ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #2

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Can you please provide the links to your statements regarding ZG's employment, housing, financial status, evictions and other court actions against her? I haven't heard or read some of this before.

IMO-ZG's life has been changed based on FCA's lies! How much those changes are worth is up to the courts. Maybe Florida can get something right regarding FCA. One could hope.

A disguise to a deposition? Even banks make you take off your sunglasses and hats to enter. This can't be legal. M & M should have objected to this stunt. I don't think she changed her look, to avoid being recognized in the future. She will be appealing her convictions which will be requiring her to appear in court. It's all about attention for FCA and selling that first picture. Very happy to see "most" of the public has lost all interest. For that, I thank Amanda Knox. :D

my bold

her, and conrad murray trial, and the death of steve jobs.

no one ever did care about OCA. only caylee. now OCA is back to being a total nobody til the day she reoffends.

your bella vita, casey.
My point is being missed entirely. No one is saying she doesn't have the right to sue because of her financial situation. She can not go into court claiming she lost her job and her apartment because of Casey because that is NOT true. If she has a valid lawsuit, why can't it be based on truths rather than on lies? Why is it okay for some people to lie and not others? Is it because they are 'against' Casey? Lying is lying is lying in my book, no matter who does it.

I HOPE Z?G does carry the lies into court and claim she lost her home and job as a result of Casey's accusations. Personally, I can't wait to see it. When the truth comes out, that she was unemployed and living in a motel at the time, having already been evicted, she's going to look pretty ridiculous sitting there with egg on her face.

But ZG is not represented by JB's law firm. M&M has an excellent reputation and they have much higher standards that they follow. I do not see them lowering them down to JB's level, not that they would have to do that. I have not heard ZG lie and the only interview she gave to the media, that I heard, she was truthful. And I have not heard of one incident where she, herself, lied only that Morgan made a statement that first day in which he did not have all the information correct, but was corrected after the fact. That does not make ZG a liar only that her attorney did not have his facts straight. jmo
Perhaps I have become a bit jaded by all the gameplaying all the lawyers have done since CA's initial 911 call.

I think M&M are in this for the publicity. I think they are using Z?G as a pawn. I think M&M promised Z?G a big payday, and they are banking on the public's hatred for KC to get them a win.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
Can you please provide the links to your statements regarding ZG's employment, housing, financial status, evictions and other court actions against her? I haven't heard or read some of this before.

IMO-ZG's life has been changed based on FCA's lies! How much those changes are worth is up to the courts. Maybe Florida can get something right regarding FCA. One could hope.

A disguise to a deposition? Even banks make you take off your sunglasses and hats to enter. This can't be legal. M & M should have objected to this stunt. I don't think she changed her look, to avoid being recognized in the future. She will be appealing her convictions which will be requiring her to appear in court. It's all about attention for FCA and selling that first picture. Very happy to see "most" of the public has lost all interest. For that, I thank Amanda Knox. :D

I don't believe appealing requires her to appear in court. I believe it is all handled by written filings that are submitted to the courts by the lawyers, which has already been filed. Her appeal is not to get her conviction for lying reversed, it is to get her sentencing for the convictions reduced form 4 to 1 as her lawyers stance is that was one continuous lie and not 4 separate lies. They tried this argument at the sentencing hearing and lost. They are appealing that part of the sentencing. (note by me: if they believed that to be the case, why did they not try to get those indictments rolled into one instead of 4 separate ones from the get go instead of waiting until the jury verdict and the sentencing hearing? seems to me to be a bit late to make that argument or perhaps they did in earlier hearings and I just missed it. )
Perhaps I have become a bit jaded by all the gameplaying all the lawyers have done since CA's initial 911 call.

I think M&M are in this for the publicity. I think they are using Z?G as a pawn. I think M&M promised Z?G a big payday, and they are banking on the public's hatred for KC to get them a win.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.

Check out her probation report. She has no job, she has no money. As far as publicity I think they are already one of the biggest firms around from what I understand. Even attorneys have compassion (CM comes to mind in his ever devotion to KC and "she's really a good kid" but I don't want her living with me attitude).

