Lee's Testimony at the 911 tapes hearing

He said it so rude too. Like poor me, how dare I be called to the stand and be inconvenienced with facing something I have refused to speak about or deal with for the past 2 years (according to the family letters). Gosh, just go crawl back under your rock with your stinky turtle Zam, Lee....
It's your sisters defense that wanted this hearing.
Dangit! I happen to have the day off and it just occured to me to put on In Session. Theyre playing Lee's testimony with CM right now!
I watched Lee's testimony again and when he mouths "I love you" to KC look at JB's face during the next few minutes of his testimony, he looks really angry. I believe he was upset because this would put a kink in his plans to claim that KC was molested by Lee. I mean how could you use that when KC shows so much emotion when he says "I love you" to her.
LDB says "I'm assuming you were'nt speaking to me just now."

Lee replies "absolutely not."

LDB "I didn't think so."

Thanks Prudence. I just watched it. Lee thinks he is brighter than everyone else. He cannot control his laughing which is his weakness - he does it nonstop at his depo and with the detectives just over a week after the child is gone - Jesus Lee, Caylee is gone and you still cannot control this habit. My point is when the trial is underway, Lee is not going to be so smug. They are going to nail Casey down - and depending on how well they summarize, she is going to get life without parole or death.

I do not see them giving her death. But it is Florida and next to Texas, Florida does not mess around, especially where children are concerned and when someone is as blatantly obvious as Casey -

Cheney - I don't know where he got his reputation, but half the time one cannot understand him and the other half he he can't find his notes or the cases he cites are WRONG as far as his argument goes and apply to a different argument of something similar. If this is the best he can do, he is downright boring.

He sounds like a teenager when he gets angry with Kathy Melich (sp?). Get it together Cheney - show some class and seasoning - I have yet to see it. And Dyan Lyon - the woman was at best "vulgar". So they have Cheney and Baez. Like attracts like. Right now, they are the most unimpressive duo I have seen.

Diane Drane-Burdick has got her act together big time.
I'm watching a replay of Lee's testimony now on trutv.

My impression is that JB can hardly contain himself. He is rolling his eyes, biting his lip so-to-speak and clenching his jaw. I'm not sure why Lee's testimony is 'exciting' JB in this way.

When Lee states that CA hit/punched the bed upon hearing that KC has not seen Caylee in 31 days, KC nods in agreement as if she's remembering CA's reaction.

There seems to be a lot of confusion as to where everyone was when the third 911 call was made. KC was in her room but CA and LA, for some reason, can't seem to recall their position in the home at that time :waitasec:. I'm not sure what the significance of that is but there seems to be something hidden there. The garage? If I'm not mistaken, there was a big point made that nobody had spent time in the garage after KC was brought home. Then LA slipped up (freudian) and said his mom or himself had been in the garage - he said oops I meant living room - when she was making the third 911 call. :waitasec: I remember that the lanyard went missing but was later found in CA's drawer. :waitasec: I'm not sure what any of this means but I sense there is some mistruth to LA's testimony.

I suspect peeps had been back and forth to the garage several times throughout the evening. I seem to recall one time that Lee said that he and KC had spent some time in the garage together but later LA denied they ever did. :waitasec:

JB thinks something is funny upon CM's questioning because he is chuckling. Upon arrival to the house Lee was alone except for the animals. Lee is biting his lips and scratching his nose - he's flustered upon being asked by CM what would happen if the police were called. There is a big deal made about the timing and whereabouts of everyone when the third 911 call was made. Lee is finding this funny for some reason. Something about role playing. Lee only thought there had been two 911 calls but CA was talking in general and Lee caught on that there had been two 911 calls already - confusing now - he's concerned about talking to KC regarding Caylee's whereabouts not about any 911 calls his mom may be making. Lee was attempting to get more info from his sister regarding Caylee's whereabouts. IMO LA seemed flustered during CM's questioning. Now he thinks he was in the living room when CA was calling 911 but he's not sure where CA was. :waitasec: I find this strange because it's not that big of a house and why wasn't Lee still with KC in her room?

