2008.09.08 Anthony L. Interview ***REVISITED***

Suppose this:

Antoinette is a 4th year university student, living in an apartment with various other female students to share rent. She works at a night club part time to help with her expenses. She meets a handsome young man who is a lot of fun and they click. He spends a lot of time with her at her apartment, going out and soon he is spending the night. He works part time and is raising his toddler son. The little boy is visiting grandparents so they spend 30 days together. He is very accomodating, doing all sorts of "man" stuff around the apartment and fixes her car.

Then one night, out of the blue, she finds out that the man's son is missing, hasn't been seen by anyone for 30 days. He gets arrested and tells nothing but lies. The child's body is found, and he is charged with murder.

Does she freak out when she realizes she has been living with a murderer? Will she be a little nervous around his family? Wouldn't she be wise to cut bait? Is it something that would haunt her forever? Sure.

How could she ever trust her own judgment of people again?

Same with TL. Good grief, he was intimately involved with a woman who had killed her child. You can't wash that off. He is a victim of KC. She left a lot of victims.

Thank you for this post. You said all I was trying to say. Are you the mother of a son? Because I am. Maybe that makes a difference, IDK. People sometimes wrongly think that boys don't get feelings hurt b/c they don't show them. But I can tell you as the mother of two sons, they do, even if they don't show it to everyone. JMO
TL may not be the primary victim in this case but he is a victim nonetheless. He knew this girl for a month and a half at best, let her stay at his apt all the time, all the while she was still invested with RM and seeking out a new interest in WW(thats not the end of the man list I'm sure but it's late and I'm tired). Most males do not wear their hearts on their sleeves so we don't know how deeply he felt about KC. But if he invested any feelings in her(and I believe he did) she sure has left her mark on him. Can you imagine how difficult it will be for him in the future to trust a girl after what KC's done? And who in their right mind would not distance themselves from someone they've known such a short time after finding out all he found out. I am sure he, like the rest of us, couldn't get past certain factors to have any faith in KC's innocence. 31 days, the lies to LE who could have helped her had she been innocent, the non existent nanny, her duplicity (job, school, boys, etc etc etc). If he were my son, I'd tell him to ski on as fast as possible. This girl is trouble with a capital T and she's already caused you enough. I am also sure that TL thinks about Caylee probably every day at this point, and for the rest of his life will remember her.

All you said about LA could easily and accurately be turned. LE knew the family was not telling all they could, making excuses for KC, outright lying in some cases and the A's were hostile to LE because they were following the facts and the A's didn't like where the facts were going. The A's would not listen to LE. Thats not LE's fault. As far as LE not removing the crowd outside the A home, the A's did all they could to antagonize the public---not LE's fault either. MO is that LE has bent over backwards for this family and many many others who would behave this same way.....they'd be sitting in a jail cell right now. The point of the wire would have to be answered by LE but my guess is they were trying any means possible to find out any info that could help them find Caylee.

Anyway I just had to respond to your post the way you felt the need to respond to anothers. It's all good tho, we will just have to agree to disagree. :cow:

I couldn't agree more! There's lots of victims in this case and TL is certainly one of them.

At his young age, TL was pulled into this whole mess by an opportunistic female predator - Casey. I think Casey was desperate to get away from her mother and used TL to that end. TL wasn't looking for a lifetime commitment - he was young and enjoying life, as most young males do before thinking of settling down. With the truth known, I can't imagine how he now feels in regards to having any sort of serious relationship with a girl. I would think that he would be very wary of trusting someone for a very long time.

As far as distancing himself from Casey, I don't blame him. I would be angry that someone I had a relationship with had committed a horrific crime, and used me and lied to me in the process. I would help LE in any way I could to get to the truth.

I also agree that LE acted in a professional capacity. I think they quickly determined that Casey was responsible for Caylee's disappearance. The fact that she lied to them and made up stories about an imaginary nanny points to her guilt.

As for the rest of the Anthony family, they brought most of the problems on themselves. Their lies and cover-ups were only too obvious. People were angry because of the Anthony lies. When the protesters showed up in front of the Anthony home, George and Cindy should have stayed inside. But, not only did they not stay inside, they came out with hammers and baseball bats and incited the protesters even more.

I think the police deserve a lot of credit for their doing the best they could in spite of very difficult circumstances. It can't be easy for them to deal with a family who obstructs their investigation as much as the Anthonys did.

As far as the wire is concerned, I think LE was exhausting every means to find Caylee. With Casey lying, and her family lying and covering up for her, they had to use other avenues to get to the truth.
Don't forget IassenD. She was IM'ing him some things that TL would not have liked to see (especially since she was staying at TL's place for free because she was supposed to be a loyal girlfriend), and she even tells ID in the text that she would not be flirting with him if TL were there, she would have to hide what she was writing.
Funny thing about ID, he told LE that he had no doubts that Casey murdered Caylee on her own. He had seen the ugly side of humanity overseas and found it possible without attaching too much emotion.
A lot of these guys, TL included, were not investing serious time in KC, serious as in marriage or even exclusive dating. At the end of the day, TL did not expect to be staying in Orlando anyway.

As with most young men in their early 20's, Casey was just one more passing dalliance, not someone TL would probably consider a long-term relationship with. Remember his roommates even teased Casey because she would get upset that he planned on moving to NY. Casey wasn't going to be a serious relationship with TL, but evidently Casey was thinking in terms of a commitment.
This is the first I am aware that TL's apartment was burgalarized while he was in NY. A window was broke, money taken, perp left through the front door hmmmmm......