I think Morgan is as outraged as we all are at the level at which KC will take her lies and not worry about what she has done in the way of damage to her victum's lives. KC is a distructive force with no conscience. We all talk here about how her lies have destroyed lives but we just talk, nothing more. At least Morgan is attempting to do something, anything to get it through her thick head that lying has consequences. jmo
From what I can remember ZG was suppose to start a new job and her future employer talked with her and told her they had to withdraw their offer because of negative publicity and ZG said she understood. ZG was trying to find an apartment but was living in a motel at the time. ZG was unable to find other employment and because of the A's case she lost her income and had to move to a shelter with her daughters. I don't think that is considered a lie, she did lose her ability to provide a home for her children. ZG apparently was already struggling at the time to make a living for herself and her children and getting caught up in this case caused her to temporarily lose the ability to work at any job. This does not make her an evil, vile person. She has every right to go after KC for what KC said and for the fact that the one opportunity KC had to clear ZG name for good, KC chose to put that focus back on ZG by getting CA to go to the media and declare that KC never cleared ZG as the Nanny.

This case has a trial date. KC's attorneys have already tried to get the case dismissed and it is going forward. If there were no case why would KC have to take the 5th? jmo
Thanks LambChop. This sounds like what I remember about ZG's job and housing situation. I don't see any lies either. So until I see some source information that this lawsuit is based on lies, I will give such story's zero weight.
my bold

her, and conrad murray trial, and the death of steve jobs.

no one ever did care about OCA. only caylee. now OCA is back to being a total nobody til the day she reoffends.

your bella vita, casey.

FWIW: just a few moments ago KC was trending #1 on Yahoo. I expected to see some big news when I checked in here. Guess the "disguise" has intrigued a lot of folks.??????
My point is being missed entirely. No one is saying she doesn't have the right to sue because of her financial situation. She can not go into court claiming she lost her job and her apartment because of Casey because that is NOT true. If she has a valid lawsuit, why can't it be based on truths rather than on lies? Why is it okay for some people to lie and not others? Is it because they are 'against' Casey? Lying is lying is lying in my book, no matter who does it.

I HOPE Z?G does carry the lies into court and claim she lost her home and job as a result of Casey's accusations. Personally, I can't wait to see it. When the truth comes out, that she was unemployed and living in a motel at the time, having already been evicted, she's going to look pretty ridiculous sitting there with egg on her face.

Because clearly, Zanny is the one we should be angry at, not Casey? Unbelievable.
Can you imagine sitting in your own home or in a motel or wherever you are living at the moment with your children, MINDING YOUR OWN BUSINESS, and the next thing you know YOU are named as a kidnapper in a very-widely-publicized Child Abduction with a connection clear enough that the police come to get you and take you to headquarters and interrogate you as the KIDNAPPER? and then the person who is accusing you has her mother go to the MEDIA in a very public and emphatic way and refuses to say you are not really the kidnapper, BUT IMPLICATES YOU FURTHER?

That would affect me terribly EMOTIONALLY, and I can see where at that particular time, I would not be successfully able to get a job or a place to live. and I can see how this would TERRIBLY affect my young children, can you imagine having GO TO THROUGH THIS all on the whim of someone who is a known and proven LIAR?

If I was able to get a lawsuit going against this accuser, I most certainly would do it.

ETA: It would be like right now I am sitting at my computer, drinking my tea, my kids are playing and watching TV, and there would be a knock on my door and the police would say they need to talk to me about my connection to the widely-on-the-news child abduction, asking me if I AM THE KIDNAPPER??? and then the whole world hears ABOUT ME and MY CONNECTION to the whole mess.

IMO, MOO, etc.
My point is being missed entirely. No one is saying she doesn't have the right to sue because of her financial situation. She can not go into court claiming she lost her job and her apartment because of Casey because that is NOT true. If she has a valid lawsuit, why can't it be based on truths rather than on lies? Why is it okay for some people to lie and not others? Is it because they are 'against' Casey? Lying is lying is lying in my book, no matter who does it.

I HOPE Z?G does carry the lies into court and claim she lost her home and job as a result of Casey's accusations. Personally, I can't wait to see it. When the truth comes out, that she was unemployed and living in a motel at the time, having already been evicted, she's going to look pretty ridiculous sitting there with egg on her face.

I will be rooting for anyone that goes up against KC in court.
Orlando attorney John Morgan, who represents Gonzalez, said Anthony appeared to be unhappy and angry during the 45-minute deposition.

"You could see where there's points where she starts to hyperventilate, nostrils flaring. But there was never an outburst," he told Reuters.

Anthony's attorney could not be reached for comment.

Anthony's attire took lawyers and the court reporter in Morgan's office by surprise, he said.

"She was wearing a Phillies baseball hat. It looked like a wig -- I don't know if it was -- very thick black hair, long ponytail around her shoulder. She had these Dolce & Gabbana big, huge sunglasses on and a T-shirt," Morgan said. "The court reporter kinda gasped."


