2011.06.21 TRIAL Day Twenty-four (Morning Session)

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wow the gift that just keeps on giving (that doesn't makes sense---neither does this from today....6-21-2011):

Jose Baez to da judge :

".....that type of testing is unique. we requested that they be allowed to test items and that of course was objected to by the state and and uh the state uh granted or sustained their objection, denied our opportunity to have him test these items due to a very specialized field, subfield, of dna that he is one of the pioneers of uh in the alternative of we were granted the ability to test certain items by an outside lab...."

That is what Jose said. Does anyone have ANY idea what he is trying to say?

yes. It is HHJP faulty the items were not tested. I think thats what he meant.
Well quite honestly I do think she deserves a do over. Her lawyer is very bad. Not objecting to things he should have ,siting ineffective case laws, not having reports ready or completed.

There are many many things that show examples of that in this trial.

Daiz Also deserves a new trial based on his same ineffective counsil.

Baez has said himself ,maybe I am not explaining this right or maybe I am not being clear etc.. it is all over court record that he is even doubting himself.

But ICA has been asked repeatedly whether she is happy with her counsel and if she wants him to continue. He is her choice.
If I were a juror, I would be wondering why JB couldn't just get someone form here, from an acredited touch dna lab. I am not saying this couple is not qualified, just that as a juror I would wonder about all of this. The touch dna I guess will come in, after the frye hearing.

One jury looked up when the Chief Judge said defense expert was months late providing his report about opinions
10 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
I don't see this guy is an expert? How can the judge let him in as an expert??? Maybe his country has alot less qualifications than our country???
While we're waiting on HHJP to rule on this witness....

My husband just announced that he's going to form a class action suit to sue all involved in airing the ICA trial because it only reinforces my addictive behavior about this case, takes up all my household duty time so I get nothing done, it alienates my affection because I'd rather hear from HHJP than him most of the time, and it will increase my health care costs due to my blood pressure rising. He welcomes other WS significant others to join him. LMAO!!!

LOL! I asked my DH turn off a movie last night at 8pm to watch Nancy Grace and he took me by the shoulders and looked into my eyes and jokingly reminded me that one day this trial will be over. Which as this point, I am not so sure!
Well, Council and a thousand other people here on this board are questioning it, JB.
TBH you are correct. But both sides have been engaging in this types of gamesmanship (JA and JB).

I know everyone here loves the prosecution and hates the defense but I take an objective view. An example of the prosecution's games was Ashton's comment about Baez's texting. I am sure that I need give no examples to the memebrs of this board of Baez's gamesmanship.

Both sides should just cut this out

I must respectively disagree. But I do absolutely respect your opinions.

There is a HUGE, gigantic, monumental difference between a snide comment from JA in court about JB texting (which was indeed rude to the Court and to JA) and JB failing to fulfill his obligations to his client and the COURT.

Trials are not done by ambush. JB has tried at every single turn multiple times to fail to give the prosecution what is statutorily their right to receive. Reciprocal discovery is just that, reciprocal. HHJP has had to verbally and in written order form MAKE JB follow the rules, yet he still continually willfully violates HHJP's rules, repeatedly.

JB is indeed engaging in gamesmanship and IMO is disrespecting the Court and his Client IMO. This is ICA's life at stake. And he's playing chicken with the Court in regards to her life.

JA might make unprofessional and snide remarks while in Court but he's still abiding by HHJP's Court orders. IMO there is absolutely no comparison to the level of professionalism exhibited by the SA's (including JA) and the DT. The SA team has the DT blown out of the water in their ability to follow the rules that COUNT and their level of decorum within the walls of the Courtroom (and outside the courtroom as well).

All IMO.

HHBP - return the jury - reads statement no report until 6/18/11
Dr. Eiklenboom - from Netherlands - dna scientist - Dept of Serology...later biology....protein eletrophorensis...dna more involved in trace recovery for biology find all kinds biological for eletrophoresis ....any train on dna? yes ....biochemistry work with dna and try to decipher dna .....how long work dna scientist? 20 years....work for Netherlands Institute - little different than US - 2003 wife started independant forensic services - he joined in 2005....

explain to jury regular dna and low copy dna - object - voir dire...

JB - up highest degree obtained is Engineer degree in Holland - something between Bachelors and Master's ....degree is in bio-chemistry....study of luminol....lights up show where blood is....oxidized metals - used in finding blood stains....didnt specialize in biochemistry ....not true ....training in dna and bio-chemistry...last year @ his work he chose luminol subject.....try to make new solution of luminol which would not degrade dna, working for Netherlands Forensic Institute - din't do dna ....work in biology dept....train to be come coordinator consult on paper - certain investigations dna analysis but not that certified....done some dna analysis but not certified by that lab you did trace recovery and coordinating results - have to know some thing bout results - didn't actually perform, analyze or perform dna? no I coordinated....in 2005 you and wife opened business and you and wife appointed you as Director of DNA.....object as expert in this area...

