FL - 17-yo Teen Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #4

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To clarify. The below is not in quotes and the interpretation of the author.

Still, Trayvon had nonviolent behavioral issues in school, and on the day he was killed, he had been suspended for 10 days from Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in North Miami-Dade.
“He was not suspended for something dealing with violence or anything like that. It wasn’t a crime he committed, but he was in an unauthorized area [on school property],” Martin said, declining to offer more details.
Two different media sources - the Orlando Sentinel and the Miami Herald. Both have differing accounts. One says 5 day suspension - the other says 10 day. Both have different reasons - one says because he was tardy too many times, the other says he was in an unauthorized area.

How are we supposed to discuss this when we don't know the actual, TRUE facts?


Just the same way we are discussing anything else, I guess. We don't know the actual true facts of how Trayvon was shot either.
Not sure how this is relevant to Trayvon's death. Do you have a link for this? Below is what has been widely reported in msm.


Martin's parents kept a close eye on him, but they didn't have to be too strict, since he stayed out of trouble, Collins said. However, he had recently been suspended from school for tardiness, said his stepmother, Alesha Martin.

Sounds like it's only relevant if his past reflects favorably on him, and GZ's past is only relevant if it's negative.
Still would be the stomach area and TM would have had a chance of survival. Heart area is meant to kill. GZ had training, did he not, in how to handle a gun. Qualified on the shooting range, IMO. The mass area is the same for the stomach, plus if they were both down on the ground the gun would have had to have been pressed up against TM's chest. On the ground I would think the stomach area would have been much closer with only a 3 inch difference in height. Sure wish we had those autopsy reports. jmo

Stomach area could lead to a prolonged painful death with infection or a rapid death if the aorta were hit.
Still, Trayvon had nonviolent behavioral issues in school, and on the day he was killed, he had been suspended for 10 days from Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in North Miami-Dade.

“He was not suspended for something dealing with violence or anything like that. It wasn’t a crime he committed, but he was in an unauthorized area [on school property],” Martin said, declining to offer more details.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/...yvon-martin-a-typical-teen.html#storylink=cpy

FWIW.....I have worked in schools for DECADES and "being in an unauthorized area" is a commonly and frequently used disciplinary code for being in the HALLWAY after the class bell has rung!!!!! It could also be used for being in the RESTROOM without a pass....or the LIBRARY instead of an assigned classroom....or remaining in the LUNCHROOM talking to friends after an assigned lunch period is over.

Not that this is relevant in ANY way.....Trayvon was not doing anything wrong while walking on a public sidewalk as a guest of a legal resident of the complex. NO ONE can deny that this is the truth! It is one of the known and unquestionable FACTS of this case.
IMO it makes no difference that Trayvon was suspended for tardiness and that the picture of him was photoshopped. Does anyone here really think that that one photoshopped image of Trayvon changes the public's perception to make everyone feel sorry for him? <modsnip>
You keep saying this. First, it is offensive. Sissy is a slur, there is no reason to use it. No excuse for using it. Next you keep assigning character traits to a person you have never met based on his race. That is offensive, too. You keep maintaining that you know what he would do. Please provide some links to prove your assertions.

You don't think a lot teenagers have attitudes and have something to prove? He may well have started something physical with GZ for daring to follow him when he didn't like it.
Infuriating! When the interviewer asks, "Why did he get out of the car?" and comments that "none of this would have happened if he had stayed in the car." [I am paraphrasing] GZ's friend responds:

"None of this would have happened if Trayvon had stayed with his parents."

WTF??? now a teenager is to blame for his own death because he wasn't holding Mommy's hand while he crossed the street?????

Do they realize how ignorant that sounds???

ETA: Also, if it weren't so ludicrous and insulting it would be funny. "Sanford LE knows their rep and is trying very hard to do everything right." Um, seriously???

Also, "We aren't going to litigate this in the media" translates (IMHO, JMO, etc.) into "We don't have any real defense so we're going to let legalities and technicalities be our friend in court. Casey Anthony a perfect example - that's absolutely true! How many times did Jose say it would all make sense when they got to trial and then he had NOTHING! IMHO, that's what George Zimmerman has as well.

Classic blaming the victim. Historically women were blamed for being raped. Now this teen is being blamed for being in the wrong place.

The police and the DA have refused to file charges indicates that they are aware of exculpatory evidence we aren’t privy to or that there is insufficient evidence to attempt a trial.

