Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #8

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And there it is.......................


In a matter of minutes, he killed 20 children in the school he once attended. He killed six adults who cared for those children in the same rooms where Carole MaInnes and other teachers sought to connect with him. He had already killed the only person who could draw him out of his hard shell. And then he took his mother’s handgun, pointed it at his face and blew himself out of this world.

I thought he had a connection to those rooms...........................
The story is now featured on Yahoo News main page. :waitasec:

It spread everywhere quickly. Of course now New York Post posted a retraction, but the story already spread. So most people are going to think RL did post these messages.
The Bangor Daily News article posted recently is a one page version of the original article that appeared in The Washington Post and was posted earlier today.

Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine)
Sandy Hook shooter took with him the only person who he connected with: his mother
By Marc Fisher, Robert O'Harrow and Peter Finn, Washington Post
Posted Dec. 23, 2012, at 7:43 a.m.


The Washington Post
A frustrating search for motive in Newtown shootings
By Marc Fisher, Robert O’Harrow and Peter Finn, Published: December 22

Whichever title you choose to read, its a good article.
The Bangor Daily News article posted recently is a one page version of the original article that appeared in The Washington Post and was posted earlier today.

Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine)
Sandy Hook shooter took with him the only person who he connected with: his mother
By Marc Fisher, Robert O'Harrow and Peter Finn, Washington Post
Posted Dec. 23, 2012, at 7:43 a.m.


The Washington Post
A frustrating search for motive in Newtown shootings
By Marc Fisher, Robert O’Harrow and Peter Finn, Published: December 22

Whichever title you choose to read, its a good article.
I believe there was at least one other person he connected with, and the key to that is hidden in the hard drives he destroyed.


I bet he was particularly interested in Nietzsche, Schopenhaur, and other nihilists. He took German as well, and German philosophy tends to be rather dark (Hitler drew upon much of it when he wrote "Mein Kampf"). Perhaps he wanted to learn German so he could read those works in their original language.

I found this tidbit about Schopenhaur rather interesting, in light of what we are learning about the last 2 years of his life:

Arthur Schopenhauer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Schopenhauer had a notably strained relationship with his mother Johanna Schopenhauer. After his father's death, Arthur Schopenhauer endured two long years of drudgery as a merchant, in honor of his dead father. Afterward, his mother retired to Weimar, and Arthur Schopenhauer dedicated himself wholly to studies in the gymnasium of Gotha. After he left it in disgust after seeing one of the masters lampooned, he went to live with his mother. But by that time she had already opened her famous salon, and Arthur was not compatible with the vain, ceremonious ways of the salon. He was also disgusted by the ease with which Johanna Schopenhauer had forgotten his father's memory. Therefore, he gave university life a shot. There, he wrote his first book, On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason. His mother informed him that the book was incomprehensible and it was unlikely that anyone would ever buy a copy. In a fit of temper Arthur Schopenhauer told her that his work would be read long after the rubbish she wrote would have been totally forgotten.
and he could have been told what to do. JMO

I really doubt it. He killed his mother and students/teachers at his former school. All appear to be targets personal to him.
I bet he was particularly interested in Nietzsche, Schopenhaur, and other nihilists. He took German as well, and German philosophy tends to be rather dark (Hitler drew upon much of it when he wrote "Mein Kampf"). Perhaps he wanted to learn German so he could read those works in their original language.

I found this tidbit about Schopenhaur rather interesting, in light of what we are learning about the last 2 years of his life:

Arthur Schopenhauer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This. This is what I've been feeling as well. I'm not sure what the attraction is with Nietzsche and young males. Another case I followed had a 16 year old psychopath murder, rape and mutilate a girl just to do it. He had a friend involved as well. He was a little self-proclaimed nihilist.

I double checked and the course AL was enrolled in was Philosophy 101: intro to ethical theory. That with German Language has me REALLY wondering. JMO
This. This is what I've been feeling as well. I'm not sure what the attraction is with Nietzsche and young males. Another case I followed had a 16 year old psychopath murder, rape and mutilate a girl just to do it. He had a friend involved as well. He was a little self-proclaimed nihilist.

I double checked and the course AL was enrolled in was Philosophy 101: intro to ethical theory. That with German Language has me REALLY wondering. JMO

Creepy. Like shooters and "The Catcher in the Rye".

Is it really true that the FBI or CIA flags all purchases of that book? I thought I read that once, but cannot remember for the life of me.
Matou, I think a LAN party is where you invite other players over the internet via a LAN address.

