2011.06.08 Sidebar (Trial Day Thirteen)

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There HAD to have been a more clear and concise way to present this information to the jury. She could have at least tried to give a sum-up of what was being said. I feel deflated after hours of technobabble. Do the jurors understand any of this? If not, why drone on for hours?
If people are confused go back and read Chiquita's post, Eidetic post, my post and others who have been transcribing to see if there is a consensus on what was asked and said....

my understanding ...some things were manually typed in. there were auto cookies from myspace...and clicked on urls....he described each entry of his report and whether it was an auto generated, a tracking, a cookie, a clicked on url, a google search etc.
I hope the jury does not get too confused. These neck breaking, head injury things may not have been aimed towards the child at all. I think she was looking at ways to get rid of her parents, and inherit the house.

I have said that for a long time. grandmas bank acct and home on hope springs drive. I think they were her first target. moo
Did anyone else notice that when the witness mentioned internal bleeding ICA looked up at the jury then looked down then back again when it was mentioned the second time? Or was this just me? :waitasec:
Head injury - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just an example of how much one can link hop on Wiki. All the blue highlighted words are links to Wiki pages on that subject.

Can someone explain to me whether they are saying she clicked on these links or not? Was all that dribble from the witness to hide the fact that it was ONE page with a million links on it to sick twisted stuff?


did she actually click from thing to thing after it would "pop up" (for lack of a better word) on each page??
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but does anyone else remember that these searches were done practically the same day the trip to Puerto Rico was planned and booked? See, I always thought she wanted to go on that trip with the crowd and ramped up what I beleive she had been thinking of since, ohhh about spring of 2006, that it was high time for "Zanny" to do away with Caylee.

Sorry if I confuse things, but in the back of my head I think wholeheartedly she 'created' "Zanny" with the intention that one day, Zanny would 'take' Caylee - of course when it was convenient for Casey, and that trip she longed to go on with Amy and Ricardo was exactly it.

Does anyone else remember how close these searches were in regard to firming up the plans for that trip and didnt Casey actually book the flights, etc?
Isn't it possible that she saw the Chloroform post on RM's MySpace, researched it and got scared that he may do that to her? Not that I believe it, but those searches (and not all of them were even searches), could be placed in 1000 different contexts. Someone even mentioned GA moving back in (self-defense?).

JMO, though.

Sure, but then there is the pesky problem of the dead baby decomposing in a trunk full of chloroform residue. Put that in context.
will state finish their case by Friday (06/10/11) like they told the judge last friday?

I don't think so...I think they still have about 20 witnesses...crime scene, bring back yuri to tie it all together, etc..

I do not see them wrapping up for at least another week to 10 days - your thoughts?
The 10th? For some reason, I thought it was the 17th that the prosecution would be done... Of course that all depends on how many more stalls that Baez can put in... Toooo many sidebars to explain things to him...
Anyone see this?!

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
BREAKING NEWS: Robyn Adams, Casey's jailhouse pen pal, has been booked into the Orange Co. Jail from Tallahassee. http://goo.gl/5itNb
No. The witness testified that SOME of those searches were autogenerated and SOME were hand typed. I can't recall which was which at the moment, but you can bet we're gonna go over the transcripts to determine which was which.

Correct, but the ones everyone was getting dramatic about were the auto-generated ones.

From Celt1997 on other thread:
BUT they wouldn't BE there if she hadn't actually FOLLOWED those links, right? Even if she didn't actually GOOGLE those words?

Correct, she followed the links to read about them. Following a suggested link, IMO, doesn't spell out premeditation as boldly as some around here are claiming.
Just popping back in....What happened so far in the Afternoon session?
Computer forensic techs still up?
So there are people who don't think this points to premeditation...given what we already know??

I do not think it goes to premed because I myself have been a link hopper on Wiki. Believe me, I think ICA is guilty, but I don't think the Wiki searches give it away. Not at all.
This guy is very boring and droning. You hear words that are upsetting but what does it all mean? LDB is also hestitant and boring today and like she can barely get out what she is trying to say. She needs to step it up and state what the heck she is trying to get across. Very poor presentation in my opinion and it was important info. She is hemming and hawing way too much and so is that guy.
She clicked on them though right? Why on Earth should we be giving her the benefit of the doubt? Seems like her little mind was getting new ideas as she searched.

I agree!

I was just searching "ruptured spleen" and "Did my child rupture his spleen?" two days ago and if "head injury" would have popped up I would have never clicked on it. Why would she be interested in the other things?
Will GA, CA, and LA be brought back to testify they did not search these items?

Searches were deleted manually, imo by brother Lee. Remember in their taped conversations she said something about the hard drive to him.
When they were trying to speak in code.
WE are getting this because we all knew this was coming but I hope this isn't being lost on the jurors. It's so complicated and technical the way he is describing it. I really hope Linda summorizes it all at the end. I would love it if she had an actual chart (Jose would love this!) of the times and search words for the jury to look at as she wraps up this guys questioning. Something a little more simple and visual for them. I feel like WE are anticpating the words "chloroform" and such because we know about it, but the jury might be zoning out right now and not catching it all.
Each piece is each piece. The jury is hearing each piece and so far all of them lead right back to Casey as per the prosecution's case. It has been up to the defense to deflect all those pieces and at this point it is subjective as to who has done the better job.

IMHO. The State has got the jury on their side. This is common sense, imho. If there are jurors that think like Casey Anthony(who by the way I have decided is all in and about being a part of her defense and will never get a retrial she has used up all the State of Florida is gonna give her imo)and CM/Jose Baez: well then there was never any changing their minds anyway.

But, I heard all of the voir dire and I didn't hear any one speaking like Jose and Casey speak...or thinking like they think. They couldn't have been on the jury...

Brought this quote along with me from the other thread.....

And it's important to note that the witness testified that these WERE NOT searches, but auto generated links that came from the initial searches on chloroform. You click on one, and then more are generated that are "like" the one you just clicked on. So chloroform will link to suffocation/inhalation, that link will link to something else, and so on and so on.

Since a lot of these were auto generated I don't' think this is the slam dunk many were expecting.

I think that the fact that she clicked THROUGH them makes them suspicious...she kept going and going and going through all sorts of death scenarios. That's creepy as all get out. I think this piece of evidence is much like everything else - just by itself it isn't a smoking gun but when piled up with all the other evidence, it sure is a bit of a problem for ICA's drowning theory.

That's true...to get to 'alcohol' from 'chloroform' for instance you would be reading the section on "Inadvertent formation of chloroform" (describes using household chemicals). It'd be interesting to track the sections she was reading to get to each of the links she followed.
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
BREAKING NEWS: Robyn Adams, Casey's jailhouse pen pal, has been booked into the Orange Co. Jail from Tallahassee. http://goo.gl/5itNb
I can't stop thinking of this picture of Caylee in the computer room with a person who looks like Casey from the shoulders down sitting behind her at the computer :(

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