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Thanks for the link. :tyou: (is it just me that has messed up graphics with that video?)
I'm pages and pages behind here, so apologies if this as already been said, but this interview...... OMG!!!

I've never seen someone so flippant, passive aggressive and sarcastic like this....oh, actually maybe I have, in a recent high-profile case.

And the similarities in vocab and choice of words was jaw-dropping for me. I thought I was having flashbacks for a minute there. :flashback:

Q: Do you believe she's alive?
DB: Yes aboslutely
Q: "What did you say to them when they told you that"?

DB: "That's not possible". <scoff> "I have absolutely no idea where my daughter is. If I knew she'd be with me"

Does that phrase sound eerily familiar to anybody else? :eek:hoh:

Can someone help me decipher what she says after "That's what 911 is for"? @ 1:44 mark

Also the date on that page is 17th Oct. Is that when the interview was done?


I just don't see her the way most others see her. I tend to believe her. After her 911 is for that comment, she says "that's all I have to say about that."
I guess my point is, that I think most of the public had their mind made up before they even knew of everything you stated. This is just based on my brief survey of MBA students in a Finance class... maybe they're just more jaded. lol :crazy: Seriously though, a number of people believed that one of the parents did something to the baby as soon as the amber alert was issued. How sad is that??? :( It makes me think if one of my kids disappears out of their bed in the middle of the night, I'm hiring an attorney on my way to the police station. It shouldn't be like that but I guess it is. :(
Meeeeee toooo!
I understand where many of you are coming from and I too am a very overprotective mom. I would not behave this way but know many who do and much worse. I have lots of friends that party hardy with the kids upstairs and pass out after everyone leaves. They are assuming their kids are safe in their own home. Me-I'm not like that but I know a lot of people who are. That said, I don't think they are necessarily bad parents. Nor would I suspect them of doing something so heinous. I know there are lots of questions and discrepancies and certainly do know it is possible DB is involved. But right now my gut is still saying no and I need more to overcome my gut. Still not there yet and feel the parents should have the benefit of the doubt- Nicarico Van Damme Ramseys Smart Lunsford Abeyta just to name a few parents to be accused and later exonerated.
I guess my point is, that I think most of the public had their mind made up before they even knew of everything you stated. This is just based on my brief survey of MBA students in a Finance class... maybe they're just more jaded. lol :crazy: Seriously though, a number of people believed that one of the parents did something to the baby as soon as the amber alert was issued. How sad is that??? :( It makes me think if one of my kids disappears out of their bed in the middle of the night, I'm hiring an attorney on my way to the police station. It shouldn't be like that but I guess it is. :(

I totally agree with you MamaK. And don't speak to the media. But then we'd be guilty for not doing it lol
oops oh well I was going to post an article from Wendy Murphy about the power of the spin but it did work sorry. I had this thought. My little nephew died of SIDS he was 6 months and 5 days old he too had a cold and was " fussy. A baby can die from this up till the age of 2, that shocked me i always tought it was 6 months. Ignorance is bliss i guess cause i was freaky about that until my 2 reached that 6 month mark. I was wondering if this could have happened to little Lisa and the mom freaked out cuase she was drinking. I sure hope not but just wondering
Gee, I hope she didn't have to pee! I have yet to see a floor plan of their house that included a bathroom. Eek!

otto refined the floor plan a few times yesterday; check the Floor Plan thread. Looks like he/she made good progress after the walk-through video of the home was released yesterday - all the rooms and bathrooms included.
If you haven't seen the floor plan thread, you should check it out. WSers have been working on this joker for at least 2 weeks and it rocks!

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - FLOOR-PLAN of Baby Lisa Irwin's home likelihood of this being stranger abduction[/ame]
otto refined the floor plan a few times yesterday; check the Floor Plan thread. Looks like he/she made good progress after the walk-through video of the home was released yesterday - all the rooms and bathrooms included.

Great minds think alike!!! :rocker:
There is something that just doesn't sit right with me about this case.