I remember reading that and immediately thought it was Casey. TL didn't want Casey staying at his apt. while he was in NY. I think he came back on July 5th. Wasn't she staying with RM and AH off and on? They didn't leave on their trip to PR until July 8th, so it makes sense that she was staying with them. But, if she needed money and knew TL was gone, I can see her breaking into his apt.
Didn't Tony, KC, or Nate say something about Nate or one of the roommates using KC's phone to order pizza, too? I'm just trying to remember now.

I seem to remember LE finding a receipt for the pizza in the bag of trash that was taken from the trunk of the Pontiac. I also seem to remember it was dated June 19th.
I listened to this last night for the first time. Lots of little nuggets of info....

The JC penny shopping- we now know they do have some of it on video.

KC drove to TL's apt. on the 16th and THEN they went to Blockbuster in HIS VEHICLE. -

Pillow talk all night long basically the night of 15th into 16th.

The pontiac must not have been smelling too bad from the outside on the 27th, 'cause kc was standing right next to it, with the groceries on top of the trunk when TL picked her up, he pulled up right next to it and even offered to take a look at it, and she of course said no and they left. He dosen't remember a smell.

And apparently he had just taken a poly.

pardon if any of this was mentioned in this thread, I only read a few in. BUT this is ONE LONG THREAD. Good stuff. Back to reading.
Here is the part of the September interview that pertains to the dead squirrel story.

EE: On that day, may I? On that day of 27th did she mention anything to you about squirrels, a animal on her car, anything?
TL: I can’t remember her ever mentioning anything with a…
EE: Okay.
TL: …animal.
EE: We just need to, we just need to make, make sure.
TL: I remember her, I remember when, when I brought it up to her the 16th, I brought it, uh, she brought, she’s like, I did remember tell, she’s like, she’s (unintelligible) with me that she told me that.
YM: The 16th of?
TL: July.
YM: Okay.
TL: When I told you that she contacted me?
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).
TL: Right.

It seems like LE didn't want to go into detail on this issue, which made me believe they are saving it for a later date.

Re: the bolded part...I took this sentence to mean that she (Casey) was adamant with Tony, on July 16th, that she had told him before that dead squirrels caused the smell in her car. He states that she had never told him that prior to July 16th. To me it sounds like Casey, on July 16th, was trying to use him as a witness that there was a dead animal in her car, not a dead body. But, that's just my take.

Has anyone here ever determined which of TL's DBC friends lived at Sawgrass?
This was brought to light in the LE interview with TL as well as from the more recent doc dump of CA/DC's e-mails.
Need a new link for this interview audio, anyone?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5sFj5W-6M8"]tony lazarro 1 0f 5[/ame]

funny, i just relistened to this myself this week.

Our wait for Caylee's justice is sooooo long i go back and review from time to time.
tony lazarro 1 0f 5

funny, i just relistened to this myself this week.

Our wait for Caylee's justice is sooooo long i go back and review from time to time.

Thank you! However, this is not the one I am looking for.....I like to listen to various interviews as aften as possible to keep refreshed, and most of the other ones have gone through my eardrums 5000 times, but I haven't heard the one from 09/08/2008 for a while.....it is a different date than the one you have linked here-The one I was interested in is after this one.
Thanks also to all that linked the transcript to me, just looking for some audio to listen to while I work :)
If anyone comes accross the audio for 09/08, that is not a cfnews link, lemme know!
Thank you! However, this is not the one I am looking for.....I like to listen to various interviews as aften as possible to keep refreshed, and most of the other ones have gone through my eardrums 5000 times, but I haven't heard the one from 09/08/2008 for a while.....it is a different date than the one you have linked here-The one I was interested in is after this one.
Thanks also to all that linked the transcript to me, just looking for some audio to listen to while I work :)
If anyone comes accross the audio for 09/08, that is not a cfnews link, lemme know!
Here you go, friend

How do you DO that? GOSH! I looked for this audio for two hours today! Ugh, I'm a failure. But you are wonderful.

So... any answer on the JC Penny video? I wonder if we'll ever see that.

Did LE ever get those receipts?
IIRC they asked Cindy for them but she wouldn't give them up and said something like they are of no value or they didn't need them...
I hope they subpoenaed the receipts or Cindy's credit card account history from JC Penny.
Did LE ever get those receipts?
IIRC they asked Cindy for them but she wouldn't give them up and said something like they are of no value or they didn't need them...
I hope they subpoenaed the receipts or Cindy's credit card account history from JC Penny.

Would they have to be released under 119 assuming they would be exculpatory primarily for the civil hearing?

CA: oh i looked through them there's nothing there.
YM:See Cindy, that's the kind of answer we can't have.

or something like that. GAH.
Did LE ever get those receipts?
IIRC they asked Cindy for them but she wouldn't give them up and said something like they are of no value or they didn't need them...
I hope they subpoenaed the receipts or Cindy's credit card account history from JC Penny.

minute 5:11 he tells her about the JC Penny card.
My very favorite clip. Yuri is literally holding her hand, very near her..."Cindy, Cindy...Cindy....


O/T God bless Jesse. I think he and his father are being deposed soon. How dare this woman accuse this kid while she sits there making up excuse after excuse for her daughter? It is just evil, in my opinion. The defense is still gunning for Jesse and Tony, make no mistake about it. Was it Tracey or Rob Dick that told LE that the defense wanted to re test Jesse's DNA to be sure his original DNA exam was legit? Good grief! At the same time they are all over Tony's phone records.


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