Now DP, CA's supervisor, is on the stand. CM is questioning her. CA was gone from work for over an hour and returned saying they (she and GA) had found the car in the impound lot which had been there for awhile, KC was not available to talk to per CA.

CA said there was a "terrible, terrible odor in the car" per DP. DP asked her if she opened the trunk and CA didn't answer. CA said "it smelled like a dead body" per DP. DP was under the impression that they both knew that, that is, that the car smelled like a dead body but not that GA told CA that was the smell of a dead body. DP told her to go home and call the police. What time? Late afternoon but she doesn't know the exact time. CM wants the time pinned down but DP can't remember the time. CA left work, came back to work but wouldn't call the police. Stayed for awhile and finally left again. CM asks DP, did you have to persuade CA to leave work and go home? DP got her boss to tell CA to go home. CA went home.

My observation - CM has selective hearing. When DP stated 'late afternoon', he said 'what?' He didn't want it to be 'late' afternoon for his purposes imo. Just saying.
What was all the undercurrent chaos going on during LA's trying to answer CM's questions? Was that a phone that kept ringing? Why did CM's questioning seem so vague and confusing?

I felt like there was extra stuff going on that was meant to make LA's answers seem vague and unimportant by CM. Was that the reason LA's response to questions and his answers seemed chopped up by interruptions?

Lee does have a nervous laugh, but his answers seemed straight forward and not laced with mystery or lies. In general, he did okay. Interesting that his appearance was what brought tears from KC.

Jumping off your post here - one time Lee stated that he and KC are close as they trust each other with their deepest secrets. When KC began crying upon seeing Lee, it made me think that he may be the only other person on the planet who knows KC's truth.

Considering he has had no contact with her for over two years, the fact that he mouthed 'I love you' doesn't seem that odd to me. It is supportive in that he hasn't had any other communication with her.

I don't know what to make of it all, but I can't say I blame him for wanting to go on with his own life as much as it is possible for him to do so. If anybody suspects he had anything to do with Caylee's death, they should explain how and why and bring charges. I'm just not getting/seeing that the siblings everyday lives were that intertwined around the time Caylee went missing.

Of course he's weird because he was raised in the same family. Caylee wasn't his child/responsibility though and that was made public by the OC LE.
I think Lee's mouthing "I love you" to KC while he was on the stand was completely inappropriate. He could have waited until he was dismissed and was walking out. It's like he has no sense of what's decent or accepted behavior. Which brings me to wonder about KC's allegations of Lee fondling her. I have never thought it was true, but now I'm wondering if maybe it was a mutually consented activity between them. Something about that interaction today was just really, really creepy to me.

MOO! All of the above is MOO.

I just posted my view above - it struck me upon reading yours that two people can have such different views about something.

Your guess is as good as mine but :waitasec: I wonder why we interpret the situation so differently.
Thanks Prudence. I just watched it. Lee thinks he is brighter than everyone else. He cannot control his laughing which is his weakness - he does it nonstop at his depo and with the detectives just over a week after the child is gone - Jesus Lee, Caylee is gone and you still cannot control this habit. My point is when the trial is underway, Lee is not going to be so smug. They are going to nail Casey down - and depending on how well they summarize, she is going to get life without parole or death.

I do not see them giving her death. But it is Florida and next to Texas, Florida does not mess around, especially where children are concerned and when someone is as blatantly obvious as Casey -

Cheney - I don't know where he got his reputation, but half the time one cannot understand him and the other half he he can't find his notes or the cases he cites are WRONG as far as his argument goes and apply to a different argument of something similar. If this is the best he can do, he is downright boring.

He sounds like a teenager when he gets angry with Kathy Melich (sp?). Get it together Cheney - show some class and seasoning - I have yet to see it. And Dyan Lyon - the woman was at best "vulgar". So they have Cheney and Baez. Like attracts like. Right now, they are the most unimpressive duo I have seen.

