WFTV defends Kathy Belich.

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Hello WS :)

It seems like Kathy Belich cares about the truth, the only other reporter I have felt that way about was Peter Jennings. She is a true investigative reporter, asking questions that any sane human being would want to know.

The idea that JB says he needs a COV because there has been too much local coverage while specifically requesting local coverage goes beyond the pale. All Ms. Belich is doing is asking out loud why the emperor isn't wearing any clothes.

The liars ask, "how dare you question my lies!" Insert player here, there are many in this case where that phrase would fit. CM fits right into that team: must be the universal law of attraction. :innocent:

Video: Belich Calls Baez Out

That is priceless! I thought I was going to pee my pants laughing while he waited for that door to open!

What a jackass.

Wonderful symbolism wasn't it? Here's wishing them many more closed doors in their endeavors to twist and stretch the truth to their own purposes. The image of cheney standing outside the locked door would make a great avatar if someone has the know-how to do that! What in the world do they think they'll find there anyway??
wow. he forgets he put himself right in the middle of the circus, he's a volunteer. he said it would be fun.

why do these type of people never realise how petty, silly, and undignified this behaviour is?
I agree with you all, even Baez had better manners today that Cheney did.
Can't believe I am actually saying this out loud but today, Cheney made Jose look professional.
wow, just wow

Touchy much.

The motion that CM filed is an interesting read
Remember early on when KB approached Baez with something, and, he turned on her and stated something about her previous married name?

She turned right around and asked him why he was having her investigated, instead of looking for whoever killed Caylee if he claims that Casey is innocent. {words to that effect}

It was great, and she kept right on him that day also, staying right on his heals and following him.

He's had a case of the ole chapped a$$ ever since, and, apparently, it has wore off on the rest of the team.

And, I believe that by Baez pulling that stunt on her, she has made it her mission to never leave him or that team alone.
She's not backing down.
CM didn't seem to be using the media to defend his client very well from what I could tell in the raw video clip.

I must say that I think that WFTV and Kathy Belich in particular do a great job covering this case. I love how she get's in people's faces when she is going after a story!
I LOVE Kathi Belich!!!!! She is a class act and really performs her work well.
She gets down to the meat of a situation and asks the real questions, which show that she KNOWS the topic which she is asking questions about. She is fearless in asking the point blank questions, leaving the subject of her inquiry with no wiggle room.

I love that Kathi is accessible to the public and she "gets" what we want to have more info on.

I'm so tired of the little fluff pieces where the "news" reporters allow Conway to say his blah blah blah that is empty and meaningless and leaves the real questions hanging out there.
I'm tired of seeing Fox's Holly B chummin it up with Cindy and media guy Jim L. at the Hearings.

ITA...this is why the defense hates Kathi....she doesn't go for the fluff and stuff---and she doesn't abide by "no"....she is covering a story and she will find and seek answers---she isn't after becoming a BFF---she wants to report on the story---not the fluff!--I still find it so odd that the defense knocks any reporting on the case unless its their BS---after all the motions that have been filed with the media first--then they state they don't want this tried in the public? PLEASE!!!!:sick:

I'm tired of the timid reporters who will not get in Cindy's face and ask her real questions.


they do feel threatened by her! She actually seeks the truth and cuts thru the lies.....God Bless her!

Can't believe I am actually saying this out loud but today, Cheney made Jose look professional.

Okay I will go there...."the irony is rich!"---Judge Strickland had him figured out!:angel:
CMason should be ashamed of himself! Where's his "southern" charm! :furious:

It seems to me, this defense doesn't like to be called out on their BS. Great question about HLee and his reputation does follow him...JMHO

KB is a great reporter who asks the most pertinent questions. I'm glad her boss saw she did nothing wrong. She was polite, she asks great questions not "stupid" ones as Mason suggests...He truly should be ashamed of wait, let him continue on, the jurors will dislike him much and probably hold it against his client...sabatoge????JMHO

Justice for Caylee
CMason should be ashamed of himself! Where's his "southern" charm! :furious:

It seems to me, this defense doesn't like to be called out on their BS. Great question about HLee and his reputation does follow him...JMHO

KB is a great reporter who asks the most pertinent questions. I'm glad her boss saw she did nothing wrong. She was polite, she asks great questions not "stupid" ones as Mason suggests...He truly should be ashamed of wait, let him continue on, the jurors will dislike him much and probably hold it against his client...sabatoge????JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I agree.
IMO it's not KB's questions that are stupid. Stupid are the replies given by Mason and Baez

I wonder how Mason and Baez would respond to one of the local male reporters who asked the same questions as KB and took the same "go get the story" approach?
No gag order, tons of media constantly bugging you. Say no comment and move along. End of story.
I cannot believe this is a seasoned, previously respected and admired attorney. I honestly thought at one point KB was interviewing a 5 year old! I was waiting for him to say, "I know you are.....but what am I?" and stick out his tongue!

Wow....all I can say is.." Wow KC, you've got yourself a couple winning attorneys. They both know how to win friends and influence people -- NOT!

JB & CM are just what KC deserves. Keep up the good work you two. Neither of you even needs a shovel to help KC dig her grave. BRAVO!

I think he was wearing those 'tight boots' again.

And it doesn't look like he was having too much fun.:innocent:
I think he was wearing those 'tight boots' again.

And it doesn't look like he was having too much fun.:innocent:

CM has proved to all that he is a crotchety old fart.. He should have stayed retired...
It's a sure sign that Kathi is doing an exemplary job when Hornsby gets his knickers in a twist over her ( again) and Bill Sheaffer

These defense Attys just can't stand it when someone poses questions that put them on the spot in public.. can you imagine how CM will deal with questions in Court? :woohoo:

Whoa, I didn't know RH has it in for KB and BS...I love them both and BS seems very knowledgable about Florida why is RH putting them both down???? It's not nice Richard!

Whoa, I didn't know RH has it in for KB and BS...I love them both and BS seems very knowledgable about Florida why is RH putting them both down???? It's not nice Richard!


Not nice at all. Although sometimes RH seems to make some sense, it's his childish attacks like those that prevent me from hanging on his every word.
If the other reporters were smart, they would just repeat Kathi's questions.....then the dream team would have to answer SOMEBODY......Kathi always asks the best questions, so the other reporters would get the scoop as well. They should all band together. Instead, it looked to me like the other reporter (the little blond) was taking delight in the fact that CM was giving Kathi the cold shoulder and paying her attention. Stupid. I would have repeated the question Kathi asked.
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