2011.06.11 Sidebar (Trial Day Sixteen)

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I guess we don't really know that they weren't. I see vultures pretty regularly around here where I live. I'm pretty fascinated by them, but I really don't think much about them, or that they may be circling because something might be dead below them.

Sometimes there is, and sometimes they're just circling.

According to my mother - no idea whether this is true or not - vultures circle because their target is still alive. They can smell them dying. Once they die, then they land and start in on them.

Like I said, no idea if it's true. She grew up on a farm and that's what her dad told her.
I live in South Florida, heavy population, and have seen them in parking lots munching on carrion. See them circling in the air all the time.

I live in the city, and I see both deer, and vultures daily. We have black vultures here that will eat carrion, as well as kill live food.

Thank you both! Crazy! I think I would be freaked out if I saw them in a parking lot when I was trying to take out my groceries or something.
That's what I tried to explain also when I posted, that Smart Blond responded to.

Though, I will take it one step further and say, that IMO, I have always thought that George went out to the driveway and the car while Casey was still in the house to check out her car for the gas cans.

Knowing how she lies, and how they apparently would fight, why even confront her unless you have the evidence in "hand", so to speak.

He had keys to her car, he could have simply gone out and checked for himself without even bringing it up that he wanted "the tire blocks" or whatever they were.

He could have gotton them, seen for himself that the gas cans weren't there, and there would have been no fight, again.
No harm, no foul.

I've always thought that George saw something, or smelled something that day that made Casey get out of there like a bat out of hell on Halloween. And, you know if George saw something, or smelled something that just wasn't "right", he would have hauled azz after her.
In fact, he tells of doing just that at some other point of time.

Yes, that's possible, I suppose. Perhaps he didn't volunteer that information -- but, he was taken aback by the smell at the lot, and he did become violently ill when relating the matter to the police -- I can't help but think he would have put two and two together instantly at the tow lot if this had happened this way.

Thank you both! Crazy! I think I would be freaked out if I saw them in a parking lot when I was trying to take out my groceries or something.

Oh, you could probably deal with it. Now, if an alligator happened across your path, then that would freak you out worse.
Visible. Did not change in the video.

So Casey's face was included in the video of the duct tape on Caylee's skull?

Umm...sorry, but that is wrong, imo. It may add to the appeals problem and a reversible error. It had no probative value whatsoever. I think that was a big mistake.
Would vultures go to a heavily populated area, like in store parking lots? Not arguing your post. I live somewhere heavily populated where a vulture sighting would be few and far between. I don't think I have ever seen one locally that wasn't at the zoo, so I don't know what their behavior would be and I am curious.

That said/asked: Can you imagine?!?!?!?!?! Going out to your car from the store to find vultures on your trunk! Were there scratches on the trunk lid?

I think they land in trees & wait until they see the coast is clear so to speak... they circle and wait. I've seen a bunch of them here in Florida. They are so nasty looking.
George's cop from from Ohio could testify that George was blaming Casey from the get go. Is he on either witness list?

Jim Campbell that was his name.
Thank you both! Crazy! I think I would be freaked out if I saw them in a parking lot when I was trying to take out my groceries or something.

Two days in a row, last week I saw dead deer on the side of the road on my way to work. The first day there was about 6-7 vultures eating at it. I thought for a second it was a black dog there, because it was so large.

I've only live in San Antonio a year, and at first I would freak out about these wildlife encounters, but now I'm kind of used to it. I gotten to appreciate and like the vultures. They have their place in nature, and are IMO, graceful when they are flying and circling.
According to my mother - no idea whether this is true or not - vultures circle because their target is still alive. They can smell them dying. Once they die, then they land and start in on them.

Like I said, no idea if it's true. She grew up on a farm and that's what her dad told her.

I've heard the same thing.
I fully realize I could be wrong, but I'm thinking GA needs to tell the truth as to when he actually saw Casey and Caylee leave the house together for the last time...I still suspect she left with Caylee on the night of the 15th and that was the last time CA and GA saw them together...JMHO

I too have always felt that Casey left the Anthony home the night of June 15th after and argument with Cindy.

