IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #5

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Might have missed a person with all these names the KK that you are talking about here is that the same KK that abused Aliahna in Iowa or another KK.

KK is a female - connected I believe (from memory) to DM via marriage and sister to the other KK.

I wonder if he deleted her as a friend, although I though comments would disappear as well. KK is friends with BT (sister of JT) and in fact who I thought was the daughter of JT is in fact his niece (d/o BT) Got that?!
What kind of missing facts are we talking about? What information would we expect to get that could make it OK to leave three vulnerable little girls in the care of a sketchy character who harassed a 13 year old and swims like a fish in a pond of pedophiles?

Again. Nobody is saying it's "OK". Nobody.

Seriously, folks. Take a breath. We're all on the same side here.
Thanks, cubby. This is, really, the main reason I don't think Tarah should be given a "pass" on not "understanding" that it wasn't ok to leave her daughter with MP. Now, I am not sure of what exactly happens when a report is made about sexual abuse, person arrested, convicted, etc. However, I would think, that there is some type of extensive victims services that would happen.
We already know that Aliahna was diagnosed with PTSD as a result of these two incidents of molestation. So at some point, she must have been taken in for some type of mental health services. I would think, that in addition to some type of evaluation which came up with the PTSD diagnosis, that other things would be provided. Counseling for Ali, or other recommendations, some type of counseling for TS, letting her know how to spot the signs of sexual abuse, how to keep her child safe in the future, etc.
So, no, this woman gets no pass from me. She either didn't bother taking advantage of things that would help her and her child (and other children), or she DID get educated about things and chose to disregard what she had learned. To me it's as simple as that. JMO

BBM. This is how I see it too, thank you for adding that as I hadn't previously commented in those terms.

Based on what we DO know from MSM:
1)A partially blind and hearing impaired child diagnosed disabled with PTSD
2)Two seperate incidents of abuse which LE was aware of, which may have been prosecuted as two seperate incidents.
3)In a community/county/school district in which a request was made for a therapy dog.

We'd have to make the leap that in several incidents with medical and law enforcement/prosecutors offices/school district/professionals in each and every instance those ALL of these professionals failed to provide Tarah with a single bit of information regarding victims services. And in more than one state. I just can't make that leap.

Thank you hkhart and Sparklin Im on my old computer so trying to search takes so long.
Could of possibly made it private friend? Or maybe she was stalking his page and anyone could post? Just suggesting possibilities.
KK is a female - connected I believe (from memory) to DM via marriage and sister to the other KK.

I wonder if he deleted her as a friend, although I though comments would disappear as well. KK is friends with BT (sister of JT) and in fact who I thought was the daughter of JT is in fact his niece (d/o BT) Got that?!
I think that we are all going to get a time out from the mods if the topic continues to be the "mom".
The sister of abuser and once step mom to Ali

KK is a female - connected I believe (from memory) to DM via marriage and sister to the other KK.

I wonder if he deleted her as a friend, although I though comments would disappear as well. KK is friends with BT (sister of JT) and in fact who I thought was the daughter of JT is in fact his niece (d/o BT) Got that?!

Am I the only one having real problems following all these inner-family connections??? I thought I had a little bit of a grip on it last night but every time I check back it is a more tangled mess that it was before. Obviously, you guys are sleuthing and finding info faster than I can keep up. :)

This is the stuff I was going over with Tricia and Sue. Please don't post it here on the main forum right now...We will do that after I talk to them again....but if anyone can send me a private cliff notes version of these characters and how their connection to Aliahna or the perp's family, I would before VERY grateful. I want to try to fill them in as best I can, but right now the best I have is "oh, what a intertwined MESS this is!". lol

ETA: I know we found a few RSO's included - please indentify who those are too.
Again. Nobody is saying it's "OK". Nobody.

Seriously, folks. Take a breathe. We're all on the same side here.

We are all on the same side. :rocker:

I think where I am the most angry with TS is that (1) MP killed Ali sometime after midnight on Wednesday (2) that means that no one from Ali's family, including TS, talked to nor laid eyes on her the entire of Thursday (3) there were two other children at home that could have been not only murdered but at the very least were exposed to horrors in that TP---though we don't know any of what they saw or were exposed to (4) TS and her hubby lived mere feet away...Hence, the no excuse. From me, at least. Not trying to create more tension, I like your posts. What could have happened to the other two, is what concerns me. And I've yet to see why no one tried to speak to or lay eyes on Ali on Thursday. Because clearly, no one did. She was already dead. If they had gone over to see the other children, and realized Ali wasn't there, the other two would not have had to spend one more night in that home with their sister's murderer. My :twocents:
Beach - my head is spinning with this cast of characters and I didn't even bring the New Year in with a drink. Maybe I should. :waitasec:
I think that we are all going to get a time out from the mods if the topic continues to be the "mom".

Respectfully, if you see a post or posts which you believe violate TOS or the instructions posted by admin/mods on page one of this and carried over with each new thread. PLEASE, please, please use the alert button.