Dolce & Gabbana? Wow, that is certainly impressive. Curious as to how someone unemployed could afford those? MOO

This "disguise" is nothing more than an attempt to stay in the public eye. JA said the best thing we can do is ignore her. He was right. She has resorted to a silly costume and I guess it worked somewhat because we are talking about it.

I think we'll see more bizarre behavior from FCA because her biggest fear is she'll fade into oblivion which means no million dollar interview. Knox and CM have taken over the spotlight and FCA can't stand it. She is probably pitching a royal fit that someone much prettier and smarter will bring in the big bucks. It's not a matter of if but when Knox will score a multi million dollar deal.

There is no amount of surgery that can make FCA unrecognizable unless she goes the Michael Jackson route and that takes years and a lot of money. She believes she is a perfect 10 so she would never do that anyway.

FWIW: just a few moments ago KC was trending #1 on Yahoo. I expected to see some big news when I checked in here. Guess the "disguise" has intrigued a lot of folks.??????

dont mistake "morbid curiosity" for "care" :floorlaugh: of course I cant speak for everyone but I still follow the case for 1. the other posters here whom I adore and 2. anything that irritates or annoys OCA or her attorneys makes me feel a little perky inside. I do not care about her (until she reoffends so I can scream HEAR THAT, PINELLAS 12 from the rooftops.)
Perhaps I have become a bit jaded by all the gameplaying all the lawyers have done since CA's initial 911 call.

I think M&M are in this for the publicity. I think they are using Z?G as a pawn. I think M&M promised Z?G a big payday, and they are banking on the public's hatred for KC to get them a win.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.

I don't think it is a coincidence that Zenaida Gonzalez was at the Sawgrass Apartments on June 17, 2008 to inquire about renting an apartment and then FCA said she left Caylee at the Sawgrass Apartments with Zenaida.

I don't think Ms. Gonzalez's attorney's do either. :crazy:
Because clearly, Zanny is the one we should be angry at, not Casey? Unbelievable.

It's not an either/or situation. Who said we should be angry at Z?G? I certainly didn't. I just said that her case is based on lies. Anyone can go to the Orange county website and see that she was evicted before Casey ever uttered her name. Anyone can listen to Morgan's interview where he said that Z?G was not working at the time. Anyone can see that Z?G's name is not ZFG, in spite of the fact that it's falsely presented that way in the lawsuit.

IF Z?G wins this suit, it will only be because of Casey taking the 5th, IMO. It certainly won't be based on the merits of the suit because there are none.
Seems FCA can't catch a break...I heard on HLN this morning ...talking about most popular halloween masks...seems FCA mask is considered in such poor taste most suppliers are shying away from it...just another slap in one of her many faces...maybe she can purchase a few for future disguises...LOL

I understand points being made about ZG lawsuit. I agree with some...If I was contacted by LE and questioned about a kidnapping in regards to my name being thrown out there with my vehicle description...then receive death threats to myself but more importantly..to my children..you would see one blood thirsty momma. I would hope M&M would be smart enough lawyers to back up ZG claims and if their not they deserve to lose the case. I would be going on each and every talk show that would invite and pay me to clear my name. I get ticked even thinking about it. If ZG wasn't pursueing a law suit, as a mother I would be asking ...why not! She has every right to stand up for herself and her children. Her name has been slandered by a conartist, not by some innocent that just made a mistake or mispoke!

ZFG request for admissions June 2011.

Wonder which if not all of these questions FCA plead the fifth on? I vote #3 and #4. If she answers these truthfully, think of 1. the impact on future earnings from book/movie deals and
2. the public outrage even from her supporters if she admits that the drowning was a lie. If the judge orders her to answer the questions, IMHO all hell is about to break loose.

1. Admit that the story you told about "Zanny's" alleged abudction of Caylee Anthony was fabricated.

2. Admit that the Defendant, Zenaida Gonzalez, had nothing to do with the alleged abduction of Caylee Anthony.

3. Admit that Caylee Anthony drowned in your family pool.

4. Admit that Caylee Anthony's cause of death was drowning.
Perhaps I have become a bit jaded by all the gameplaying all the lawyers have done since CA's initial 911 call.

I think M&M are in this for the publicity. I think they are using Z?G as a pawn. I think M&M promised Z?G a big payday, and they are banking on the public's hatred for KC to get them a win.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.

I can't help wondering how Z?G and Morgan hooked up. I can't see an unemployed, homeless woman seeking out a well known, high-priced attorney on her own. I'd like to know if Morgan contacted her.
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