I think George's description of Casey and Caylee leaving at 12:50pm on June 16th was an effort to cover up any suggestion that something happened in the home on June 15th. It all goes to motive.

But George can't change his testimony now as it's part of his sworn deposition. To change it now, he could be impeached.
So what about the twin canvas laundry bag being in a black plastic garbage bag? Something ICA intended to dispose of, but forgot to?

I think the twin canvas bag in the garbage is important to the state because they feel and will bring up that when Casey was home on bail she removed a bunch of evidence that could connect her to the body if found. She collected all the hairs in the house they could find that were probably Caylee's, tooth brushes and hair brushes and some other stuff I can't remember. I have a feeling she might have got rid of the duct tape at that time and would have taken the second laundry bag if she had known where it was but it was put away in a garbage bag.
According to my mother - no idea whether this is true or not - vultures circle because their target is still alive. They can smell them dying. Once they die, then they land and start in on them.

Like I said, no idea if it's true. She grew up on a farm and that's what her dad told her.

That is true from my early memories. My grandfather had a dairy farm in Northern California. If the vultures began to circle he would go out to the pen where the new calves were kept and try and find any sick ones and isolate them before they got the others sick as well. Later, after the vultures arrived, he would often that some of those calves had indeed died.
I guess we don't really know that they weren't. I see vultures pretty regularly around here where I live. I'm pretty fascinated by them, but I really don't think much about them, or that they may be circling because something might be dead below them.

Sometimes there is, and sometimes they're just circling.

IMO -- they are always actively searching for their next meal. But when you see them repeatedly circling in a specific target area and/or gaining a few other searchers, you can pretty much assume there is a dead body, whether animal or not.

Need to get a carrion bird specialist on here.
So Casey's face was included in the video of the duct tape on Caylee's skull?

Umm...sorry, but that is wrong, imo. It may add to the appeals problem and a reversible error. It had no probative value whatsoever. I think that was a big mistake.

I think it was alright because Casey was the last one seen with her and she is the one the state is accusing of putting the duct tape on her.
I think the clothes that Caylee was found in are very telling. No swim suit AND it wasn't the outfit george said he last saw her in!

I don't know about the swim suit part. Didn't defense insinuate that Caylee got out of the house and went to the pool herself and climbed the ladder that "someone" had left on the pool? If I'm wrong, correct me. But if I'm right, I don't think Caylee would change into her swim suit herself.
So, was KC thinking that she could just deposit Caylee's body in there and it would be disregarded by scavenger animals to just decompose and disappear?

Out of sight, out of mind?

Oh, I get it, double wrapped in plastic garbage bags and put in a laundry bag would do the trick.
I don't know about the swim suit part. Didn't defense insinuate that Caylee got out of the house and went to the pool herself and climbed the ladder that "someone" had left on the pool? If I'm wrong, correct me. But if I'm right, I don't think Caylee would change into her swim suit herself.

The only thing that I see as not being 100% spot on to my understanding on the opening statement was that I thought that he actually said Cindy left the pool ladder up.
The comment above does nothing to help answer any of our questions. As far as I know, Caylee always looked clean with a fresh set of clothes. Nobody has ever said otherwise. Besides, George said he did the feeding, that is, during his second interview. And, if you remember, he said he knew what Caylee had been wearing and it wasn't what they found in and around the bag.

Sorry for my sarcasm towards KC, but it does help. If the murder was premeditated, would she actually care if the baby had the same clothes or shorts on from the day before? That was my point. I can't see her being very choosy with regard to what Caylee would be wearing that day.
Reading your post, something just popped in my mind. Does anyone else remember that when Casey was out on bond, JB requested that Casey be allowed to search for Caylee without being followed by LE or media? I don't recall exactly what was said, but I think he said he would accompany Casey on the searches.

I've always wondered what the defense was up to with that request. Did Casey want to return to the scene of the crime to make sure nothing was visible from the road?

OMG, did he really say that? It's insane IMO, not too far from confessing Casey knows perfectly well where Caylee is.
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