trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #108

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The Juan Martinez Facebook page just posted this: "The Motion for Protective Order - request by Arias against HLN Beth Karas, Paul Matadeen, and ABC Shana Drukerman, will be heard 3/27 @ 9 am in a closed hearing."

What is all that about?? Arias is taking out a protective order against Beth???

I think some of the WS attorneys have explained that a "protective order" is not the same as an "order of protection". IIRC the first has to do with protecting evidence (sealing?) and the second is like a restraining order against a person. Don't quote me, though!!!!!
When you hear someone -- nice helping lady that she is -- generalize like that, just remove the word "men" and substitute "Jews" or "Blacks" for the full effect.

That's the essence of bigotry: Unwarranted generalization from a sample that may or may not be representative to a group that the bigot identifies they belong to, with a heaping great dollop of confirmation bias and selection fallacy to weed out counterexamples.

For example, you can make a great case for black people being criminal, provided you 1. Notice the black criminals 2. Ignore the non-black criminals 3. Disregard more causal categories such as poverty and, well, let's face it, racism. 4. Ignore the black people who aren't criminals.

When you assume all abusers are male, and totally ignore non-male abusers, and discount other factors such as drug use and alcohol abuse that might be more causative than gender, and then define everything in such a way to preserve your biased (perhaps anti-male) world-view, such as by refusing to define any act that is objectively abusive as abusive, provided the person committing said acts has a vagina (and define anything the penile-enabled do as abusive) , you can justify anything to yourself.

Like throwing a dead guy under the bus to help out the nice girl psychopath.

Thank you for saying what I am feeling.

This witness is filled with so much bias I just cant tolerate listening to her anymore.

Every time she refers to a victim she says 'she' and every time she refers to an abuser she says 'he.' Her biases are so blatantly obvious.

No damn wonder males don't report DV abuse done to them by a dangerous female. Its those like AVL that causes them to suffer in silence.:furious:
The Juan Martinez Facebook page just posted this: "The Motion for Protective Order - request by Arias against HLN Beth Karas, Paul Matadeen, and ABC Shana Drukerman, will be heard 3/27 @ 9 am in a closed hearing."

What is all that about?? Arias is taking out a protective order against Beth???

It's not a protective order against Beth or anyone else.
The defense doesn't want certain information released to the public/media

The 3 CC'd people in that motion are all media, Beth included
Where is Judge Perry when we need him? Could you see him standing for this nonsense. He was very aware of the burden on the taxpayers and very respectful of the juries time. God help us, if this judge were in Florida I think that case would still be going on.

Judge Perry was very mindful of HIS jury. He handpicked them for JB and his good buddy, CM.
whew, checking back. I could not be on here posting while that unusual woman was testilying about a hypothetical TA (the abuser) and his "hypothetical" childhood.

I am still quite angry. I am interested to hear Gitana1's thoughts on this afternoon. I really hope she finds time to watch and weigh in.

I just cannot believe the judge allowed that carp. I am still stunned. As if talking in hypotheticals about an abusive man's childhood doesn't translate to the jury as being Travis.


Never should have been allowed. Its one thing to allow the DT to present their theory of JA as an abused low self esteemed victim. It is entirely another to allow what happened today.

So :censored: mad about this. :censored: :shutup:
Left to make dinner after they "hypothetically" drug Travis and his upbringing through the mud. It's a wonder I didn't break anything, I was so mad! Now it's more story time and things that don't even relate to this case.

Ugh. I was willing to be impartial with this woman, but she and JW had to go take a page out of JA's book and try to drag Travis through even more imaginary muck. I'm just sick about this, and can't even imagine how his family feels.

Sending positive, uplifting thoughts to them.

I feel that this testimony is too disconnected from the case to have much of an impact, for the state or the defense. I'm still shocked at the tameness of this witness. I expected a character trashing like no other but instead we get a lecture about DV in a broad sense.
JA's nose is getting weirder and weirder looking...maybe it's just me.

I hate her whole head. So I am biased.:what:

I was just going to say the same thing.

I don't mean to be superficial or childish but Jodi's guilt is making her more and more unattractive with each passing day. Her internal ugliness now shows externally.


New topic: Why does this Judge sound so tongue tied all the time? She's probably a beautiful person and a lovely lady but she's a horrible judge. This feels like her first case.....ever!!
Could the state sue the DT for reimbursement of funds after they lose?

Arizona must have written a blank check to this DT - just keep on keeping on until you feel like you have brainwashed the Jury. Doesn't matter how much you spend.
Hi all, been watching but not posting much.

TH's keep saying the Jury seems attentive and could be sympathetic to what LV has to say.

I agree they may be attentive and sympathetic, but only to the point they are relating to possible life experiences they may have encountered. At this point I don't think they are correlating anything to JA being battered, but just listening like they are in a classroom situation.

Also, imo far to much of what she has said only points to JA being the abuser.

Hopefully they are also considering it from the point of view of Travis as the abused and JA as the abuser.
Witness excused . . .. counsel was just sent to meet with the Judge in the hallway before leaving for the day.

Oh pray tell the judge finally came out of her fog? Maybe some tax payers are going to be on her case for all this nonsense :banghead:
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