trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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Just want to say thank you to those who made me feel welcome. :tyou: My first post was a :doh::giggle: but it can only get better from here.

Welcome! I lurked for a month and joined only a couple of weeks ago. Your question was NOT stupid, it was valid.

Some people here are quite knowledgable about this case while many of us are not. Don't be intimidated, sharing is not limited to scholars of the case.
:tyou: :tyou:
KN: If you were called to testify on Ms. Arias' behalf, would you be happy about that?

CH: Ah, no, I would not.

KN: Why not?

CH: Because she murdered my friend in cold blood.


A n d . . . they subpoenaed him anyway. Well . . . hummmm?
houston here too, and i HAVE heard 'might could.' as in 'i might could do that.' totally wrong, but people do say it.

oh, yea, I have no doubt people do, Ive personally just never heard it.


But I might now..... lets see how my husband looks at me when I say it.... he already thinks Im country!!!
Mr. Dr. Samuels 'You have 35 yrs exp., and based on what the admitted liar JA told you, you call it alternative reality, correct.' Yes.
'Yes or no, it is possible, even probable that another person with 35 yrs exp in your field, could consider JA simply a sociopathic LIAR

My Mom and grandmother always said REDDING UP too !!! She was forever telling me to "go red up your room" LOL :floorlaugh:

We are originally from Western PA (sort of ) too.. Punxsutawney area..

:seeya: Same here - "go red up your room" - such a familiar phrase! At my first out-of-state job, I asked a co-worker for a gumband, and she looked at me like I was from Mars. I was trying to explain what I meant by describing it, and then she told me that they aren't "gumbands" but "rubberbands." Ohhhhhh! :blush: :)

I grew up in Johnstown, BTW.
Good Morning.
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Thanks all.
There are many laughable, OMG does she really claim that, lies that JA has told with her testimony. For me, the one that makes me lol is that, <according to her testimony> after she dropped the camera, that TA got really really mad and bodyslammed her so hard she lost her breath BUT she was able to roll away, run down the hall...into the closet, close the door reach up and grab the gun and then go back in the bathroom and HE NEVER CAUGHT UP TO HER! C'mon, really?!? If he was really as angry as she "claims" he was..his hippocampus was going into overdrive and there was no way....noooooooo waaaaaaaaayyyyyy....she was able to outrun him! He would have caught her long before she reached the end of the hall. *walks away shakin my head and mumbling to myself....

I've always thought the same thing. This is possible ONLY if Travis stood still the whole time.....MAYBE she body slammed him????:great:
Haven't heard the phrase "redding up" since I was a little girl in Pa. My family didn't use it, but I had neighbors who did. And that's eastern Pa., too.

I used to work with a wonderful young man from Bosnia. He would often ask me to explain where common phrases came from -- he was very anxious to speak fluent American English. Usually I could tell him, but there were occasions when I was completely stumped. He would often come close to a slang phrase, but not quite make it -- once he called someone "fluffy" rather than "flaky." We laughed till we cried. Used that phrase around the office for a long time.

I had to work in Pittsburgh for two weeks last year, there were several sayings I had to stop and think about!

I work with a young lady who is Polish. We love her. Sometimes we can't help but chuckle at some of the words she puts together or some slang she interjects. I can't recall any at the moment but she is definitely a stress reliever. She takes it in stride, but I think sometimes she has fun at our expense in Polish..:floorlaugh:

Haven't heard the phrase "redding up" since I was a little girl in Pa. My family didn't use it, but I had neighbors who did. And that's eastern Pa., too.

I used to work with a wonderful young man from Bosnia. He would often ask me to explain where common phrases came from -- he was very anxious to speak fluent American English. Usually I could tell him, but there were occasions when I was completely stumped. He would often come close to a slang phrase, but not quite make it -- once he called someone "fluffy" rather than "flaky." We laughed till we cried. Used that phrase around the office for a long time.

:floorlaugh: Oh my gosh - that is too funny!!
I'll double that AMEN!! As a nurse, I've run my butt off doing 12 hour shifts many times and more often than not, I barely have time for a quick bite of something in the back room while charting. I've eaten one sandwich over a a 12 hour shift taking a bite here and there.

I have almost always worked nights so I could be home with my girls during the day and very often it is the eleventh hour and 6am that I am finally eating and it will usually be oatmeal. Many, many days it would be a two meal day.
Not sure who said that, but that's completely false. They talked to one of the jailers on HLN yesterday they get fed at seven.

What I think JA's problem is is that most of her calories are in the evening meal and she doesn't like the slop so she isn't eating enough. She is basically starving herself. I am not sure what they do when a prisoner refuses to eat and it affects their trial. Anyone know?

ETA A handful of walnuts goes a long way in getting your body fueled.
Yep, the world revolves around her. Watch the interrogation tapes or rewatch the trial tapes. She only cries when it is ABOUT HER. Oh, unless she fake cries and covers her face.

Something that disturbs me is how she wanted to see the murder pictures of Travis during her interrogation with Flores. She said it was a morbid curiousity and she kept on and on. However, when she sees them in court she hides her face like they are too graphic to watch.

She is a monster playing the starring role. :furious:

So sick but the pictures probably give her sexual gratification!
I had to work in Pittsburgh for two weeks last year, there were several sayings I had to stop and think about!

