it were a copyright issue, AP would have issued a Photo KILL. But it's not a copyright issue.

Here's info on Photo KILLS: a photo that is objectionable and calls into question the threat of legal action, libel or copyright.


okay what if.........and i don't know much about this photo elimination thing but just throwing things out that you point out.....you said "photo shopped".....well, the school pics now, (i know cuz i have my own kids) you can "touch up" the final product so if you have acne or scars or some kind of blemish you don't want in the picture, then you can have it removed for the final product....sorry, just throwing things out...it is very weird though :waitasec:
That's bizarre about the picture, Puffy.

I almost got angry when I saw the circle/slash on his face, but then I saw PHOTO ELIMINATION and I figured out why.

Wonder why the AP is telling it's service subscribers not to use that photo any longer.
It's been 5 days. I'm wondering how long Kyron could live on his own if he wandered off and got lost. Does anyone remember how many days Nadia was missing? I know it was very near the limit when she was found.

Nadia was four days and she was in pretty good shape considering. She also knew plants and was sucking on spongy ones that might have gave her some hydration.
JMO but, It is photoshopped, in that it has been digitally altered. When I sign up for class pictures, you have the option of having the company airbrush "imperfections."
This is curious. The AP has issued a photo elimination on the photo of Kyron with the orange background. According to THIS WEBSITE, a photo elimination is a photo that carries no threat of legal action but is objectionable for other reasons, such as error, poor taste, or inaccuracy (including photoshop). When these occur, either an AP photo KILL or ELIMINATION is moved, alerting members.

Of note, after the caption it reads "NO SALES".

These are subscription services, and subscribers are sent photos for their editors to choose to run (I dated a Reuters' photographer about 10 years ago, and I'm struggling to remember how he described the process, so bear with me please lol). I'm thinking that this particular image was not intended for release, but identical or similar to the one that eventually was. It may have been an early copy that was still being processed or whatever was necessary before release (perhaps their editors hadn't verified its authenticity yet). I don't think there is anything wrong with the photo itself, just that the paper may have been sent the wrong image.
It seems to be in bad taste to put a red cross over a missing child's face IMO. Like they've died and been written off. If there is something wrong with a photo why not just remove it from the website altogether IMO.
It seems to be in bad taste to put a red cross over a missing child's face IMO. Like they've died and been written off. If there is something wrong with a photo why not just remove it from the website altogether IMO.

Yeah. Whatever reason it's like that, someone needs to edit that page and remove the image altogether.
It seems to be in bad taste to put a red cross over a missing child's face IMO. Like they've died and been written off. If there is something wrong with a photo why not just remove it from the website altogether IMO.

What I'm worried about also is that people will see that red slash and think he's no longer missing.
I don't understand why it being a vaguely photoshopped school photo would call for a photo elimination :waitasec: nearly every missing kid... the first photo we see of them is a school photo... because they're usually full face and good quality... and i've never heard of one being 'eliminated' before! Bizarre!
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