Sometimes I wonder if this is an acted out/planned kidnapping just to become famous like the infamous CA. This man in the tee shirt could be part of the plot. If this tee shirt guy is for real, why wouldn't these eye witnesses call the police. If I saw someone carrying an infant in the middle of the night wearing just a diaper even in the summer, I would be calling LE to check this out, but not one of these people did so.

When a child is coming down with something, let alone an infant, a good mother would be checking on that child every half hour imo. Babies and children can spike a fever in no time.

And who thinks about getting a dye job on their hair when their child is missing!!! I would think hair and make-up would be the last thing I would be thinking/worrying about.

Just my own thoughts and opinion only.
More strange comments from Deborah to the local reporter:

When Jeremy Irwin and Deborah Bradley arrived back to the house on North Walrond, KCTV5's Bonyen Lee asked the parents of baby Lisa Irwin on Monday if it was true that they were getting paid to avoid local reporters.

"No, not at all," said Deborah Bradley, the mother of the missing baby.

When asked why they would not talk to local reporters, Deborah replied, "Because we are grieving."

At the end of the video, the reporter says there will be more on what DB said to media. In the clip on Dr. Drew, he did show the questions and answers.
I just read where one of DB's friends said that DB is an "attention hound".

Somehow, this does not surprise me. Well, now the whole world is watching her!!
There is something that just doesn't sit right with me about this case.

Sometimes I wonder if this is an acted out/planned kidnapping just to become famous like the infamous CA. This man in the tee shirt could be part of the plot. If this tee shirt guy is for real, why wouldn't these eye witnesses call the police. If I saw someone carrying an infant in the middle of the night wearing just a diaper even in the summer, I would be calling LE to check this out, but not one of these people did so.

When a child is coming down with something, let alone an infant, a good mother would be checking on that child every half hour imo. Baby's and children can spike a fever in no time.

And who thinks about getting a dye job on their hair when their child is missing!!! I would think hair and make-up would be the last thing I would be thinking/worrying about.

Just my own thoughts and opinion only.

BBM Every 30 minutes? My goodness, my youngest has had a runny nose and an on again/off again cough for about 3 weeks. (Took him to the doctor last week and just allergies as I suspected.) If I checked on him every 30 minutes and woke him up every time, the whole house would be up all night. Anytime any of my kids have needed me at night, even when sick, they would cry loud enough to wake me up. That includes spiking temps, stuffed up nose, puking, diaper blow-outs, you name it. They cry and I go tend to them. Maybe I feel OK with this because I have a video monitor though and I'm an extremely light sleeper. MOO
BBM Every 30 minutes? My goodness, my youngest has had a runny nose and an on again/off again cough for about 3 weeks. (Took him to the doctor last week and just allergies as I suspected.) If I checked on him every 30 minutes and woke him up every time, the whole house would be up all night. Anytime any of my kids have needed me at night, even when sick, they would cry loud enough to wake me up. That includes spiking temps, stuffed up nose, puking, diaper blow-outs, you name it. They cry and I go tend to them. Maybe I feel OK with this because I have a video monitor though and I'm an extremely light sleeper. MOO

I must be a bad mother then because I have never checked on either one of my daughters every 30 minutes when they were/are sick. I had always been a heavy sleeper, until I became a mom. Now I wake up when either of them sneeze in their room. I can't imagine checking on a child every 30 minutes though, as you said that would wake up a sick child that needs rest. It would be different if the child was waking up on their own every 30 minutes though.

BBM Every 30 minutes? My goodness, my youngest has had a runny nose and an on again/off again cough for about 3 weeks. (Took him to the doctor last week and just allergies as I suspected.) If I checked on him every 30 minutes and woke him up every time, the whole house would be up all night. Anytime any of my kids have needed me at night, even when sick, they would cry loud enough to wake me up. That includes spiking temps, stuffed up nose, puking, diaper blow-outs, you name it. They cry and I go tend to them. Maybe I feel OK with this because I have a video monitor though and I'm an extremely light sleeper. MOO

