jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Ok.. I'm still disturbed Christian Mingle advertising on HLN during trial coverage...

Maybe it's just me all the whacky religion talk in case (sex in church clothes) seems like not the best use of advertising $$ JMO
Well the caller "Linda" on the Dr Drew show just spoke for millions of people watching this sham of a trial.
(60-something y/o great-grandma)

Dr Drew: "How do you feel about the trial?"
Linda: "Dr Drew, today and last Thursday I wanted to reach thru my TV screen and slap the crap outta that woman."

Bravo Dr Drew guest "Linda" !!
You have at least a thousand posters here who would be more than willing to hold JA down for you as you did your deed. :)
Tina Ross, high-school friend of JA on Dr. Drew (call-in) describing abusive relationship JA had with someone named Bobby.

Saying parents were strict, had high-expectations of JA. The JA she knew wouldn't hurt anyone.

However, friend hasn't spoken with JA since 1999-2000.

Go to 29:30 of part three and watch Nurmi for about 15 seconds. What is he doing???

Looks fishy to me!! Moving pretty quickly with those hands for the sloth he typically is. Very odd.. Like he may be cueing her on..times for her story?? Idk! Thanks for finding that and pointing it out, anymore examples people find I'd be curious to find!

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Nobody but Juan could get out the testimony that her flashback when she ran into the closet for the gun was to a time that Travis chased her, grabbed her, and hugged her.

So next time she grabs a gun to make sure that doesn't happen again?

Or maybe none of this happened today. Maybe my gears are stripped.
The defendant's friend on Dr Drew

TH: so when is the last time you talked to the defendant
Friend Tina: oh 1999 or 2000

I happen to read about Jodi Arias and she claimed to be abused by her parents. I wonder if that was ever true. Anything on that? I have also read that people who knew Casey Anthony said she was physically abused by her father. Not making any excuses what they did.

It is probable that Arias has bottles up her anger over time. Something I have seen in Seung-Hui Cho, Adam Lanza, Lori Drew, and Casey Anthony.

The "abuse" that Jodi claims to have received is about the lowest abuse a child could receive. She says she was occasionally spanked with a wooden spoon. While I don't agree with corporal punishment her punishment sounds like what a lot of people have endured in their youth. You have to take into account this is coming from a pathological liar too.

laugh snort choke

Sorry but this just made me burst because I was wondering the same thing. I can tell you the day, the time, the circumstance, the person, etc the first time I was called Ma'am. I was young, it was painful. I don't want to talk about it.

JM in repeatedly calling her ma'am is just needling her in teh most respectful of ways.

loving it, every time he says it.

I think JM could call her the "most beautiful goddess Jodi" and it would tick her off. It's understandable since the guy is trying to kill her.
Oh goodness Jodi's high school friend...

Bobby abused JA.
He isolated her.
Knows of no abuse by parents.
Completely shocked.
Thinks Travis abused her mentally.
Has not talked to her since 99.
three tender kisses


God was subpoenaed

(someone pass the pepto)
Dr D has HS friend of JA on.. wished they'd ask why they lost contact!

I bet she was someone JA used as means to an end than a "friend" JMO
Looks fishy to me!! Moving pretty quickly with those hands for the sloth he typically is. Very odd.. Like he may be cueing her on..times for her story?? Idk! Thanks for finding that and pointing it out, anymore examples people find I'd be curious to find!

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To me it looked like a gesture of "throw it out" "let it go" but it certainly looked like some form of communication. If it wasn't, if he was just reacting he still should not be doing so in an open fashion and so visibly to the jury!

Go MARK!!!!

He just effectively blasted Jodi's friend from school who said that Travis had to be so abusive towards Jodi for Jodi to do this.

Mark said that even if we give Jodi the benefit of the doubt about the alleged abuse, she is still guilty because she did not prove she had to use the gun, knife and throat slitting to save her life.
I'm merely repeating what they said on dr drew show and yes I'm aware that she has been doing that all along
Please don't shoot the messenger

Oh PLEASE don't take it that way!

I meant, DUH! Way for the talking heads to catch up!

I was agreeing with you. :peace:
I think she'd start off with the WOMB story and go on and on and on! LOL "And in the 20th week, I was sucking my thumb (which is early, most fetus don't do that) and I was getting a lot of praise from the midwife and the obstetrican, but my parents weren't very impressed. They weren't against it, they just weren't overly excited about my superior thumb sucking skills, which at that point I didn't know, but was I going to turn that into one of my most popular party tricks."

LOL! :floorlaugh:
Let's not forget about the REAL beginning, when: "I crawled out of a sulfurous primordial crack from Hell as a self worshiping simple celled creature…. "
He said that he wished the prosecutor was more prepared.

Juan has been preparing for the last 4 1/2 years while Mark has been doing his TH tour.

He works without notes, for cripe sake.
Do the talking heads ever mention the fact that he can't get a straight answer out of JA and ends up sounding repetative?
She evens tells him to rephrase the question.


Oh goodness Jodi's high school friend...

Bobby abused JA.
He isolated her.
Knows of no abuse by parents.
Completely shocked.
Thinks Travis abused her mentally.
Has not talked to her since 99.

know what? In my household, and lots of others in the 70's, those little Paddle ball games were dreaded in the stocking because it would be spankin your butt come spring. People spanked kids in my day. It was not considered unusual. The worst was with the ping pong looking thin wood veneer stuff paddle and the rubber string that connected a small red rubber ball to it.

Thankfully, spankins were earned, not at a whim or mood swing of my parents. But man oh man, I behaved as expected. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Thanks for listening to how I FEEL!
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