CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #12

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Ditto! One of my favorite posters was posting on this case quite a bit. I hate it when we are on different sides, like now on this case. Because I feel we both make good arguments and it forces me to second guess my whole thought process at every step!

I have deep respect for everyone here on Websleuths, even when certain posters might annoy me some days. ( you know who you all are;))

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Can we explore the following -- I'll leave it wide open--

If this search doesn't produce any leads or evidence (or "clues")...

What next?

Where do we go from here?

What should LE do now? What do you think their next moves will be, other than obviously continuing on with the task force? What can WE do with the same information and same conversations?

Where is Dylan? :(

eta: TexasEquuSearch?

I know they're having a silent auction and benefit dinner to raise money for finding Dylan - whatever that may entail (Private Investigator if needed at some point?), etc.

what else?
Didn't I read early on dads phone was shut off after 8 pm, right after Dylan's? I know I read it. I just don't know if it was a hypothesis or fact.

I don't remember hearing this but if someone can find this, we'd appreciate it!
Didn't I read early on dads phone was shut off after 8 pm, right after Dylan's? I know I read it. I just don't know if it was a hypothesis or fact.

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I dont know!
All I do know was Mom and Corey said Dad didnt answer their calls or texts and was incommunicado.
Dad never said what he did the night before.
thank you to everyone-ya'll are so welcoming and friendly!!! it is hard to find people like that now-a-days. maybe i am so into this case because mine and dylans initials are both DR. and then two of my brothers are CR.

anyway, i understand if LE doesn't want to give out any information, for privacy and so that they are able to build a case.. but imo even if they are trying to build a case against let's say.. MR then wouldn't it be smart to warn the community of an abductor EVEN IF they have evidence against MR or think that MR had something to do with DRs disappearance? This way, they can get the eyes of the community off of MR and maybe he will slip up? and if they find out that it wasn't MR- then the community has already been forewarned? that makes sense in my head, i hope i can get it into words and it make sense for ya'll.

it is just not looking good for MR IN MY OPINION.
1. DRs cell phone not pinging past 8.
2. last text message to mom has scowl emoticon.
3. no evidence (released) that DR was in MRs house. (cereal bowl and nickelodeon could have been set up.. i feel as though the cereal bowl would have been cleaned up the 5 hours before MR went to friends house looking for DR)
4. the "out like a light" and then changing it to DR "i understand"
5. his mom saying he wanted to go see friends, he would have woken up.
6. the time frame, period. all that night and then next morning when he went to go do errands (even though the errands are accounted for, the 5 hours when he got back is not-- maybe to set up the cereal bowl or to double check on covering up evidence?)
7. the court records showing menacing and other charges/ CR beating up MR/ MR swinging on DR
8. if he was waiting on his dad to get home and he went fishing- why didnt he just go to the closest place- not 4 miles away? and why would he go by himself and not call a friend to see if either the parent could pick DR up or bring one of the friends to DR to fish.
9. MR saying what he was wearing, including specific shoes and hat-but yet he was supposedly sleeping and a sleeping DR most likely wouldnt be wearing shoes and a hat.
10. the whole fishing pole situation
11. why didn't DR ride the bicycle that was in MRs front yard to go "fishing" or to his friends house?
12. no using the internet or landline to let his friends know he was on his way there if cell phone had died/broken or letting someone know that his phone died/broke
13. ER openly admitting that she thought MR had something to do with it-- i feel as though a mother wouldnt say things like this if she didn't believe it.. why bring attention to someone if you didn't feel as though they were guilty? having the LE look into this will just waste time instead of time that could be spent searching for dylan.

i feel as though DR never made it to MR's house. That is why MR did not care if LE searched the house because there were no signs of foul play or anything BECAUSE DR never made it to the house.The only things that were in MRs house that LE could find were things MR WANTED LE to find..

these are all my opinions- and my stand on how i see everything...
i feel like no matter what the situation- 2 parents should come together for the sake of THEIR child...
sorry i posted so much. i just have so many thoughts. i hope this doesnt go against any rules- i am brand new and i do not think i have openly accused anyone, just put all of my thoughts on the line. whew.

I dont have any children- but this is how i feel

Welcome. It looks like MR had a hand in his son's disappearance.
Did Dad 'transfer' Dylan to someone Sunday night and that's why Dylan took his backpack and LE haven't found any solid proof of murder?
Can we explore the following -- I'll leave it wide open--

If this search doesn't produce any leads or evidence (or "clues")...

What next?

Where do we go from here?

What should LE do now? What do you think their next moves will be, other than obviously continuing on with the task force? What can WE do with the same information and same conversations?

Where is Dylan? :(

I think next step is to search the main road from Vallecito to Bayfield. If Dylan tried to hitchhike and there is some evidence that he would have, there may be some evidence there.
Can we explore the following -- I'll leave it wide open--

If this search doesn't produce any leads or evidence (or "clues")...

