CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #14

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On one of the DR Facebook pages, someone posted a photo of a LE helicopter and the title of the post reads: LE OVER C.R. 500 - the date 12/11/2012 9:30 a.m.

Poster states he saw them circling over twice with 10-15 minutes between trips.

Happy they're still searching....
I feel the same way about a SO being involved. Somethings are almost worse than death and I can't make myself wish that for a child even if it is the only hope of them being alive.

In the beginning my hope/fear was that he had gotten lost and/or injured. I don't understand how that has been 100% ruled out unless his last phone pings were somewhere that he simply couldn't have ended up on his own.

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I wouldn't wish that on anyone. No one hopes Dylan was abducted by a SO. What I do hope is that Dylan can be reunited with his family. Even if it is under circumstances similar to Elizabeth Smart or Shawn Hownbeck.
Can you tell me how this person came to know that the phone was suddenly cut off, as though it had been snatched out of his hands? Is this person somehow connected with LE?

the person is local very close to the investigation and has been very active in trying to find Dylan, you would need to read the comments on facebook to see what was said and why someone here has said that,
Sorry, but I have raised 3 sons and have 4 grandsons. Dylan is precious and this just breaks my heart. I see that same smile everyday when I am with my two grandsons. It is just not right. Way too close to home. Sorry for the emotion. jmo

It's horrifying and infuriating, isn't it? To think that someone can just make a child disappear. And of course, even the adults (like Holly Bobo in my neck of the woods) are still somebodies beloved children. When I drive around, I look at the woods, the ditches full of tall grass and the old broken down barns, and I wonder where Holly is.

Where are you, Dylan? We need to find you.
stop with the bickering and back and forth. Obviously there are many places to sit on the fence here. Everyone gets their own opinion. If you don't agree, that's fine, move past it. If you find you can't move past it, then make your responde respectful.

if a post is offensive, alert it and move past it. Do not respond. Just move past it. The mods will take a look when they get a minute.


bbm -

bumping up -
Sorry, but I have raised 3 sons and have 4 grandsons. Dylan is precious and this just breaks my heart. I see that same smile everyday when I am with my two grandsons. It is just not right. Way too close to home. Sorry for the emotion. jmo

I understand completely. He reminds me very much of my DS at 13. They don't have the same coloring, but they have the same smirk, and the same small stature and love of gaming and skate parks. I think of mine at 13 and it kills me to think of him as just disappearing like that. :eek:
Would you rather be right in who you think took/has Dylan or would you rather the right person be caught who took/has Dylan??

LE pretty much has the MR under the microscope covered. And if he's not it, then we need to be sleuthing other ideas.

IMO a parental interference would be the stupidest thing MR could do. If he was having trouble getting time with his son now, it's nothing if he had anything to do with this. Not only would he never get another visit, he'd be in jail and lose his freedom. How does that benefit him???
I wouldn't wish that on anyone. No one hopes Dylan was abducted by a SO. What I do hope is that Dylan can be reunited with his family. Even if it is under circumstances similar to Elizabeth Smart or Shawn Hownbeck.

I didn't mean to imply that anyone wished that. That post on its own reads completely different when not read in context with the one I was responding too.

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It's horrifying and infuriating, isn't it? To think that someone can just make a child disappear. And of course, even the adults (like Holly Bobo in my neck of the woods) are still somebodies beloved children. When I drive around, I look at the woods, the ditches full of tall grass and the old broken down barns, and I wonder where Holly is.

Where are you, Dylan? We need to find you.

One of my sons and his family live in middle Tennessee. He is a doctor and his wife is a nurse. I have followed this case too. It is so scary especially when you think of Tennessee as someplace this would never occurr. They live in middle TN on a ranch. My son is gone alot and I worry about his wife and the kids. They say they are fine. I can only pray so. jmo
I don't really know what's going on in the heads of other people, but I personally prefer to err on the side of caution. If I consider all other possibilities (that I can think of or I read) and a family member ends up being guilty, nothing is lost because I'm not responsible for proving it, arresting the person, prosecuting him or anything else.

On the other hand, if I decide a parent is guilty and just spend my time finding ways it could have been done by that person, or where proof that the person did it could be found, and the person is innocent, I've added to the burden of a grieving parent, and possibly helped to permanently ruin his/her reputation by things I may have dug up and posted about him/her. I'll choose the first option every time. Not everybody will, and that's their choice, but I think I deserve as much time and bandwidth for my theories as anybody else does. MOO

I am certainly glad to see someone else that thinks similiarly to how I look at parents with missing children.:)

"I" know the only opinion "I" own is my own opinion so therefore "I" must be true to myself. For me, it is much more about my own personal responsibility and accountability. I know that written words on the internet are 'etched in stone' and can be read for many years to come. I always keep that in the back of my mind when calmly looking at each case.

This has happened several times over the years. I prefer to wait and because that has been my choice I was in the minority....sometimes in the teeny tiny I am patient by nature anyway and I watch closely as the case unfolds and what comes directly from LE most importantly.

Of course I have seen the 'what ifs" posted for years here and the numerous other things the majority saw as 'suspicious' and nothing but. Yet numerous times it has turned out that innocent parents in this same situation under this same tight scrutiny as Mark Redwine finds himself in were falsely accused even though so many were dead certain of their guilt. Does it give me inner peace that I wasnt one of them? Absolutely, because it would bother me greatly to know I was a party to the accusations and then learned later on what they really deserved all along was my support. That is why I tread lightly...that and watching how other cases have transpired in the past.

What others choose to do or see suspicious or signs of guilt is their entitled right of course to post thier viewpoints on any subject matter.

At the end of the day what is far more important to me than anything else is to try and make sure "I" never accuse someone.. that I dont even know.. of the worst allegation that can be made against any parent with a missing child. And definitely not when that someone has not even been named as a suspect or a POI.

Now my opinions will change in a heartbeat should LE (only) come forth and say they have evidence that Mark Redwine is involved in the disappearance of his son and is the suspect in this case. Until and if that should happen Im just not comfortable accusing him at this time. But thats just how 'I' roll.

I have several theories and possibilities that to not include MR.

JMO though
Working on a new thread, this one will be closing shortly...
Bumping off yours - another poster posts that she was right in front of his house texting (both AT&T AND Verizon) and she had no problems. FWIW....

and another comment from someone claiming to live right near dad and that the cell service goes in and out, and that just means the cell service was working just at the time she happened to be in front of the house.

Everybody's got a different story about the cell service and texting there.
Oh my goodness time for me to step back again...I think there's going to be lots of shock stuff when the truth comes out.

As far as Cory saying he beat up his dad, I can understand why he might have said that and it not be true.

My son would turn off his phone when he was with his Dad because he didn't want me texting him, etc. He wanted his time alone with his Dad but did not tell me until later because he was afraid I'd be mad or hurt.
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