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Just driven along Brookfield Rd. Looks to be about a dozen or so people at the house at the moment, most of which are police. Interesting.

That is very interesting indeed:what:
Oooh could it be police and reporters? I wonder what's going down?

Have always thought there were others involved, or at the very least others that know.
Yes I was reading from the beginning, but I don't think I joined until May, several weeks later.

Some of those first posters had some interesting stuff. I remember a few people talking about their interactions with GBC. One said she got the totally evil vibe, another said he seemed nice one minute, then flew into quite a rage, and another said GBC hit on his wife.

I think I joined early May after reading every single post until then. Some of the information early on was quite specific, wasn't it? Then as things got a bit heavier it started to drop off. Maybe that was out of fear of saying too much or the wrong thing. I tend to think alot of what was posted early was probably pretty correct, because then people were just saying what they knew, even if it couldn't be verified by links etc. It's reasonable to think that yes, there ARE people out there who know stuff, and you tend to get an idea of who is being real and who isn't.
I think I joined early May after reading every single post until then. Some of the information early on was quite specific, wasn't it? Then as things got a bit heavier it started to drop off. Maybe that was out of fear of saying too much or the wrong thing. I tend to think alot of what was posted early was probably pretty correct, because then people were just saying what they knew, even if it couldn't be verified by links etc. It's reasonable to think that yes, there ARE people out there who know stuff, and you tend to get an idea of who is being real and who isn't.

Definitely Linette, and a lot of what was posted early on and was considered mere rumour, has turned out to be quite correct. Especially Maverickau's posts, among many others.
Definitely Linette, and a lot of what was posted early on and was considered mere rumour, has turned out to be quite correct. Especially Maverickau's posts, among many others.

How does an office/individual win the award for the number of C21 home loans sold but not win any awards for the number of properties sold. Wouldn't there be a high proportionality?

Love the iPhone discussion. Great thinking Dr. Watson!!!! My iPhone is always charged at my desk. Only when I am on the road for a length of time (road trips etc) do I connect it up to a car charger. I wonder what GBC's habits were with charging. I would imagine he did have a car charger.

I wonder if the last snyc or last charge would record the battery % left, if they have the details they seem to have this could be packed into the info too. If GBC connected the phone to the car charger and then placed it back in the home charger at a later time and no change in charge was recorded it could mean 1) he didn't use the phone (switched off) or 2)the phone was used and did not register a drop in charge but its use would mean that it would have pinged a tower while he was on the road.
Morning troops :)

While driving to work, I just had a thought, that may be worth considering:

We know that GBC's phone was taken off its charger at 8:30pm, right?

BUT where was the charger???

As far as I know, everyone has assumed that the charger was at their home, either a mains charger in the wall socket, or a USB lead into his computer.

But, as I looked at my iPhone on its charger in my car....!!!! I suddenly thought that the GBC iPhone charging could have been anywhere - including in his car!

I don't think that the iPhone info can differentiate WHERE the charger was - unless it did a sync with a computer at the same time, and the computer is a fixed computer like a desktop machine (as opposed to a laptop, which could also have been anywhere).

So - my thought is that the timing of the charging does NOT actually place GBC at home necessarily. And the same goes for when the phone was put back ON the charger, although that would be more likely to be at home if it were still there when the logs showed he took it off charge just before making all those phone calls and texts at 6:30 or whenever....

Just a thought....

Totally agree Doc....i thought the same as I was driving home last night. However, it DOES establish that he was NOT ASLEEP at the time seems Cyansea already posted this thought!
Definitely Linette, and a lot of what was posted early on and was considered mere rumour, has turned out to be quite correct. Especially Maverickau's posts, among many others.

I agree too!!!!!
think that element of truth in rumours is why we are always intrigued by them and why I would never dismiss them entirely. For something to gain momentum in the community usually it has started with a factual basis. It is just that chinese whispers tends to enlarge, distort and inflate the issue. Choosing what to believe in the rumour is probably the harder task.

I have no doubt that the rumour about GBC knocking ABC around is totally true. But this is my opinion about this rumour only!!!!
Been reading all and commenting occasionally and have been wanting to mention the property TM sold. Googling the adress comes up with 57 and 59 as the big house listed as for sale but near maps shows the one next door. So from looking and wondering for weeks my question is .. can someone tell if this a Prado ?,152.912907&z=21&t=h&nmd=20110113

The tyre on the rear of the vehicle is in the right place for a Prado, colour coded side mirrors (backside of the mirror) and door handles are consistent with a GXL model I think. Bonnet doenst seem quite right but it is tight to see.

Did his vehicle have roof racks?