Checking every 30 minutes does not mean waking a child under the weather up. I would always feel their cheeks/forehead and make sure that everything else was okay, i.e. no laboured breathing, room temp., blankets, maybe get them to sip some water, but that's just me. When a child is sick, isn't the whole house up anyway? From my experience yes it is!! I could never sleep if my baby or child was ill, I would be too worried about them, but everyone is different.
When my child was that age I did keep a close eye on him if he was sick. Normally we kept the baby monitor with us whether we were outside or inside the house..
Has anyone taken credit for finding the white blob video?
I've only read the first 8 or nine pages, but so far here's what I've garnered from it all. Those on the conspiracy payroll are as follows:

The black & white cat (no doubt bribed with tuna by the DT) to walk in front of the house while media are there, to add credibility to the kitten story

The blob who walked by the gas station on que the night of the abduction.

the neighbours 3 houses away to say they saw someone carrying a baby in diapers are also in on it.

The motorcycle dude who doesn't know the Bradleys / Irwins got in on the deal (Why we don't know)

The hairdresser, because she is trying to disguise DB so ther real kidnapper can't contact her

Did I miss anyone? :banghead:

Looks like more players in this cover up than the MLK conspiracy show I watched today. DB or JI must have alot of connections to pull this all off, especially with the cat. Tuna isn't cheap. :blushing:
I've only read the first 8 or nine pages, but so far here's what I've garnered from it all. Those on the conspiracy payroll are as follows:

The black & white cat (no doubt bribed with tuna by the DT) to walk in front of the house while media are there, to add credibility to the kitten story

The blob who walked by the gas station on que the night of the abduction.

the neighbours 3 houses away to say they saw someone carrying a baby in diapers are also in on it.

The motorcycle dude who doesn't know the Bradleys / Irwins got in on the deal (Why we don't know)

The hairdresser, because she is trying to disguise DB so ther real kidnapper can't contact her

Did I miss anyone? :banghead:

Looks like more players in this cover up than the MLK conspiracy show I watched today. DB or JI must have alot of connections to pull this all off, especially with the cat. Tuna isn't cheap. :blushing:

Sometimes you gotta think outside the cat nip!!!!

Not so sure I believe these eyewitnesses and why didn't they call LE?? That's where I get stuck. imo
Checking every 30 minutes does not mean waking a child under the weather up. I would always feel their cheeks/forehead and make sure that everything else was okay, i.e. no laboured breathing, room temp., blankets, maybe get them to sip some water, but that's just me. When a child is sick, isn't the whole house up anyway? From my experience yes it is!! I could never sleep if my baby or child was ill, I would be too worried about them, but everyone is different.

That would wake my youngest up though. Depending on where he is at in his sleep cycle, just walking in his room could wake him up. Way too risky because once he's up and sees me, he's not going back to sleep until I rock him in the chair which could be 15 minutes - 2+ hours. My older 2, once they reached about age 2, if I check on them and they wake up, they will go back to sleep but not the little guy. But, I have the video monitor for the baby. If I'm worried about him, I just watch him on the monitor.
She has a real bad attitude and answers so quickly for someone who blacked out that night..

Defensive and snarky.................not good for the mom of a missing child.
Deborah B needs to tell LE everything.

tick tock

I've only read the first 8 or nine pages, but so far here's what I've garnered from it all. Those on the conspiracy payroll are as follows:

The black & white cat (no doubt bribed with tuna by the DT) to walk in front of the house while media are there, to add credibility to the kitten story

The blob who walked by the gas station on que the night of the abduction.

the neighbours 3 houses away to say they saw someone carrying a baby in diapers are also in on it.

The motorcycle dude who doesn't know the Bradleys / Irwins got in on the deal (Why we don't know)

The hairdresser, because she is trying to disguise DB so ther real kidnapper can't contact her

Did I miss anyone? :banghead:

Looks like more players in this cover up than the MLK conspiracy show I watched today. DB or JI must have alot of connections to pull this all off, especially with the cat. Tuna isn't cheap. :blushing:

You forgot the devil worshippers. I don't think they were from today though. :floorlaugh:
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