Diane Drane-Burdick has got her act together big time.

Good post and I completely agree, but I think you mean Kathy Belich(sp?) I think I spelled her name wrong too.. (Yuri Melich is lead investigator), Andrea Lyon and Linda Drane Burdick.

It's way too easy to get all these names mixed up, for sure.
I just posted my view above - it struck me upon reading yours that two people can have such different views about something.

Your guess is as good as mine but :waitasec: I wonder why we interpret the situation so differently.

I agree. I see Lee's laughter as a nervous habit he cannot control. (like Tourette Syndrome) In no way do I think Lee thinks this is funny. Mallory stated in her letter that Lee was angry and stayed in his room, that doesn't sound like someone who finds this funny. I think Lee was truthful in his testimony. It's been 2 yrs, I wouldn't expect someone to remember everything when under that kind of stress. JMO We all have different views.
Good post and I completely agree, but I think you mean Kathy Belich(sp?) I think I spelled her name wrong too.. (Yuri Melich is lead investigator), Andrea Lyon and Linda Drane Burdick.

It's way too easy to get all these names mixed up, for sure.

Thanks Reagan. Right. Belich.

Um, if you have read the depos of Lee Anthony, I would be interested in what you think of his implicating Amy and Tony saying Amy is a heroin addict and Jesse lied to him about meeting Tony. Jesse tells the police he met Tony at the pool and is completely straight. So why do you think Lee is saying this. I sincerely doubt that Jesse told him differently. Lee also tells prosecutors that Tony flat out lied about riding in Casey's car. I did not get that from Tony at all. The car was in his driveway or the apartment complex driveway and that does NOT mean he had access to driving it - he did have his own car and when they went to Casey's house, it was in Tony's truck.

Amy does not come off as a heroin addict. She held a job, etc., etc. Lee said he had no proof but was told by the investigator. Tony did not smoke marijuana; his friends stated he did not. He was going to school, etc. He promoted Fusion - so what. One is always going to find lowlifes in places like this - does not mean he was one.

It is interesting that Lee thinks the worst of Jesse, Amy, Ricardo and Tony when none of them HAVE THE REPUTATION his sister does. She has been stealing and lying for years. No one calls him on this when he is being interviewed. They may at trial. What do you think? She says later (albeit when she is in jail) that her father and brother molested her - an outright lie which she started with Jesse when she wanted out of the house. The reason, in my opinion, she broke up with Jesse is because Jesse's father would not marry them if they were living together and I think that put a damper on their getting an apartment - I think she used the sexual abuse to motivate Jesse to expedite their moving in and it did not work - so Jesse was out. She went on to something else. If she could have, she would have moved in with Jesse to get away from her mother and her mother's doting on Caylee - she hated that. And of course it was easy to get rid of Jesse because Cindy hated him and knew he wanted to take Casey and Caylee away. And Casey would have gotten rid of Jesse when she wanted to but the plans changed on Jesse's end with his father nixing their moving in together.
I agree. I see Lee's laughter as a nervous habit he cannot control. (like Tourette Syndrome) In no way do I think Lee thinks this is funny. Mallory stated in her letter that Lee was angry and stayed in his room, that doesn't sound like someone who finds this funny. I think Lee was truthful in his testimony. It's been 2 yrs, I wouldn't expect someone to remember everything when under that kind of stress. JMO We all have different views.

I have to disagree. There is no way that Lee would not remember his mother saying it smells like a dead body in the dam car. In my opinion, anyway.

Lee is known for his lying and has been caught in his depos doing it. With the prosecutors he says he did not know Caylee was missing when he went to look for Casey on July 3rd. His mother in her depo says she told him that she went to Universal on July 3rd to get Caylee and Casey wasn't there. Her exact words or fairly close were I told him the situation.

So he is lying right there. Apparently, he wants to save his mother some heartache because 31 days of bullchit is hard for anyone to swallow. He may also feel some guilt for not looking more the next day and bringing Casey in sooner - even though it would have done no good - Caylee was dead.