The immense amount of public and media pressure being exerted against the police dept. and DA’s office would more than likely have resulted in them doing something by now. That they’ve weathered this storm says a lot. I commend them for being resolute in the face of what they’re enduring.



http://www.sanfordfl.gov/investigation/docs/Twin Lakes Shooting Initial Report.pdf

If this is the case, I think LE and the DA have a responsibility and a duty to explain how this exculpatory evidence excuses GZ from being the aggressor in this situation. They have the state of Florida near riots. That is irresponsible at best and down right scary for the residents of Florida. They need to step forward and provide enough of the details to that the public so the public can understand how GZ continues to claim self-defense when he was the aggressor.

Their continued silence only makes things worse and leads many to believe they are doing nothing.

Link, please. I thought Trayvon was suspended for being late too many times. My son who is in middle school has been tardy about 4 times this year. Every time was because I was not ready, not his fault. I am a middle class professional who is a good, responsible mother. I guess someone could blame it on the fact that I am a single mother.
No one is perfect. Everything I have read about Trayvon points to a good average teen.
Probably not too street smart or tough, just a kid like mine who looked forward to the prom and still hung out with dad volunteering in the concession stand.
GZ on the other hand has a documented record of violence, history of job changes, and sketchy academic history based on the fact that he is still pursuing a two year degree after enrolling 8 years ago. I also think GZ followed Trayvon because he was black and burglaries in his neighborhood were commited by black teens. This is racial profiling.
This is all MOO.

I believe it was said by his father...
I am going to search when I can but I have an event this afternoon.
FWIW.....I have worked in schools for DECADES and "being in an unauthorized area" is a commonly and frequently used disciplinary code for being in the HALLWAY after the class bell has rung!!!!! It could also be used for being in the RESTROOM without a pass....or the LIBRARY instead of an assigned classroom....or remaining in the LUNCHROOM talking to friends after an assigned lunch period is over.
Not that this is relevant in ANY way.....Trayvon was not doing anything wrong while walking on a public sidewalk as a guest of a legal resident of the complex. NO ONE can deny that this is the truth! It is one of the known and unquestionable FACTS of this case.

my bolding

I was just about to post the same thing.

Being in an area he wasn't supposed to be in or late so many times, it's still a NON VIOLENT offense. The inference was that this would make him not that good kid that's been said about him.

This is supposed to make him some gang banger or something? It's supposed to mean he shouldn't have gone to the store or walk the street at 7PM.

I mean it's not like he assaulted a police officer or anything. Oh wait, who do we know did that?

I will try to find it again, I read it just before I went to sleep. IT IS OUT THERE.


There are other articles this is not what I saw last night. I cant find it right this minute.

Songline, I clicked on your globalrumblings spot and it did a job on my computer!! There were all kinds of warnings from my security software. I had to shut down my computer to even escape!

That cannot be an MSM site, IMO.
If this is the case, I think LE and the DA have a responsibility and a duty to explain how this exculpatory evidence excuses GZ from being the aggressor in this situation. They have the state of Florida near riots. That is irresponsible at best and down right scary for the residents of Florida. They need to step forward and provide enough of the details to that the public so the public can understand how GZ continues to claim self-defense when he was the aggressor.

Their continued silence only makes things worse and leads many to believe they are doing nothing.


Well I am pretty sure the sheriff tried to explain but obviously it didn't work.
You don't think a lot teenagers have attitudes and have something to prove? He may well have started something physical with GZ for daring to follow him when he didn't like it.

That's true but not all. So let's just say what it is. It's because he's black. And that is just so wrong. Surely it wasn't his height. Weight. The skittles.

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pic #1 is the original pic as ran by the Miami Herald



pic #2 is the pic altered to change the public's perception


Clearly, it has been lightened, or softened, somehow. Along with other possible alterations, he looks far more, perhaps innocent is the right word, in the altered image. For the record, that has nothing to do with the guilt, or innocence, of anyone involved, but more to do with the reporting of the story.

Are you suggesting he looks threatening?
Yes I read an article last nigh, cant find it now, but I linked something above.

NO he does not deserve to be dead for that.
But lets see who he really is, and not paint GZ as an animal while painting TM as a saint.
That is not how we get any justice.

Should we start looking at other victims of crimes the same way? A rape victim? Victims of child pedos? DV victims? Perps want us to believe and accept that the victim did something to "ask for it." That woman wanted it, she was dressed sexy. That six year old was flirting with me. She burned my dinner."
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