jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Man, you just can't predict this kind of crazy. I initially thought that JM was letting her get the best of him, but today was AMAZING! Each day of cross has had some great moments, but JM is so freaking focused. I think he has a near photographic memory and that is why his recall is exceptional. There is no way Miss Evil can out wit him. I totally get why so many people aren't getting his methodology, but I am certain that He knows exactly what he is doing. People don't want to wait until the end. They are impatient. I am too. But JM has taught me the truth behind "Good things come to those who wait". I believe, and hope ( I refuse to let her make me hate that word), that he will wrap it up nicely for the jury. He knows what is at stake and who he is dealing with. There's no reason for him to rush to make a point at each line of questioning. I am learning so much about how to deal with pathological lying manipulators. It's awesome! Except for the fact that an innocent life was brutally taken. What irks me beyond belief is those people who believe that the sex tape was the Smoking Gun that proved TA deserved to die. Ummmm, no, no it didn't.

^ ^ ^ THIS ^ ^ ^ ... is AWESOME. Thanks, KarmicLaw. :rocker:
I'm like a 5 year old when I'm bored outta my mind. When nurmi had her on direct...I would have been swinging my chair around, looking around, sprawling out in my chair like a dead spider, picking lint off my neighbors, braiding my hair...then the persons sitting next to me.....

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I'm with ya on that. I would be climbing the walls, fit to be tied.
One thing I've started to notice...Generally, when Jodi testifies, you cannot see her teeth. When she gets upset, angry or defiant, she bares her teeth.


If you're watching her testimony, look out for this. 9 times out of 10, something has pizzed her off or she's deflecting an accusation.

What the heck does teeth have to do with anything? JA has admitted she killed TA. The Osmond Brothers (I thought I would marry Jay! LOL) had great teeth!
Geez. She admits to memorizing her testimony.
I've been away since the last day of direct...unfortunately not for anything good, my very dear grandma passed away. I've been able to listen to maybe half of the testimony since then on Youtube and I have to say JA angers me even more with grief fresh on my dare she further hurt TA's family and those flowers to TA's grandma, despicable!

Anyway, I'm glad to be back in the company of my insightful and good humored WSer's.
Love Sack. Love Sack. Love sack.
Is this some regional term for what most people call a BEAN BAG CHAIR ??

Never heard the term love sack in my life ... JA seems to relish mentioning all the "grinding" she was into, and "No we weren't in bed - we were in a Love Sack".

Enough of this evil murdering low life.
Time for a Valium ... She's worn on my last nerve today.

There are all kinds of lovesacs -- I just found that out myself today, Timber. Take a look:
What the heck does teeth have to do with anything? JA has admitted she killed TA. The Osmond Brothers (I thought I would marry Jay! LOL) had great teeth!

She shows teeth when she is lying, gets angry, or upset is what the point was.
I'm just into the first 20 minutes. Can you believe, guys, what she said before the jury came in? "Judge, I need some water." Who the heck does she think she is? Who does she think the judge is, her mother? Ick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is focused, on an adrenaline high, exhausted, living moment to moment and living, breathing and eating this case. He sleeps little, likely works most of the night, eats little and doesn't relax at all except perhaps when he passes out to sleep for a few hours.

This guy ain't really unwinding, IMO.

Hi Gitana. I know you're a verified attorney, so your comment about the water request surprised me. Is there some reason you think a witness shouldn't be able to request water or that's somehow disrespectful? Honest question - how was that inappropriate.
I can see how it could be funny if you were not at the end of it.

TA was at the end of of it.

: (

I didn't mean any disrespect to the victim, and I don't think my post even implied that. I was commenting on another poster's clever parody of JA's doublespeak. I'm not sure what you found offensive about that.
I've been away since the last day of direct...unfortunately not for anything good, my very dear grandma passed away. I've been able to listen to maybe half of the testimony since then on Youtube and I have to say JA angers me even more with grief fresh on my dare she further hurt TA's family and those flowers to TA's grandma, despicable!

Anyway, I'm glad to be back in the company of my insightful and good humored WSer's.

welcome back! from a noob.
The testimony about the flowers she sent made my freakin' skin crawl. She is so damned creepy that she doesn't even GET how completely creepy that was.

And even if she got it, AZWatcher, she wouldn't care. :furious:
Poor Travis.
He may have used every excuse in the book to try and
shock her into leaving him alone...
child molestation not funny but that didn't even bother her.
She could fix him and they could have kids!

she has a Gawd complex.
I have whip lash from shaking my head at her.
I have cursed my Tv way too much today.

Thankfully my youngest is 20...