Honestly, the mods and admin don't read each and every post here at WS. Without their being alerted to potential violations of :tos: they're simply unaware. So please don't hesitate to use that alert button which is the triangle in the upper right hand corner of each post. If rules need to be added or adjusted, as they sometimes do in individual cases, the mods can notify us accordingly after reviewing the alerted posts.

Thanks! :)
I think that we are all going to get a time out from the mods if the topic continues to be the "mom".

I would appeciate it if we could let that go for a bit.

I do understand the point each side is making and completely respect the reasons given by both. Really, I do. I promise we will deal with that after I talk with Sue & Tricia again and it will probably put a lot of things to rest.

There is some amazing sleuthing going on here now. Let's focus on that and try to connect-the-dots.
After having company for four days straight, they are finally gone and I'm trying to catch up. Anyway, I'm curious; has grandmother made a statement or anything since MP confessed to murdering and butchering Aliahna? She made it totally clear to Nancy Grace that she had absolutely no qualms about MP.
Re: 13 Year old v. MP in Iowa case.

According to court documents, the case was dismissed by the District Attorney due to not enough evidence at trial.

Hi Angleena, can you provide a citation to your reference material? Or cut and paste a copy of it here? Thanks.

For my posts, I relied on various newspaper articles, including one in yesterday's Fort Wayne News-Sentinel, which says:

"The man who allegedly killed and dismembered Fort Wayne 9-year-old Aliahna Lemmon was accused of stalking and sexually harassing a 13-year-old girl while living in Iowa last year, but a judge dismissed the complaint, according to court documents.

A Centerville, Iowa, woman asked for a protective order against Michael L. Plumadore in November 2010 to keep him away from her daughter, according to the documents and an official with the Appanoose County clerk of court's office. The woman said Plumadore, 39, was endangering her daughter by “stalking her, sending her explicit sexual text messages and photographs,” according to the documents. She said Plumadore sent pictures of exposed genitalia and messages telling the girl he 'wanted to get her pregnant.'

….The woman's request, which alleged domestic abuse, was dismissed because her daughter's relationship with Plumadore didn't meet the criteria for a protective order, said the official with the clerk's office.

In Appanoose County, Plumadore didn't face criminal charges, and the woman's petition on behalf of her daughter was the only complaint on record, according to the clerk's office. A judge told the woman she should take her complaints to police or an attorney, according to court documents."

I've added the underlining, just to bring out the fact that the reporter consulted the court clerk's office for his article.
Again. Nobody is saying it's "OK". Nobody.

Seriously, folks. Take a breath. We're all on the same side here.

No one could say it's OK. Of course it's not OK, Aliahna was murdered and dismembered and who knows what other terrible things might have happened.

I thought your post about withholding the judgment meant that there could be facts that we're not privy to that could possibly change the assessment but I may have misread.

The way I see it, if we get more information it could possibly make things look worse but I can't think of anything that could make them look much better.
After having company for four days straight, they are finally gone and I'm trying to catch up. Anyway, I'm curious; has grandmother made a statement or anything since MP confessed to murdering and butchering Aliahna? She made it totally clear to Nancy Grace that she had absolutely no qualms about MP.

None that I am aware of. In fact, I don't recall reading any statements from family regarding MP after his confession was made known publicly.

I may have missed something, so hopefully other WS's will add/link if I missed something.

tia and hth
Still not seeing what her not knowing about services for emergency care during a parent's illness has to do with her being the parent of a child who had been previously abused. Frankly, I had no clue such services existed (and they may not in my area). I don't see it as horrible that a parent is not aware that there are emergency care services in the case of illness. I don't know that it would have ever occurred to me (as a parent) that there was such a resource out there.

I've also seen times when clients actually sought out certain types of services and were told that none existed when in fact they did. So while some might not give TS a "pass" for not having this information, I'm not willing to give her a "fail" for not knowing it either.
I think the bottom line of what was being said is this:

Tarah had OPTIONS. It was HER RESPONSIBILITY to figure out the options. Wether it be emergency care services or having her mother watch the kids - or asking for the help from the family of one of the girls' friends from schools, etc - SHE HAD OPTIONS AND IT WAS HER RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE A CHOICE THAT DID NOT PUT HER DAUGHTER IN A COMPROMISING SITUATION (which AT THE VERY LEAST it WAS COMPROMISING due to her prior abuse).

This is what Michael Plumadore was arrested for previously in Indiana.
Seeing this I believe he must use different aliases.
I know I can't link but I've been reading the"Hang Michael Plumadore, justice for Aliahna" and it makes me feel a little bit better that other folks are outraged/want justice for Aliahna other than us here at WS.
The sister of abuser and once step mom to Ali

Okay, I'm gonna take these one-by-one and get through it if it takes me all night. lol

Are you saying that MP's sister was once married to Ali's bio-dad? What is her first name and last initial?
I think that we are all going to get a time out from the mods if the topic continues to be the "mom".

Why? Trying to understand why she (and her husband) allowed this to happen is what it's all about.

This was a blended family with 3 children, it could easily have been AS's child that was killed rather than Aliahana. They both failed her, and put the other two in harms way.
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