P.S. What letter are you referring to? Thanks Much.
Solace, great question and I think others can answer it better. The outright lies that LA told against innocent people is appalling. I don't believe for one second that Amy is a heroin addict either (I have been around many). I just think the A's are all about the blame game. It's how LA and KC were raised. Everyone is at fault except for the perfect Anthony family. They can do no wrong *rolls eyes*. From what I recall, Lee said that he learned a lot of this info from Dominic Casey (a P.I for mere months that probably got his license out of a count chocula box)

For the love of God I hope they call him out on it during trial. I wish Amy would sue for slander but I can understand that she wants nothing more to do with this mess.

I have read all of the A's depos and I have no logical answer for why they lie about things that can be easily disproved. I would love to hear others input.
I just posted my view above - it struck me upon reading yours that two people can have such different views about something.

Your guess is as good as mine but :waitasec: I wonder why we interpret the situation so differently.

It is odd that different people interpret the same thing in such different ways. I do appreciate your view and even understand it.

I admit my interpretation is most likely biased. Things like Lee's CMA performance at the memorial and KC's accusation of molestation have clouded my judgement. If Lee was just expressing emotion for his sister because he hasn't communicated with her in two years, why has never attended a hearing or wrote one letter to her? I find that strange, but maybe it's just too painful for him. :waitasec: It didn't look painful yesterday though. Or maybe he just tries to go on with life and not think about it while just avoiding it. IDK, like you said it's just a guessing game.
Originally Posted by Dear Prudence [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5411876#post5411876"]
I think Lee's mouthing "I love you" to KC while he was on the stand was completely inappropriate. He could have waited until he was dismissed and was walking out. It's like he has no sense of what's decent or accepted behavior. Which brings me to wonder about KC's allegations of Lee fondling her. I have never thought it was true, but now I'm wondering if maybe it was a mutually consented activity between them. Something about that interaction today was just really, really creepy to me.

MOO! All of the above is MOO.


Casey says she would wake up with her bra over her head. That right there tells you she is lying. She is either the world's heaviest sleeper or she is lying. I go with the latter. She will say whatever she thinks will aid in her situation. First time was to get Jesse to move in with her so she could get out of the house - the second time while in prison - "see girls I have had a hard life too". She is a sociopath through and through. But I bet the defense are planning to use this in their summation to save her.

MOO also.
I think LDB showed great restraint yesterday. Yesterday was all about getting that 911 call in-but, you can bet that LDB and JA picked up on everything we've picked up on. However, they must choose where and when to fight their battles. Yesterday was not the time to wrangle about fuzzy memories, innacurate or missing paragraphs in depos, and feelings of Caylee still being alive-that is for another day. The SA accomplished what they wanted to accomplish and will now move on-but they will remember, for another day and at the proper time, what needs to be addressed from yesterdays hearing. IMO:twocents:
Thanks Reagan. Right. Belich.

Um, if you have read the depos of Lee Anthony, I would be interested in what you think of his implicating Amy and Tony saying Amy is a heroin addict and Jesse lied to him about meeting Tony. Jesse tells the police he met Tony at the pool and is completely straight. So why do you think Lee is saying this. I sincerely doubt that Jesse told him differently. Lee also tells prosecutors that Tony flat out lied about riding in Casey's car. I did not get that from Tony at all. The car was in his driveway or the apartment complex driveway and that does NOT mean he had access to driving it - he did have his own car and when they went to Casey's house, it was in Tony's truck.

Amy does not come off as a heroin addict. She held a job, etc., etc. Lee said he had no proof but was told by the investigator. Tony did not smoke marijuana; his friends stated he did not. He was going to school, etc. He promoted Fusion - so what. One is always going to find lowlifes in places like this - does not mean he was one.

