FL - 17-yo Teen Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #4

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Zimmerman was not arrested so wouldn't have been given Miranda warning.

Yes, but Casey Anthony wasn't arrested either, and she still tried to get her statements to LE thrown out based on Miranda Warning.
No, 13 year old boy is not the one who reported GZ was wearing a white t-shirt. There is a 911 call from a witness who said a guy on top was wearing a white t-shirt. I really doubt GZ was taking off and putting back on his sweater during a fight.

Really? Did you read the whole article or only the paragraph that was cut/pasted to the post? The next paragraph in the article reads:

Brown said in hindsight she feels the police investigator on the case attempted to lead her son to provide information that he didn't have. The investigator, she said, would nod yes when asking if it was the man in the T-shirt, who turned out to be Zimmerman, and not the one in the hooded sweatshirt, Martin, who was screaming out for help.

Attorneys in Trayvon Martin Case Make Arguments..

Daryl D. Parks, an attorney for the Martin family, told board members of the National Association of Black Journalists on Saturday that the Martin family met with federal and local officials for more than an hour Thursday. He said the family left the meeting "with a strong sense that Justice was very committed" to investigating the case.


I like this Fed guy handling the Trayvon case. Wonder if the Martin family got to talk to him too.
Zimmerman was not arrested so wouldn't have been given Miranda warning.

That's not necessarily true. A person being detained even briefly triggers certain rights, so they may be mirandized even without being arrested.
Less suspicious? Ducking under an awning of an unoccupied building as compared to ducking under the awning of an occupied condo? And pulling up the hoodie only after noticing some one watching you? While he didn't deserve to die, I'd call those activities suspicious.

This article shows Trayvon to being even LESS "suspicious" looking by clarifying that Trayvon did NOT duck under a condo owner's porch...he ducked under the awning of the clubhouse/mailbox area!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm even more PO'd knowing this HUGE detail!!!!!
I can give my past experiences with Sanford PD when I worked in my "former life" as a security supervisor in Seminole County Schools. Most of the PDs in the area have officers that are on regular patrol but that receive special training in other areas. Many of those I worked with, for instance, were considered on the gang task force, but they were still on regular patrol as well. We all attended special meetings and briefings with the Seminole County Sheriff's, for instance, to keep updated on gang activity in that area and these officers would often be called to a scene if gang activity was suspected. Not all the officers attended these meetings as there just wasn't enough time for everyone to be involved in everything. They often are briefed separately and put more focus on their specialty, but back then at least they were just as capable as the next cop to attend to or secure a scene or deal with suspects, take a report, etc.

But homocide detectives are detectives not officers. They attend special training regarding investigating a crime scene and are always called out when they suspect a homocide, which this one was. They would not send just a narcotics officer, they could have and should have sent both. I don't believe a homocide detective would have made such a rush to judgment regarding the scene as there just was not enough evidence. Witness statements that did not match, no weapon on the deceased, lying face down on top of his hands, the fact that no one asked for GZ's clothing and a police report that basically does not tell us how the shooting occurred.

Something just is not right here. Another thing that makes no sense was this crime scene cleaned up before Mr. Martin returned home? It seems funny that if investigators were still there looking for evidence that Mr. Martin would have noticed them while driving to the condo. jmo

It hides your face in shadows, and only shows your face in a direct front on view.

How does a hoodie hide your face? It covers everything but your face.
I can not think of any phone where that is not true.

Mine doesn't.

I just powered down my cell and called it from my landline, then powered it back up. No "missed call" message as I get when the phone is on and I get a call that I don't answer.

Now why are we discussing this again?:waitasec:
Less suspicious? Ducking under an awning of an unoccupied building as compared to ducking under the awning of an occupied condo? And pulling up the hoodie only after noticing some one watching you? While he didn't deserve to die, I'd call those activities suspicious.

A clubhouse is an unoccupied building now? Our clubhouse, in my gated apartment complex, certain areas are open until 10pm. The laundry room, the pool, and the gym.

ETA: It was only 7:00pm?
While pointing out discrepencies in various stories, how about this:

"I figured that they had gone to the movies, because they had said they might"


While visiting his father, Tracey Martin, in the upscale, gated community known as the Retreat at Twin Lakes, Trayvon took a walk in the rain to a nearby store, telling his father he was going for some candy.

Read more: http://blogcritics.org/politics/article/seventeen-year-old-trayvon-martin-shot/#ixzz1q5AjyrH2
BBM In your opinion. Ducking under a porch, covering his face, when he notices he was being watched, is suspicious.

He never covered his face.

Link please? I believe that is your opinion.

No problem.

Maybe there assuming that this narcotics detective never worked as a homicide detective before and didn't have the proper training.

It was evening. May be the narcotics detective was the only one on duty and available immediately. Besides suspect they did not want to keep good old buddy GZ in jail overnite. This surely must have been the fastest homicide "investigation" that exonerated the known killer, on record. Just amazing.
From your link

Well, at least we know the hospital will have records of his 'injuries".

Thank goodness we don't have to rely on that from SPD.

Yeah, but we also know that it's been stated that his serious cut to the back of his head didn't require stitches because it was already healing? So when did Zimmerman decide to go to the hospital?
A clubhouse is an unoccupied building now? Our clubhouse, in my gated apartment complex, certain areas are open until 10pm. The laundry room, the pool, and the gym.

ETA: It was only 7:00pm?

And I would imagine that if it's raining and you're trying to get out of the rain, you duck under where it's most convenient at that moment.
Mine doesn't.

I just powered down my cell and called it from my landline, then powered it back up. No "missed call" message as I get when the phone is on and I get a call that I don't answer.

Now why are we discussing this again?:waitasec:

I think it got started about calls not being on some phone records and morphed into what a phone itself can show for missed calls. JMO.
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