What model did he drive?
:furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:
That is just demonic
:furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:
No wonder he was shredding documents
:furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

Shredding documents? You have a link, I hope. Some evidence? That's a new one. Unless somehow I've been under a rock.
BBM.... LOL he was P.A to a woman! Who wore the pants in that relationship.
Also,interesting to note that Mrs is the Principal??

I think you may have that the wrong way.

The article said 'personal assistant to the principal Elaine Baden-Clay' as if EBC is the personal assistant. The Principal was GBC. EBC the PA and NBC the FA. At least that is how I read it.

Hello - first time post, but like others I've been around more or less since that first person posted "this lady went missing near me" three months ago.... Yes, a lurker! I've been waiting to have something worthwhile to contribute!

Re: the iPhone discussion, I've been trying to work out how the police might know when the phone was or was not on the charger, and have been having a bit of a techie poke around mine. I couldn't see, for example, how "big brother" out there could track such a thing.

I've discovered that within the "settings" area of the iPhone, under "About" there is a "Diagnostics and Usage" section. The user can elect to send this info to Apple, or not. The data is also collected on the phone and it's not straight forward to delete it (you have to sync the phone to your computer and select this option). It keeps a bunch of files on the activity of the phone. It's pretty difficult to decipher (google searching shows that there is little info available on what it all means) but it seems to capture info like:

If / when the phone was in wifi mode
Which iPhone apps were used when (e.g. FaceTime)

and a bunch of other techie gibberish that I can't understand and 15 minutes searching on the internet hasn't clarified.

Anyway, I am sure QPS are all over this and know how to analyse an iPhone - just thought this was of interest as it is hidden away to the average user...
Shredding documents? You have a link, I hope. Some evidence? That's a new one. Unless somehow I've been under a rock.

"Besides Mr Baden-Clay, investigators have interviewed "numerous" family and friends, including extensive questioning of a woman who had worked under Mr Baden-Clay at his Century 21 franchise.

That office, and Mr Baden-Clay's parental home, were raided on Thursday, with evidence seized including computers and shredded documents."
I have just been rereading some old threads and came across this one that got me thinking.
Posted on 5 May 2012
Originally Posted by clem1970
Found this one from Herald Sun that states police believe "the killer could have taken her body to the area as early as 8pm on Thursday April 19" -

Sorry, couldn't figure out how to link directly.
I'm not sure if this is still relevant or not. Its the Herald Sun and they may have pieced some info together from old news.

It may still be correct about the 8pm thing, but this is what they were saying earlier, but after that the requests were made for sightings at the Kenmore Roundabout between 11.30pm and 4am. So I'm wondering if they got additional info which narrowed the time down even more? There has to be a reason for the fact that it's suddenly 11.30pm.

I assumed that once the QPS started questioning re possible sightings at the roundabout that the Herald Sun got it wrong. But than tying a few things together including the possible whereabouts of the children and GBCs differing answers re when Allison went for a walk. Could it be possible that the children and GBC had dinner at Nigelaine (as aunty Olivia was also in town!). Allison left the hairdresser at 6.30 saying she had the night off (from cooking). GBC waits for her at home, they have an argument and he kills her, leaves the body somewhere, puts the kids to bed telling them mum has gone for a walk, maybe with some sleeping tablets, and than decides to call in extra help to move the body. In the morning kids wake up and tells them mum has gone for a walk again, but something happens or he realises he has to do something so rings 000.

My thoughts only.
The tyre on the rear of the vehicle is in the right place for a Prado, colour coded side mirrors (backside of the mirror) and door handles are consistent with a GXL model I think. Bonnet doenst seem quite right but it is tight to see.

Did his vehicle have roof racks?

What model did he drive?

Yes his had roof racks and on the back it has vx is another view with a blue car as well ... have more but only if it is confirmed as prado. Other vehicles are blue/ gold / grey big coincidence otherwise. MOO,152.912922&z=21&t=h&nmd=20100425
The tyre on the rear of the vehicle is in the right place for a Prado, colour coded side mirrors (backside of the mirror) and door handles are consistent with a GXL model I think. Bonnet doenst seem quite right but it is tight to see.

Did his vehicle have roof racks?

What model did he drive?|2;d|ql-Nr7gmYcz_GM:

Yes, GBC's Prado is a VX, and has roof racks, but based on that picture I've posted, the positioning of them looks like that other car is not a Prado. I would think if anything that car on the Nearmap is a Landcruiser. Note how close GBC's roof racks are to the back of the vehicle, yet the Nearmap picture makes them appear further away.

In summary, my suggestion is that car in the Nearmap is not GBC's.

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