MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #6

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Dumpster fires are fairly common around here where I live. Not sure if it's just punks having "fun" or what.

ETA: But yeah, I think they must be looking more closely for baby clothes, etc.

BBM: Thank You -- I was wondering about that ... so "dumpster fires" are common in your area ... :waitasec: and maybe in some other areas. In the past 14 years of dealing with dumpsters, I have never had a "fire" to deal with ... dealt with other crazy things like people just throwing their toilets, etc. in there ...

IMO ... I think something is going to "break" real soon in this case ... I just get that feeling ...

I hope they find Baby Lisa alive and SOON !

MOO ...
Dumpster fires are a typical Halloween prank in these parts: A little early for that, methinks. Charcoals from a grill that haven't cooled off enough can easily ignite a dumpster fire.
A bit off topic....

When I was 4, my mother came home from working 2nd shift at a factory and discovered my 1 yr old brother dead in his crib. The ambulance was called and naturally the police were present too at some point. My father and older children were also present in the home. While very sudden, his death turned out to be from natural causes.

When I was 12, my oldest brother and his wife were living with us in my parent's home. When they're baby was 1 mo old, they discovered him dead in his crib early one morning. It was determined to be a case of SIDS. The ambulance & police were called. The police had to question everyone as several family members were still living in the house.

These were simply two tragic instances of babies dying suddenly in my own family. There was no thought to trying to cover anything up. Both times, the calls for emergency help were made. I just can't come up with any reasonable explanation in which a baby could suddenly die, whether by accident or natural causes, when a person would not call 911.

This has been discussed a lot on the previous threads - posters seem to be split. Some seem to find it hinky, as you did. Others pointed out that they weren't necessarily naming suspects, but anyone who could have come in contact, showed interest in Lisa, behaved oddly, might have a grudge against the family, etc.

Even so...nine, really? If my child went missing from her crib and I was asked to compile a list of anyone who might know or have something to do with my child being missing? I'd be at a loss to even come up with one name...but, that's just me, I guess.
Can't figure why one would take it but I have Time Warner cable and have a cable box. It's necessary for us to get more channels than just the basic cbs, nbc, abc. I suppose there is value to it if one were to sell it, but you would still need service thru cable company so maybe not.

Not at all clear to me why one would take it, Matou.

A few years ago our Sat box was hooked up and thru the phone line. Thats how they wanted it installed but not necessary. Also if we wanted to order a movie
(PG) of course lol it had to be run thru the phone line.
My point is it also would record somehow and show#'s that were called in right there on the screen!!!!

I'm not kidding. DH would know more about it but he's not home. I'll ask later if it even matters then.
IF and I say IF- the mother did something to Lisa or something happened accidently..she would probably put her somewhere close with a special blankie or toy..most of these cases the child is found close by..I can not imagine her being gone long with 2 other children at home or in a car-just thinking out loud!But I put money on Lisa is found close by!!! JMO
Kansas City police and FBI agents began combing through the Johnson County landfill known officially as Deffenbaugh Industries.

"We were out there searching the landfill today," Bridget Patton, spokeswoman for the FBI's Kansas City Division, told

When asked if the search was related to the disappearance of 10-month-old Lisa Irwin, Patton said, "Yeah, it's related to that."

Patton said this was the second time this week the FBI has searched the landfill.

Earlier today, Lisa's mother said that police accused her of having done something to her child.

"From the start when they've questioned me, once I couldn't fill in gaps, it turned into 'You did it, you did it,'" Deborah Bradley told "Good Morning America."
Such a small thing but I thought it was really interesting that the father says the front door was unlocked when he got home. How would he know this? Most people coming home at that time of night wouldn't just try the door handle to see if it was open, especially if it's normally locked. And if you put your key in the door, could you say with absolute certainty that the lock hadn't turned over?

Again, I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this, and maybe the door was slightly opened (though I only heard "unlocked").
When I was in high school, we had a rash of them where teenagers were throwing homemade firework-type things into dumpsters for kicks. You're right though, generally these are rare and almost always intentionally set.

Yeah, that happens there too, but there is just getting to be too many 'convenient' things happening for this to happen. Waaaaay too many..

Still not completely convinced of parental involvement, but in no way was this a random act IMO.
We had a man in my town commit suicide by jumping in a dumpster, pouring gas on himself and lighting himself on fire.

...Well. At least no one could say he wasn't creative.
I just can't come up with any reasonable explanation in which a baby could suddenly die, whether by accident or natural causes, when a person would not call 911.


If that person's name is Casey Anthony. :deadhorse::hoppingmad:

Ok, I'm done. But I am starting to get the vibe that perhaps mommy took a page out of ol' FCA's book. :furious:
Yeah, that happens there too, but there is just getting to be too many 'convenient' things happening for this to happen. Waaaaay too many..

Still not completely convinced of parental involvement, but in no way was this a random act IMO.

In-da-Middle, Is there really a random dog missing from the neighborhood that you know of...?:waitasec:
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