17-yo Teen Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #8

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Where does the line blur between protected and hate speech for the new Black Panther Party?

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Millions of people have commented on the shooting of Trayvon Martin over the past month, and some of the conversation has become heated, but has it crossed the line?

The New Black Panthers have put out a $10,000 reward for the capture of alleged shooter George Zimmerman, and said they are trying to increase the sum to $100,000.

Some people have called this a bounty, and labeled the language as hate speech, but others call it free speech.

***IMO this is hate speech pure and simple. They are offering a reward for a free man's capture. Terrorism IMO

I hope he doen't have a look-a-like out there.
I don't know, my friend. I just know that sidewalk's straight as a string to his back door. Seems to me It would have taken some really creative effort to hide almost in plain sight.

I was thinking perhaps behind something on one of the porches or something. IDK...it's a mess. A sad mess.
Good post...

I doubt TM would try to break into a house with GZ following him. :waitasec:
But I do not doubt that GZ probably did size him up.
(based on them finding Jewelry and a screw driver in TM locker - suspension occurred)
BUT TM had not done anything that required for GZ to follow him. I still say GZ is overzealous.
but overzealous does not make a killer.

If he got out looking for the house # is not clear either since he told them on the phone
to make sure they call him and he will come out.

my thoughts exactly
Amen Sensei. Zimmerman wasn't going to pay attention to what the dispatcher told him because he was so determined that this a$$hole wasn't going to get away. He was going to make sure that the *advertiser censored***** c**** paid for being in his "neighborhood." We've already seen the type of person that Zimmerman is. He has been arrested for shoving a police officer, he had a restraining order issued against him and for the life of me, I still can't understand how he was issued a concealed weapon permit. Trayvon's fate was sealed the moment that Zimmerman decided to take the law in his own hands.


I have been thinking the same thing.. He has a record.. When I got my CC Permit they looked at everything about me... went over everything with a fine tooth comb (so to say).. checked with references and the whole 9 yards... Just how GZ got his is food for thought..
If Zimmerman had murdered a white boy, he'd be under the jail right now. People can preach to the choir all day long about how this isn't a racial issue but sadly it is because Zimmerman made it a racial issue when he described Trayvon as a "*advertiser censored***** coon." If you want to blame someone for turning it into a racial issue, the blame clearly lies with Zimmerman.


I did listen to the 911 - I heard no such remark. so can you provide where GZ says that?

I do remember when asked about identifying the person he was referring to he said "black male"
I do not remember any such slang as Coon.....

I do not think that GZ was out to shoot any black person...I think he was out to stop his
neighbors from getting robbed, and sadly the last 8 robberies had was done by black people. :(

And we've heard ad nauseum what any reasonable person would have done in Zimmerman's situation. And in this instance, any reasonable person would not have stood around after feeling compelled to run from an individual they perceived to be aggressively following them.

You can't really have it both ways.

This is only an opinion. Not every person will react the way the way we think they should. Every person is different and every person will react in different ways...some the way you would, some the way you wouldn't.

Same thing with Zimmerman and getting out vs. staying in the car. It can be said that any reasonable person should have stayed in the car, since he didn't know what the situation was with the other person. He didn't know if the other person was carrying a gun as well.

People aren't predictable and will react differently in any situation because we're all different. The point is that people on either side can't say what "reasonable" people would do, since when you're in a high stress situation "reason" can go out the window and instinct comes out....whatever that instinct may be.

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I did listen to the 911 - I heard no such remark. so can you provide where GZ says that?

I do remember when asked about identifying the person he was referring to he said "black male"
I do not remember any such slang as Coon.....

I do not think that GZ was out to shoot any black person...I think he was out to stop his
neighbors from getting robbed, and sadly the last 8 robberies had was done by black people. :(

I don't know what word followed 'f'ing, but I clearly heard that part. It is in a part of the call where there is a lot of air noise and GZ seems to be breathing heavily.
I did listen to the 911 - I heard no such remark. so can you provide where GZ says that?

I do remember when asked about identifying the person he was referring to he said "black male"
I do not remember any such slang as Coon.....

I do not think that GZ was out to shoot any black person...I think he was out to stop his
neighbors from getting robbed, and sadly the last 8 robberies had was done by black people. :(

The link to the 911 call has been posted at least 100 times if not more on Trayvon's threads. There has been much discussion as to this and many news articles about it as well.