I work with a young lady who is Polish. We love her. Sometimes we can't help but chuckle at some of the words she puts together or some slang she interjects. I can't recall any at the moment but she is definitely a stress reliever. She takes it in stride, but I think sometimes she has fun at our expense in Polish..:floorlaugh:


I think English is hard enough (how many of us get it right?!) without adding in our slang. But I live the regional sayings. They seem to be disappearing, probably because of TV.

Speaking of my friend, he was a teenager in Sarajevo during the Bosnian war in the 90's. Now there's somebody with PTSD. Some of his stories would curl your hair. He'd probably be happy to go "take care" of Samuels.

As I taxpayer of AZ this hardly seems worth the hours of billings I will have to pay just to find out how MUCH of my money is being spent without finding out why.
Re: Jodi and her problems with the food supplied to her

Some defendants are restrained and wear a spit hood & are wheeled into court for their trials. This is because they can't follow the rules.

Jodi doesn't like to follow the rules. She's a smart girl--she can figure out how to eat the food the jail provides. This isn't the issue. She's a pathological manipulator and feels that that world revolves around her.

She didn't want Det. Flores to handcuff her in Yreka to go to the bathroom. Even though that was what happened to every single person who was arrested, she felt the rules should be changed for her.

I get migraines. I have to care for 3 small children. I do all I can to prevent getting one by not drinking alcohol, not staying up all night, not eating foods that trigger them. Why? Because if I get a headache it makes my job harder to do, and I don't have a nanny.

Jodi figured out how to gas up her car without being detected in Arizona, how to finance her murder trip by visiting all her ex-boyfriends on her way to kill Travis, how to purchase her Strawberry Frappuccinos and how to get rid of the murder weapons before she got to her next mark's house to grind with him. She then drove miles and miles in order to show up to her waitressing shift. Oh--and she got her lady bits waxed, her pigtails braided, and her hair dyed.

Can Jodi figure out how to eat her peanut butter and apple during court breaks? Yes.
If Samuels had any ethics or morals and truly believes his diagnosis he could have waited till after the verdict and issued a press release. To be posted publicly on that site leaves no question as to how he feels. He really stepped in it, IMO.
Not to mention, rolling his suitcase THROUGH it.
I also think it is setting in that she will no longer be in county jail, but instead she will go to prison. New rules and possibly solitary confinement, which I believes terrifies her the absolute MOST. NO attention for Jodi in the death cell.

Sooooo, she is pulling every trick in the book for one more night in the plush county jail. With her buddies and groupies and familiar territory.

Being alone terrifies her, and that is exactly what she will get at the end of this trial.


I agree she needs to be the center of attention. She loves her lies and loves to seduce people with them.

Did you see the tv news video that was showing her jail conditions ( a week ago). They did not show Jodi as she was told no contact or anymore interviews. However, her fellow inmates had signs of support for her. What?????? :what:

She is a hero to them. She was abused and killed her abuser. There is no way this poor little thing hurt Travis unless he deserved it.

Death is the only fair sentence for her. :furious:
Many old nurses work 12 hour shifts and FREQUENTLY don't get to eat lunch or take a break (or use the bathroom more than once). Jodi's migraines are not from lack of food. They are a method for her to "control" the court. She is skillfully manipulative.
I know right! Funny thing... I worked 12 days on and 2 days off 8-5 in the office 5-11 after hrs call M-F Sat 9-3 in the office 3-12 after hours call
Sun 10-12 in the office 12-10 after hours call.
GUESS when my migraines hit????
The FRIDAY I was to be off for the weekend!!!! I kid you not... Literally 15 min after my butt hit the driver's seat~ ticked me off in a BIG way!
Taking a quick break from redding up. :wink:

I knew what "Jaeatyet" meant right away. Are you a fellow western PA'er? :biggrin:
Hee hee... I am a Ga REDNECK through and through!
bet that surprised you diddntit?
I am thinkin bout makin me summthin soon.
Does this look good?
My gluten free fav!

And if SHE was the victim, why did he always stop when she said it hurt, and she also said he never would tie them too tight so she could always get her hands out, so sounds to me like he was always giving her control.

STOP THE PRESSES!!! TA cut the rope when he um ___________ yeah.
He cut both ropes at the same time? HOW pray tell did he manage that????
No,ju? I'm fixin' to make me some eggs and I believe I have a taste for some biscuits. It's been a right good while since I had me some. Djall already have coffee?

No but Imma be gettin some cocola soon!

did I just blow the margins?
Welcome! I lurked for a month and joined only a couple of weeks ago. Your question was NOT stupid, it was valid.

Some people here are quite knowledgable about this case while many of us are not. Don't be intimidated, sharing is not limited to scholars of the case.

I lurked here for years before I finally joined. :blushing:
I'll double that AMEN!! As a nurse, I've run my butt off doing 12 hour shifts many times and more often than not, I barely have time for a quick bite of something in the back room while charting. I've eaten one sandwich over a a 12 hour shift taking a bite here and there.

There have been many, many times I don't even get a chance to go to the bathroom and getting out of at the end of a 12 hour shift is a good day. For those of us in the medical profession if someone came in and demanded their day end on the dot when their twelve hours were up and expected a hour and a half lunch break :what:, after we were done:floorlaugh: we would :seeya:
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