What next?

Where do we go from here?

What should LE do now? What do you think their next moves will be, other than obviously continuing on with the task force? What can WE do with the same information and same conversations?

Where is Dylan? :(

I dont think Dylan is there.
tooo close to home.

We have an entire night that he could have been diven god knows where.
Let me preface this by saying my comment below is not said in any sort of mod/admin context at all, only as a poster concerned about Dylan. :)

I just think the above observatons are painted with a VERY broad brush and not fair to those who are still sitting on the fence. :fence: I am one of those. I haven't seen many people with their minds 100% made up about who is responsible...just folks voicing their opinions and concerns about what we know to date. I have no idea what happened to Dylan or who is responsible BUT I do like reading other's opinions and observations. It makes me think and consider things I may not have thought of before. That is sleuthing, isn't it?

It seems like so many are defensive about the dad even being considered as possibly being responsible - or in the alternative, others seem offended when challenged about their passionate observations of MR. We're not all going to agree. That is a fact. It is not about being right or wrong. Often it is just best to "agree to disagree" respectfully. I haven't seen anything to convince me one way or the other....yet. Maybe we should all try to open our minds to all possiblities and work together a little better? Just a suggestion for your consideration. :)

I think you misunderstand what I've been saying. I have no idea if MR was involved/responsible for his disappearance or not. I have no opinion on it yet because there's been no evidence (in my mind) that either proves or disproves what he's said. Where I have the problem is that whenever anyone suggests any other possibility, they are belittled, the boards are spammed with anti MR posts, and nothing other than him and OT subjects ever get discussed. Maybe I really am confused, but I came here to actually try to determine what happened, not to just pick a suspect and look for supporting evidence.
bbm I wondered this too. I wondered if that early time was made after the night before got canceled. iirc Dylan was suppose to get dropped off the night he got there. iirc Dad canceled that. I wondered if it was Dad's suggestion to the morning drop off on the way back to town for the Lawyer appt. jmo

I wonder if dad setting it up so early (due to dads appts.) was an easy alibi as to why he had to leave, Dylan was out like a lite and changed his mind. But in actuality dylan never made it to dads. Now that would show premeditation!
But of course we don't know still. This is just speculation.
I think next step is to search the main road from Vallecito to Bayfield. If Dylan tried to hitchhike and there is some evidence that he would have, there may be some evidence there.

Sounds like a good idea, but
What about the snow? Is it going to freeze and delay searches as we head into winter?
So still nothing new??

Come on Dylan. Where are you, Mate?
Way back in the beginning!

I don't remember hearing this. Why would Mom and Corey have tried to contact MR on Sunday night? I know ER texted DR but never heard anything about ER trying to contact MR.
It does seem a stretch that Mr Redwine killed his son within hours of him arriving for Thanksgiving . All kids can be cheeky and Lippy but that's par of the course . You may lose your temper even but killing them is a massive leap .

He must of been in a good mood as well due to it being the holidays and being with his son , so I can't not see him seeing red so quickly after his son arrived .

I would normally agree with you, except that in situations where there is a history of domestic violence, things can escalate between family members very quickly. Someone who has already been in physical altercations with his son would be more likely than the average person to be set off by things the child does, like texting a frowny face to his mom. IMHO
Without even having to speculate about whether MR hurt his son over the holiday, MR is clearly someone with a short fuse. His criminal history says so.
Sounds like a good idea, but
What about the snow? Is it going to freeze and delay searches as we head into winter?

Cross country skis, snowshoes, metal detectors? Colorado residents are pretty tough when it comes to winter weather.
I don't remember hearing this. Why would Mom and Corey have tried to contact MR on Sunday night? I know ER texted DR but never heard anything about ER trying to contact MR.

I didnt say sunday night!
I said that was all i heard about his phone!
I don't remember hearing this. Why would Mom and Corey have tried to contact MR on Sunday night? I know ER texted DR but never heard anything about ER trying to contact MR.

That was not on Sunday but after Dylan went missing.
I think you misunderstand what I've been saying. I have no idea if MR was involved/responsible for his disappearance or not. I have no opinion on it yet because there's been no evidence (in my mind) that either proves or disproves what he's said. Where I have the problem is that whenever anyone suggests any other possibility, they are belittled, the boards are spammed with anti MR posts, and nothing other than him and OT subjects ever get discussed. Maybe I really am confused, but I came here to actually try to determine what happened, not to just pick a suspect and look for supporting evidence.

Oh no, I understand. In fact, my post was basically AGREEING with exactly what you are saying here.

On the flip side, please realize that I read your initial post I quoted (satirical, I am guessing now?), it felt belittling to me as a fence sitter for even considering that he may be responsible. To be honest, my mind is really very open to several possibilities.

As to your last sentence, that is what we ALL should be doing. ;)
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