It is interesting that Lee thinks the worst of Jesse, Amy, Ricardo and Tony when none of them HAVE THE REPUTATION his sister does. She has been stealing and lying for years. No one calls him on this when he is being interviewed. They may at trial. What do you think? She says later (albeit when she is in jail) that her father and brother molested her - an outright lie which she started with Jesse when she wanted out of the house. The reason, in my opinion, she broke up with Jesse is because Jesse's father would not marry them if they were living together and I think that put a damper on their getting an apartment - I think she used the sexual abuse to motivate Jesse to expedite their moving in and it did not work - so Jesse was out. She went on to something else. If she could have, she would have moved in with Jesse to get away from her mother and her mother's doting on Caylee - she hated that. And of course it was easy to get rid of Jesse because Cindy hated him and knew he wanted to take Casey and Caylee away. And Casey would have gotten rid of Jesse when she wanted to but the plans changed on Jesse's end with his father nixing their moving in together.

Could you please provide a link for these accusations or at least provide the date of the interview wherein Lee said these things. These accusations do not ring a bell with me.

We all agree KC has lied repeatedly.
I have to disagree. There is no way that Lee would not remember his mother saying it smells like a dead body in the dam car. In my opinion, anyway.

Lee is known for his lying and has been caught in his depos doing it. With the prosecutors he says he did not know Caylee was missing when he went to look for Casey on July 3rd. His mother in her depo says she told him that she went to Universal on July 3rd to get Caylee and Casey wasn't there. Her exact words or fairly close were I told him the situation.

So he is lying right there. Apparently, he wants to save his mother some heartache because 31 days of bullchit is hard for anyone to swallow. He may also feel some guilt for not looking more the next day and bringing Casey in sooner - even though it would have done no good - Caylee was dead.

Mallory wrote KC a letter since she has been in jail. It was released in the last doc dump.

I'm confused when you say LA knew that Caylee was missing on July 3rd. LA went to look for KC but he had no knowledge at that time that Caylee was unaccounted for.
Hi Everyone,I am sure this has been asked 100 times but is there a link somewhere to see Lee's testimony from yesterday?I got to see Cindy but then my computer decided it needed a nap. :(Thank You :)
I think for Lee, Caylee is a non entity and always has been. Much like she was to Casey. Lee doesn't miss or even contemplate Caylee so I don't think Lee has ANY guilt about anything. Other than the fact he couldn't stop his mother from reporting Caylee missing. The only thing he wants is for his sister to be found not guilty. Remember he's the ONLY family member who doesn't wear anything at all that supports Caylee. He only wears things that represent his sister (like green or shamrocks and that stupid bracelet Casey gave him). And then there was his memorable performance to his sister and CAYLEE'S memorial. He never once refers to Caylee as his niece. If I were Mallory and I truly wanted a relationship with this "man" I would make sure to never have any children with him.
Thanks Prudence. I just watched it. Lee thinks he is brighter than everyone else. He cannot control his laughing which is his weakness - he does it nonstop at his depo and with the detectives just over a week after the child is gone - Jesus Lee, Caylee is gone and you still cannot control this habit. My point is when the trial is underway, Lee is not going to be so smug. They are going to nail Casey down - and depending on how well they summarize, she is going to get life without parole or death.

I do not see them giving her death. But it is Florida and next to Texas, Florida does not mess around, especially where children are concerned and when someone is as blatantly obvious as Casey -

Cheney - I don't know where he got his reputation, but half the time one cannot understand him and the other half he he can't find his notes or the cases he cites are WRONG as far as his argument goes and apply to a different argument of something similar. If this is the best he can do, he is downright boring.

He sounds like a teenager when he gets angry with Kathy Melich (sp?). Get it together Cheney - show some class and seasoning - I have yet to see it. And Dyan Lyon - the woman was at best "vulgar". So they have Cheney and Baez. Like attracts like. Right now, they are the most unimpressive duo I have seen.

Diane Drane-Burdick has got her act together big time.

It sounded disrespectful when he said "Absolutely NOT" to Ms. Burdick. That was frustrating as she was there fighting for caylee and the others were just doing the bare minimum of cooperation.

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