(Who am I kidding?)
I have to admit...
my poor babies learned every word in the book
during my 2 hour Atlanta rush hour commutes to and from
work every day...
Yes, but then she came back from lunch with her nose higher in the air than it has ever been and sparred with JM for the rest of the day. She was no shrinking violet in the afternoon. However her constant refusal to answer most questions in a simple YES or NO manner, dancing around any and every one she could, arguing semantics which most 5 years old would not have had a problem understanding and answering......did not win her any friends today. Everyday that she continues to play this game, is just a deeper hole that she is digging for herself.

She is actually sort of defining the way the cross is going. Every time she argues semantics, asks him to repeat the question, gives an answer that does not answer the question he asks, she makes JM play her game, and then he's not leading, he's following.

As long as she continues to do this they she does not have to answer for any real issues. JM will outlast her and outsmart her, but he needs a fresh approach for tomorrow so he doesn't get caught in her semantics game.

She's cunning, make no mistake. Word play and semantics is all that is standing between her and first degree murder---she is going to play out every option she has. Semantics, tears, etc.

Today was soooooo frustrating in a lot of ways.:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
You're not humorless, and neither am I. Cruising for little boys is not funny. This thread is an anomaly. There's no place else on WS that this MS post could be referenced and anyone would call it innocent or dismiss it. jmo

Well. That makes me breathe easier. I joined this forum because I hold in high esteem those who campaign for the rights of the smallest victims.

It shocks me how easily that sort of thing can be dismissed because of the sentimentality toward the victim.

IMO, there is no "pass" for making jokes about raping children. :furious:
well... today was surly interesting! :eek:
For awhile there, I was thinking that the defense would have been better off with diminished mental capacity (lol) or some such thing...the girl is clearly out of her mind.
When I'm working on a big case, and mine are only civil, I mentally regurgitate each and every detail that worries me about what I did, or didn't do. Inmake a lot of phone calls to ruminate and get advice or comfort. I usually gain weight, especially if I'm in a hotel across the country because I am eating crazy restaurant crap every day. Then I go over more strategy, write my own notes ....then drink wine and catch some zzzzz's. I can't wait to discover what JM does at the end of each day. It must be mind boggling. I think he holes up and outlines his next plan of attack. I think Miss Evil is going to regret those 9 days of direct.
Some of the things i caught today
Ja said she had blood on her hands and then kind of quickly said and feet
In the 48 hr clip she said the girl names they liked hinkly and reagan,,could she be hinkly to ta reagan to impress mm?
I didnt know ja mom went down there to visit ,,ja had to have showed ta off to mom

I noticed that too when she added 'feet'. Shortly after that JM says something about how wouldn't she think the blood on her hands was from Travis. She says she had cuts on her hands. JM says something about her getting the cuts from stabbing Travis She says something like...I didn't remember anything about the stabbing AT THAT TIME. Doesn't that imply that she remembered the stabbing later? When I have some time, I'll see if I can find that spot. Maybe later. Le sigh. She wears me out.
You're not humorless, and neither am I. Cruising for little boys is not funny. This thread is an anomaly. There's no place else on WS that this MS post could be referenced and anyone would call it innocent or dismiss it. jmo

Everyone has their own opinion but if you've ever seen a show such as... Family Guy, there's a lot of humor in there that is definitely offensive, similar to the joke that I believe was an exchange on the MySpace of TA. This kind of "humor" does exist, whether you find it funny or shockingly insensitive, it's out there.

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You know, Maricopa County is missing one heck of an opportunity here.

One thing I sometimes have to remind people of - not people here, of course, but people who don't follow these things as closely as we all do - is that we don't have a justice system in this country. We have a legal system, and while it's desirable that the result is also justice, that's not always the way it goes.

In this case I really see Juan standing up for justice. Jodi, by her own admission, took a life she had no right to take. The State of Arizona, through the stellar action of JM, is making sure that she doesn't get away with it. She has a team on her side, as she should, who is using the law to get the best possible result for her and that's fine. That's how the law works. But Juan is doing more than just doing his job for the People - I can tell that the outcome matters to him, that he does know that there is right and wrong in this world, and that Jodi is wrong and he's not going to let her get away with it.

Compared to some other performances I've seen - that we've all seen - where a criminal was not prosecuted the way they should have been, Arizona in general and Maricopa County in particular has every right to be immensely proud of JM.

It's too bad there's no real publicity about the wonderful job he's doing. I don't know where it would come from, I can't imagine that a court would actually have someone charged with spreading positive stories like this. I like the reporting I've seen, though, and I certainly hope that JM gets the kind of public recognition for the job he's doing.

If there are any reporters reading, I'd really love to see some interviews with JM after this is over. I have no idea how one would get in touch with him, but make the effort. Thank you.
Him and Det. Flores
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