Trial Thread 4/18/2012

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Yes there are plenty of fish in the sea and all those women should have tossed this "carp" back. lol.

A 'carp' or another very similar word using the very same letters.
Rafferty seemed fine after police interrogation, ex-lover says

Wow, so Rafferty was both "upset" and "fine" depending on which girl he was with?


He turned it on and off like a light bulb. Hmmmm.

What was brought up before makes me wonder. If Barbara said he had these cold sores and looked like he was mess, then why hasnt anyone else mentioned that? I just find it odd that all of these women saw him and he seemed calm as a cucumber. Maybe the cold sore was exactly what someone said before, a cut, scrap, bruise, abrasion during the murder? JMO
A lot of the stuff that Derstine asks the witnesses to answer are heresay. Why is he allowed to ask the opinions of the witnesses. I am Canadian but have seen court cases from the U.S. where stuff like that would have been objected to and not allowed by the Judge.

Yesterday Derstine asked a witness if there were a lot of rural fields (or something like this) in the Woodstock area. This should have been objected to--why does her opinion of the landscape of Woodstock matter. She is not an expert and is not on the stand to offer this type of information.

There was another question earlier that he asked that had me thinking "this should be objected to"--can't remember right now but will keep thinking. Oh yeah, when he created a senario of what happened (of course omitting parts that may make his client look REALLY BAD) and had TLM agree or disagree to it.

Can anyone offer any explanation/reasons that you know of that Derstine is allowed this type of questioning--"heresay type".

Maybe Crown is not objecting because they will be asking the same type of questions of defence witness, and defence won't be able to object either! JMO :)
She's a online detective, he transferred all his contacts onto his computer, why does the jury need to know that he called himself Mychol, they already established that several times. We get it, he has multiple personalities, jobs, names, girlfriends, carreers etc..... I wonder if were not hearing parts of the testimony such as what the phone logs revealed because of the numbers.

The Crown has shown a few other instances of where he used Mychol, I'm wondering if there is something coming up that involves that??? I bet we aren't getting all of the testimony, especially if it involves people not involved in the case.
That's a very good question. I find all of Derstines cross examinations totally futile in the first place. All he has said so far is basically accused TLM of masterminded this. He knew all the evidence before walking into that courtroom, he knew they would have 25 witnesses testify that hes a manipulative pig so IMO he took this case for the $

I also get the feeling they are just going through the motions of a trial and they know what the end result will be. I hope I'm not right because darn it, my tax money is paying for this trial!!
A lot of the stuff that Derstine asks the witnesses to answer are heresay. Why is he allowed to ask the opinions of the witnesses. I am Canadian but have seen court cases from the U.S. where stuff like that would have been objected to and not allowed by the Judge.

Yesterday Derstine asked a witness if there were a lot of rural fields (or something like this) in the Woodstock area. This should have been objected to--why does her opinion of the landscape of Woodstock matter. She is not an expert and is not on the stand to offer this type of information.

There was another question earlier that he asked that had me thinking "this should be objected to"--can't remember right now but will keep thinking. Oh yeah, when he created a senario of what happened (of course omitting parts that may make his client look REALLY BAD) and had TLM agree or disagree to it.

Can anyone offer any explanation/reasons that you know of that Derstine is allowed this type of questioning--"heresay type".

Good question! Adding this to the list of "irks" I have against this Judge.
What was brought up before makes me wonder. If Barbara said he had these cold sores and looked like he was mess, then why hasnt anyone else mentioned that? I just find it odd that all of these women saw him and he seemed calm as a cucumber. Maybe the cold sore was exactly what someone said before, a cut, scrap, bruise, abrasion during the murder? JMO

Maybe a shopping spree cures cold sores? I'll have to try it.
Mike Knoll:
@D - it's amazing what a deep impression you can get of someone by exploring their online presence. We do it as journalists every day. Social media has been a great storytelling tool and now we are seeing how important it is to the courts as well.


Comment From D
Can you elaborate at all about the significance of the FB/POF stuff?
Mike Knoll: @D - it's amazing what a deep impression you can get of someone by exploring their online presence. We do it as journalists every day. Social media has been a great storytelling tool and now we are seeing how important it is to the courts as well.
Comment From D
Can you elaborate at all about the significance of the FB/POF stuff?

Mike Knoll: @cornwall - I can't find it. I assume we'll get the images of it that were submitted as evidence at the end of the day.
Comment From From cornwall
Can raffertys facebook page still be found on the net?

Mike Knoll: @Guest - no. That's why some of the questioning is so thorough - to ensure that even someone who has never seen Facebook would understand how it works.
Comment From Guest
If someone on the jury doesn't understand something, like in the tutorial on facebook, is he/she allowed to ask the witness questions?

NOTE: I'm only posting what I think is relevant and questions not answered previously. If anyone wants to look at the entire Q&A from this afternoon, you can go here:
I'd love to know what the jury is thinking as we're nearing the end of the Crown's Case in Chief.
Woods was also taken to the police station, had her vehicle, which still had her children's car seats in it, seized and had to turn over her laptop to investigators

So her kiddies were young enough to have car seats.

Oh My!!!! Now if i was her and surrounded by that many LE my first thought would be Oh my god he is a killer or rapist. Bingo. You would know this is no petty crime. Not blaming any of these women but i hope it opened their eyes and especially those with children.
Woods was also taken to the police station, had her vehicle, which still had her children's car seats in it, seized and had to turn over her laptop to investigators

So her kiddies were young enough to have car seats.

Don't kids have to be in car seats until they are 8, (or a certain wight or height) in Ontario?

I don't live in ON anymore, but I remember the law there being particularly strict.
...hmm are they on some sort of a break ...nothing coming thru twitter either and it is only 2;14 in S ont....? Anyone know what is going on in that London court room now?....robynhood
...hmm are they on some sort of a break ...nothing coming thru twitter either and it is only 2;14 in S ont....? Anyone know what is going on in that London court room now?....robynhood

They're at should be starting up again in a few minutes
...hmm are they on some sort of a break ...nothing coming thru twitter either and it is only 2;14 in S ont....? Anyone know what is going on in that London court room now?....robynhood

Lunch :)
I think they'll be back shortly.
What was brought up before makes me wonder. If Barbara said he had these cold sores and looked like he was mess, then why hasnt anyone else mentioned that? I just find it odd that all of these women saw him and he seemed calm as a cucumber. Maybe the cold sore was exactly what someone said before, a cut, scrap, bruise, abrasion during the murder? JMO

Yes this does make one wonder if it was cold sores or not.
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