TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #33

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So, if Mom says she never slept in her room until recently (used to sleep out on the couch)>then, Clint's Mom must be making the whole thing up.

Not buying it. Nope.

I posted the same thing that Billie told me yesterday on one of these threads....she got a TV for her room for Christmas and had just started sleeping (for the most part) in her room instead of the living room.
Will have to correct if Mom said awful - the last 6 months. Did she explain? Why awful?
Whoa-340 posters!

Me: why was Hailey sleeping in the living room? Was this safe from SA?
Sorry....but Kampfer is not the most reliable source on info on this case.
Okay got sucked back in. Jean said in state custody. Rupa, confirmed it.

NG: Why taken?

Rupa: if the home is not a proper environment for a child
she did not call cps on herself....SHE did not place him at her brothers....twist
Awful would not fit with her answers/interviews on NG. Awesome would.
She liked to fall asleep watching tv. She finally got a TV for x-mas IIRC
but billie said she was watching tv in her room the last night she saw her.... :waitasec:
Now who REALLY KNOWS WHEN the earring was left or when she last had it on?.. SA probably planted it

I don't think SA was a welcome visitor in CDs home just based on things he's said and his general demeanor toward SA. I don't think that's something that started with Hailey's disappearance. IMO
Wow-Just wow! I've been reading along since the onset and I've held my tongue because honestly, I don't know what to think in this case but to think that people are driving by BD's home yelling things - knowing that there is another child there - makes me literally sick! And to think these same people claim to care about children/a missing child, in this case Hailey - hogwash!!

That's sad, and wrong. A behavior I do not understand...ever. IIRC, there were "angry mobs" present around the Laci Peterson case and also the CA case. To me that kind of thing is over-the-top. :twocents:
social service will ask you if there is anyone the child can stay with..so they do noy have to take the child/childen there fore its not in the system...yet
just gonna put that, about those rings. i have one in at the mo - you have to screw the balls on good otherwise they fall off and get lost - also, BD said she was trying to stretch out her lobe - which if she was she had obviously looked into it - when stretching out lobes you dont take jewellery out except to put a bigger one in. ie. you wouldn't take it out at night - from experience.

EXACTLY! And the one they showed had both beads on it. The other is missing, so this has to be the one that DD found.

My daughter has gaged her ears and you don't take them out. Kind of like starter earrings. And they fit tight enough not to slip out. And when the balls ARE screwed on tight, they won't go anywhere.
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