AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - # 4

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*****way off topic*****

I always have to laugh at the hot chick catheter commercial between the JVM and NG show. :)

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I have always checked on my kids before going anywhere! When they were younger, I always kissed them and told them I loved them whether or not they were asleep. Not because I thought something might happen to them necessarily, but because I have always been afraid that something would happen to me (i.e. a car accident) and I want the last thing they remember of me was me telling them I loved them. Maybe I am crazy?
NG showing hatch back red car that was checked and items were removed from. How long ago was this done? And, big deal that mom didn't check on Isabel before she left for work, she may have been running late and from my experience hospitals are not very nice to nurses who are late!
I think I read they have asked the police to protect their home since they must not have plans on going back there anytime soon.


I thought that the family WAS going back to the house ? And that they requested police protection ? JMO

Any locals : much gang activity around this area ?
Even Natasha is stating the mother didn't check on Isabel. The only people who know this is the family and the police. The police aren't talking and refuse to answer this question over and over again and of course the parents weren't speaking.

WHY are they saying this .....
I've not been following religiously but that dad just seemed like he was forcing emotion. I dunno... this doesn't look good.
With all these missing cases I'm starting to think there really ARE aliens :sigh:
If she is gone, i really hope they find something at the dump so she can have justice and a proper burial...
SO many missing kids!! :(
Well lets think about this, if the mom had checked on her one of two things would have happened...the mom would have seen her missing or the time she went missing would be more like between 6-8 or whenever the mom looked in and seen her there to when the dad went in at 8. and she was gone
NG showing hatch back red car that was checked and items were removed from. How long ago was this done? And, big deal that mom didn't check on Isabel before she left for work, she may have been running late and from my experience hospitals are not very nice to nurses who are late!

No one has a clear idea of when the car was checked as the local media and press conferences didn't focus on the vehicle in general.

It is no surprise that the vehicle was checked and items removed because LE is being thorough in this case. Besides, the car has been there for the full 5 days in plain view and not a new discovery as being portrayed on the show.
The smaller windows seen on Nancy are in the garage, of which, is used for a garage. The other windows around the house are pretty standard size windows and at relatively normal height. IMO.

See that is one of the things that infuriates me with Nancy. Why does she show the da*n garage windows which are always smaller windows?:banghead:

Its like she uses these props to make the case more sensational rather than just showing a close up of the bedroom windows. I agree..........the rest look like standard windows.

And I know an adult can get through them easily because I locked my house and car keys in the house ONE time and I had to get our neighbor to crawl through a window to get inside. He had no problem and he is about 6' and weighs around 190.:floorlaugh: I made sure that never happened again and it was just a stroke of luck that I had raised the window to tilt it out to clean it two days before and left it unlocked by mistake.:) Whew!

What does the Palo Verde Rehab have to do with Becky Celis?

I'm hanging onto my theory that our "stranger" is someone who has crossed paths with BC through her job in the p.e.r. and/or on the TMC campus. I've heard reference to Palo Verde being a "mental hospital", just trying to figure out what they do there. I didn't realize it's only a rehab hospital.
Oh my God! Isabel's parents would give their own lives to have their precious daughter back. It's agonizing to watch their pleas. I thought the dad was going to drop to his knees and beg for her return.

I know and their agony is so painful they probably wish the ground would open up and swallow them. Horrible!
How far is the parents' bedroom from the bedroom she was sleeping in? My kids' bedrooms are right next to mine and I can hear them breathing sometimes with doors shut. I don't understand parents who don't hear their kids at night. Were they taking sleeping medication?
I've not been following religiously but that dad just seemed like he was forcing emotion. I dunno... this doesn't look good.
With all these missing cases I'm starting to think there really ARE aliens :sigh:
If she is gone, i really hope they find something at the dump so she can have justice and a proper burial...
SO many missing kids!! :(

They arent searching at the landfill anymore and they never even took the cadavar dogs there.

So they didnt find anything.

If Nancy doesn't talk about the family press conference, then this will indicate this show was taped well before the family press conference. Adding in the press conference is a fill-in after the fact. Patiently waiting to see if she discusses the family press conference.
Why the "blank" does Nancy put out there that she knows the mother didn't check in her daughter before leaving to work. PROVE IT!

Also, ABC out out a video earlier today where the reporter interviewed someone from the center where the mother works and he indicated that Isabel mother was at work VERY early that morning. 7:30 AM is not that early .....

I think I put the link in one of my posts.

BBM- Patty G why do you torture yourself? Take a book from my page and QUIT watching NG. She used to incite me to jump up and down and scream at the TV in a most undignified manner
Even Natasha is stating the mother didn't check on Isabel. The only people who know this is the family and the police. The police aren't talking and refuse to answer this question over and over again and of course the parents weren't speaking.

WHY are they saying this .....

They make their own facts as they go along :maddening:

I work graveyard shift and my job is in walking distance. My hubby is always home when I leave for work and I trust that my kids are all snuggled in their beds when I get up and ready for work. Sometimes they are still milling about and say goodnight to me before I leave, but I don't generally check on them before I leave and other than on my days off I'm not home to get them out of bed to start their day. I miss doing that though. :(
How far is the parents' bedroom from the bedroom she was sleeping in? My kids' bedrooms are right next to mine and I can hear them breathing sometimes with doors shut. I don't understand parents who don't hear their kids at night. Were they taking sleeping medication?

No one knows the layout of the house as far as I know.
TMC has an ER dedicated solely to children and it's my understanding that this is where the mom works. I'm wondering if the person on here who brought up Palo Verde was thinking that there was significance to the fact that Palo Verde and TMC share a campus, but I can't really speak for her. Just my guess.

Yes, thank you. I know they share a campus, I don't know the geography of it. I am, just as everyone else here, racking my brain to make sense of a non-sensical situation.
The Samantha Koenig case dispelled that for me. As dumb as it sounds, her killer contacted Sam's Dad via her own cell phone and asked for a ransom two weeks or so after she disappeared.

Unfortunately I don't think that will happen in this case because I doubt Isabel had her own cell phone and I don't think the kidnapper walked around their house searching for a cell phone.
BBM- Patty G why do you torture yourself? Take a book from my page and QUIT watching NG. She incites me to jump up and down and scream at the TV in a most undignified manner

Well, I have people from all around the world that look forward to information on missing children on my YouTube channel.

At some point, I will stop when there is no more information that is new.

Thank you for thinking of me. :blowkiss:
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