2011.05.13 - Jury Selection DAY FIVE Afternoon Session

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can someone give me a live link.....i went to the first page and the only one was cnn which i cant get :)
Oh gosh, me too. Not good. I think JA rteally blew it. he should have challenged for cause and then used his peremptory later, when there was a more diverse pool that made it through, if possible.

I listened to this lady. She alone has me worried about the whole case. I am trained to gauge a lot from what people say, their demeanor and answers. I don't like this one bit.

And yes, no P.h.D. is needed but she could barely understand basic questions.

They are done!

They have unlimited challenges for cause but only 10 without cause. Apparently, JA used a peremptory without trying to challenge for cause first. JB objected to it saying it was an improper peremptory because it was based on race. He won. I have never seen such an objection sustained. This means, from what I understand, that this lady is definitely on the jury.

It is. Same one.

They apparently tried to use a strike and were denied based on race. Really bad.

I thought the real issue was that she has Aspbergers.(SP) Isn't that way she appeared to think a lot before she answered .
LDB: you do have minimal info about the case? source?

either I can't say exactly, coming up on the evening news. segways, snippit on the radio.

LDB: local?

yes. local.

LDB: these are local in Tampa?


LDB: how long in Penallas?


LDB: spent any time in Orlando?


LDB: did you see any out of Orlando?

based out of.

LDB: do you recognize us from tv?


LDB: you have not heard any of the lawyers giving their opinion or speaking about the case?

no, I saw them first here.

LDB: 48 hours watch it?

no. watch history channel.

LDB: you heard about g parents, know names?


LDB: heard them speak on tv?


LDB: what causes you to recall that the grandparents where a part of what you remember?

they were a part of the news story I heard, saw.

LDB: do you know what blogging is?

I know what it is.

LDB: engaged with that?

HHJP said her answers were similar to other jurors that SA didn't strike, and implied that the reason he did was a matter of racism. You could see it on HHJP's face, he was angry with JA for that reason.
Has HHJP compared any of the struck jurors with the ones allowed or has he only done so with this Juror. None of us aware of racial background but this lady does not have what it takes. It's not racist to say so. There have been plenty of dumb white folks too.
HHJP went down a HUGE notch in my estimation with that decision and the manner in which he made it.

ITA with all of this, I fear HHJP is this desperate to sit this jury in this insanely short time and it may be to the detriment of the trial.

I dont know. I still dont believe there is a person on this earth who will hear the state's case yet not vote GUILTY. so this possibly isnt so bad as it feels. his honour has seen all this and more I am sure. even if I feel rather shaken by his judgement right now.
The blogging question is my achilles heel. I just can't take it. lol
Rosalie walked away and kept shaking her head. Weird dynamics between Simms and her. What just happened there? Casey then turned to Mr. Mason. Hmmmmm tension again at the DT.

Wonder if Sims just discovered our thread on Rosalie in this forum and went into panic mode? :great:
State: Recognize any of the lawyers?

I mainly watch History Channel, Learning Channel, sports.

No - never seen the grandparents on TV.

Read any paperwork about this case on the internet?

Read any blogs?
So JB just got this guy to admit to going on Social Media since Monday...WOW that was slick.
I thought the real issue was that she has Aspbergers.(SP) Isn't that way she appeared to think a lot before she answered .

She doesn't have asperger. I was saying I was somewhat relating to her not being social and no friends because my suffering from the disorder which people lack social skills.

Been contacted on FB about case?

Just asked me general questions cause they knew i had jury duty. ie.) are u on case? are u excited, etc.?
ITA. Her answers went from what she thought to what she thought everyone wanted to hear. She's a pleaser.

If it is true that she is a pleaser, then maybe if the vote came down to 11-1 guilty, she would come around just to please the other jurors.

I've been on a jury and other jurors can put a lot of pressure on you to change your vote if you are the hold out.
wonder why he didn't call it the geraldo rivera at large entertainment show...
Oh gosh, me too. Not good. I think JA rteally blew it. he should have challenged for cause and then used his peremptory later, when there was a more diverse pool that made it through, if possible.

This thread is flying so not sure if this has been addressed here, but -

HLN is reporting that the SA did challenge citing a case (begins with "B") - based on a supreme court ruling? (Sorry I missed the case cited!) HHJP denied their rrequest.
HHJP said her answers were similar to other jurors that SA didn't strike, and implied that the reason he did was a matter of racism. You could see it on HHJP's face, he was angry with JA for that reason.
Has HHJP compared any of the struck jurors with the ones allowed or has he only done so with this Juror. None of us aware of racial background but this lady does not have what it takes. It's not racist to say so. There have been plenty of dumb white folks too.
HHJP went down a HUGE notch in my estimation with that decision and the manner in which he made it.

BBM. I hate to say it, as I've always been a huge fan of HHJP, but I have to agree. This was a very bad decision, IMO.
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