Why did this not make national news
I have been keeping up on this case waiting to see when the 3 suspects would be ID'ed they were the day he was murdered yet I could not find a discription of the suspects that were on the lose after a campus shooting.


Three male suspects fled the building in a blue Crown Victoria, officials said. No arrests had been made Sunday.


Late Saturday, 21-year-old John Sanderson of Madison, Miss., was shot to death in a Mississippi State University dormitory, though the killing appears to be isolated. Three male suspects fled the building in a blue Crown Victoria.


Police were not making a connection between the two killings, and said that a person of interest had been identified but not apprehended in Sanderson's death. A weapon was recovered, and the suspect and two others were seen fleeing the area.

Then finally all three have been arrested,

I have been thinking the same thing.. He has a record.. When I got my CC Permit they looked at everything about me... went over everything with a fine tooth comb (so to say).. checked with references and the whole 9 yards... Just how GZ got his is food for thought..

He was never convicted of any crimes.
What was TM guilty of that evening?

I'm talking about the photos of TM that are in the media that were taken years ago and his track record: stealing woman's jewelry, Pot and Mary jane pipe at school, writing Grafitti on school property, carrying a screw driver around at school, being suspended three times from school etc.

They want him portrayed as someone who could do no wrong while they portray GZ another way.
Good post...

I doubt TM would try to break into a house with GZ following him. :waitasec:
But I do not doubt that GZ probably did size him up.
(based on them finding Jewelry and a screw driver in TM locker - suspension occurred)
BUT TM had not done anything that required for GZ to follow him. I still say GZ is overzealous.
but overzealous does not make a killer.

If he got out looking for the house # is not clear either since he told them on the phone
to make sure they call him and he will come out.

It did in this case.
He was never convicted of any crimes.

He was convicted, but his record was then expunged. Supposedly. Wonder why the media was easily able to get the details anyway?
People act like GZ sought out TM just so he could kill him.

I haven't read anyone who espoused that particular theory but I will say this,

The entire incident could have been avoided, and it was not TM who had any choice in whether or not it would go forward or not. The case for Self Defense rests on which person started the final confrontation that led to a shooting, and whether the person who shot had a reasonable
fear for their life at the time the shot was fired. Nothing that GZ did when he was in college and nothing that TM did while he was in school is going to affect those two unknown facts.

it can certainly be speculated and is over and over that TM actually was up to no good, that he was buying drugs, or that he was casing houses, or that GZ somehow had the psychic connection to know that this kid was just a bad seed and he needed to keep an eye on him, but the facts only bear out that TM had committed no crime, was in the process of committing no crime, he was legally where he was entitled to be, and he ended up dead.

GM while still not having broken the law, showed some extremely poor judgement from the middle of the call to LE to the time the gun went off.
I don't see any evidence that he was intending to kill someone that night, or that he was specifically hunting to kill someone that night, it certainly appears that he was hypervigilant, and frustrated that those that were breaking into houses got away too often, and he was carrying the gun.

The fact that he did not go out looking to kill someone, or hunting for that purpose does not relieve him of the responsibility for the worse than poor choices he made in that scant quarter hour or so. IMO JMHO and stuff
Are we assuming that he parked where the truck is on Google Maps? Or somewhere else?
I'm making every effort to not assume anything. Are you under the impression that I think the vehicle shown on Google is Zimmerman's? That's funny, LOL

I don't know or care exactly where Zimmerman parked his truck. He supposedly got out of it when the boy started running and says he headed back after he lost sight of him. There's only one place in this 600' travel path of Trayvon's with a 90 degree turn for Zimmerman to lose sight of him. It's a straight, 400', unemcumbered line of sight from the clubhouse to the 90 degree sidewalk turn and another 200' line, straight as a string, to Trayvon's back door.

If Zimmerman did, in fact, turn to return to his vehicle AFTER he lost sight of the boy as he stated, he would have been headed east to west towards the street. The body was in the opposite direction.
No MSM reports, but their stories have been weird. However, Mary C's story does align with a call placed to 911, so I dunno.

Did Mary C make one of the calls to 911 that was released?
I'm talking about the photos of TM that are in the media that were taken years ago and his track record: stealing woman's jewelry, Pot and Mary jane pipe at school, writing Grafitti on school property, carrying a screw driver around at school, being suspended three times from school etc.

They want him portrayed as someone who could do no wrong while they portray GZ another way.

I haven't read about a pipe, link?
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