JB - how many cases work did you recover and process dna in Netherlands prior to opening Indep. Forensic Services - when @ Netherlands Forensic Institute - get results from lab techs...during time @ IFS we did it ourselves....trace recovery all ourselves....trace recovery extraction training? yes of course...during bio-chemistry lessons - @ Netherlands Forensic Institute took 4 ? courses....lab was accreditation similar to ASCLAD here - dna labs accreditation - certain professiency testing....blind sample - use CTS American base company send out reference samples, crime samples....lab perform dna on that and send back results without knowing whether right...couple months later receive results....see how compare to other labs participaing the test....lab contracted by LE over 100 times...
in addition over 70 times as an expert witness in dna analysis - accreditation CTS testing very important - board accrediation in Netherlands yearly come by bring dna expert and they can ask anything of you - audit....first case in US case?

object sustained

JB just answer my question....case in US - what kind of case? object - sustain rephrase
sought out for your unique expertise object- sustain
sought out for what reason sir? object - sidebar!

Agreed. Personally, I think JP should do everything and anything he can to make sure this does not end with a mistrial or get verdict turned on appeal. I believe that even if there is an appeal for ineffective counsel (which I believe the DT is totally all on board with) that it will be proven that Mr. Baez was given every chance available to do his job and allow his client a fair trial. It may be frustrating that this may take a couple extra weeks or that Baez didn't get a punishment harsher than he deserved, but I think that is being done to prevent a mistrial......hopefully this all works and this case can be seen to the end. JP obviously has amazing restraint.

ITA My only concern is Jose not be given so much leeway that he is permitted to get in unscrupulous testimony that will taint the jury's decision. I am trusting JP's wisdom in preventing this.
Baez has me completely confused. Can someone please tell me this witnesses title? TIA!
Well quite honestly I do think she deserves a do over. Her lawyer is very bad. Not objecting to things he should have ,siting ineffective case laws, not having reports ready or completed.

There are many many things that show examples of that in this trial.

Daiz Also deserves a new trial based on his same ineffective counsil.

Baez has said himself ,maybe I am not explaining this right or maybe I am not being clear etc.. it is all over court record that he is even doubting himself.
I hate to type this, but I agree with you. This trial has become a joke, and out of control. I pray HHJP can right this ship, but I do fear inefectivenesss of councilor what ever it is.
Oh and by the way, it's the flipping USA, they have every specialist under the sun there. Why did Baez need to go to the Netherlands? Hmmm.
JB has NO IDEA ** HOW ** to ask the questions he is trying to ask, due to his inexperience in actual trial, My opinion only.....
:lol: BS and the guy he is with talking about "crackpot" testimony!

Eikenboom is another defense questionable expert. Won't be surprised if Judge excludes him. #caseyanthony #hlntv #josebaez #CayleeAnthony
2 minutes ago via web
Baez: "Were you sought out because of your athletic prowess including your ability to leap tall buildings?"
Objection - Sustained
Objection - Sustained
Obejction - Sustained
Objection - May we approach?

ALL in 15 seconds!
Jury coming back in (11:31)

Instructions: All experts were required to provide reports - complete statement of opinions, reasons for opinions, any data or other info considered in forming opinions. These were due at a time prior to this trial. The report of this witness was not provided to the State until 6/18/11. You may consider this fact in judging the credibility of the testimony of this witness.


He is a DNA scientist from the Netherlands.

Education - worked for National lab in Netherlands in early nineties in the department of serology and then department of biology. During his training he received an education in DNA. He has been working as a DNA scientist for about 20 years. In 2003 his wife developed an independent lab and he joined her.

Regular DNA and low copy DNA?



Highest degree is an engineer's degree in Holland? Somewhere between a BS and MS? Yes. Degree in bio-chemistry and specialization is in luminal. Also worked for Netherlands Institute. He worked in biology department. During training he became coordinator with emphasis on trace recovery - not DNA analysis or extraction. He was not certified by the lab to do DNA analysis.

In 2005 he and his wife opened a business. He and his wife appointed him Director of DNA.

JA - We object to his qualifications in this area.

JA - how many cases did you work where you recovered DNA and processed it prior to his independent lab? As coordinator he worked on a lot of high profile cases where he received results from laboratory techs. At his independent company he did not have lab techs, so he did it. He received training in the items required to run DNA analysis.

His lab is accredited by the Holland accreditation board. The require proficiency testing.

His lab has been contacted by Holland LE over 100 times to conduct DNA analysis.

He has been qualified to testify on DNA over 70 times.

Accreditation includes CTS testing and a yearly site visit, bringing a forensic DNA expert to review reports and ask questions (audits).

He became involved in cases in U.S. - the Picasso case?


He was contacted on a case in the U.S. What type of case?


Were you sought out...

OBJECTION BY JA - Relevance -

SIDEBAR #3 (11:47)
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