I haven't heard that term used in a really long time though, not since the early 2000's so maybe it isn't the same thing I am thinking of.

But if that IS the case, then he still wasn't having face-to-face interaction with other folks.

I can't imagine anything more...boring, but it says they got together to do it. From the article in Matou's post:

Club members said they would gather at one another’s houses to link their laptops and play together at LAN parties, named for the local area network that connected their computers. According to club members, Adam played Star Craft and “War Craft 3: Reign of Chaos,” in which, as the manufacturer puts it, a dark “shadow has fallen over the world, threatening to extinguish all life — all hope.”

Adam once hosted a LAN party, according to Gloria Milas, whose son Joshua sometimes played computer games with Adam.
It appears to me AL started off somewhat normal, although his mother did notice something was off. But the older he got, the worse his symptoms got.
I'm bewildered by the current state of journalism as exemplified by much of the reporting about the shooter and the family of the shooter. It seems that in almost all breaking news situations with a lot of moving parts that the media is void of integrity and does their job the same way kids play the game "telephone" or "operator"; well that comparison may be offensive to the kids playing the game because with the kids at least the initial comment in the "operator" game is accurate....

Misreporting the shooters name is a big mistake but it sometimes happens, misreporting the shooters name and featuring several different photos of the same wrongfully named individual; there is no justification for that. But in a media world where being first is more important than being accurate AND a completely false story could receive hours of coverage but the retraction of that story receives seconds, maybe minutes of coverage. People are convicted in the public eye long before arrests are made, a trial is held or the voice of the wrongly targeted can be heard.

The media's behavior in this and other breaking news situations is similar to Gladys Kravitz (the neighborhood gossip on Bewitched); well except unlike the media, Gladys' gossip was sourced from multiple friends/neighbors or her own eyes and much more credible.

Think of the countless families who read or heard the original report from the NY Post and the comments attributed to the brother of the shooter. I'd speculate that some of those families may have been hurt or offended by what was nothing more than a fabrication. Think of the brother of the shooter who is again thrust into the spotlight in a major way because of the lack of editorial controls and a vetting process in journalism today.

It is important to note that Sunday is the day of the week with the highest newspaper readership. The New York Post has the 8th largest circulation in the nation and is 8th in number of unique visitors to online newspapers in the world. Additionally, the original story has been (and somehow continues to be) published and reported as fact by every major news outlet, including Associated Press which is the the world's oldest and largest newsgathering organization.

Additionally the New York Post is owned & operated by NewsCorp (who also owns FOX network, FOX News, the Wall Street Journal and many others). I highlight this fact because NewsCorp continues to face scrutiny and lawsuits in Britain for their unethical reporting and news gathering methods including:
Employees of the newspaper were accused of engaging in phone hacking, police bribery, and exercising improper influence in the pursuit of publishing stories. I
For more on this, Reuters has a quick guide to the scandal:

I hope that this fabrication being reported as fact and every major news outlet spreading this fabrication as fact at viral news' version of "light speed" without doing their own independent confirmation, getting a second source for identity verification; I hope that this makes all of the other news outlets to review their single-sourced reporting, their six degrees of Kevin Bacon-like jedi mind tricks to connect someone to the shooter or his family as a "friend", and the obvious, blatant lack of an editorial process that allows such things to make it to broadcast or publication. I hope that they will review their own reporting and follow the NY Posts' lead in sharing their misreporting with the public and put controls in place to assure that misreporting doesn't continue.

Sadly, I doubt that will happen... :frown:
Are their written guidelines somewhere on what we can and cannot post in this topic? I had a post about a little boy who was killed in a drive-by shooting the day after the Sandy Hook shooting and I didn't think it broke any TOS, but it went poof. Given the heightened emotions right now, I can understand if different rules are in place, but I would like to know what they are.
Matou, I think a LAN party is where you invite other players over the internet via a LAN address.

I haven't heard that term used in a really long time though, not since the early 2000's so maybe it isn't the same thing I am thinking of.

But if that IS the case, then he still wasn't having face-to-face interaction with other folks.

LAN is Local Area Network. LAN parties were mostly held back in the days before internet bandwidth was sufficient to allow fast connections for gaming. People bring their computers and network them in a local network for fast response.

I think it was a hang over for many young geeks who'd heard about it from older gamers and who thought it was neat. You're right - it wasn't done much after the early 2000s. Once broadband became more common gamers had little reason to get together in person.

JMO - I am not a computer expert or a gamer.
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