2011.06.24 TRIAL Day Twenty-seven (Morning Session)

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BTW JA is making the objections. So SA George is going to be doing this cross. I can't wait to see that.
HHBP sustains it twice and the third time JA objects to same thing he snaps at JA, finally JB rephrases
An Aside and warning: We are having thunderstorms here in central Florida. Don't be surprised if the cable gets interrupted.
I have 4 daughters if one looked like that due to it being her time of the month i would have taken her to the doc immediately!!!
:great: GO GO GO MR. ASHTON !

:great: Mr. Ashton KNOWS what JB is up to !
ICA was pregnant and hiding it. Even more of a reason why she didn't really want the responsibility of a child. Even more thoughts that she never wanted baby Caylee.
Are they trying to show how in denial Cindy is and why the family would conspire to hide things from her?
JP just told JA to "SIT DOWN!" like he was speaking to a dog!

How come he never ever told JB to sit down, even when he was clearly hovering around where he should not have been, invading people's personal boundaries?????

I think he is lying, in his depo the first time he noticed Casey was preg. was at the airport.
Exactly...just draws attention to the specific testimony defense is trying to extract, and when the objections are sustained its only human to fill in the blank yourself with the answer least helpful to the State's case.
I don't know why some people are making a big deal out of this. The defense did the same thing during the State's case.

It's called being a lawyer. I'm sure the jury gets that. Neither side is trying to "hide" things from the jury.
OK, did not Lee say in HIS depo that he didn't ask questions about the pregnancy, because he thought it was not his business??????

He asked CA, got dissed by her and then decided to not rock CA's boat about it...
HHJP once again shows his bias against JA. He really should attempt to be less obvious.
IF Lee admits to sexual assault on his sister, he needs to be arrested ASAP. There are no statue of limitations on sexual abuse... if I remember correctly.

I don't know about Florida, but yes there is. My father molested me when I was a child, the judge or whoever didn't believe me, and then several years later my father went to jail for sexually assaulting another child, but they couldn't arrest him for what he had done to me because too much time had passed.
Well that was a lie... Lee knew ICA was pregnant way before a few days before Caylee was born! They had a baby shower for her in June!
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