trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #112

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I agree wholeheartedly with most of your post except the snipped part. Being "played" by a guy is not being "emotionally abused":

What is Emotional Abuse?

Abuse is any behavior that is designed to control and subjugate another human being through the use of fear, humiliation, and verbal or physical assaults. Emotional abuse is any kind of abuse that is emotional rather than physical in nature. It can include anything from verbal abuse and constant criticism to more subtle tactics, such as intimidation, manipulation, and refusal to ever be pleased.
Emotional abuse is like brain washing in that it systematically wears away at the victim’s self-confidence, sense of self-worth, trust in their own perceptions, and self-concept. Whether it is done by constant berating and belittling, by intimidation, or under the guise of “guidance,” “teaching,” or “advice,” the results are similar.

In other news, I missed all day except a tiny bit around 11:30 or so. I was at court. What happened? What was significant? Did any of our trial watchers go? Did cross begin? TIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Gitana :seeya:

You didn't miss much. More of JW and ALV bringing in vague references to things that the judge has ruled inadmissable, like the text messages from the Hughes. That was the big bombshell of the day. I'm sure JM will address it in cross, but it sure did speak to me about the character of these defense attorneys. Is it just my perception, or are they crossing some lines as far as ethics here? :waitasec:
He may have, I am trying to find out, however the Defense is bringing them in through the back door. I can't imagine what the jury is thinking about this testimony today, might as well just clear it all up, make sure they have both sides of this sick mess being spewed.

I am getting angry and I don't like to feel this way, it is very upsetting to hear this crap.

The way I feel, I don't care if TA laid down in the street, naked, begging for sex with 100 women, he didn't deserve what happened to him. Just like I would say about any female doing the same thing.

This defense is so wrong and out of bounds in this case.

I can only think about the Westerfield trial and how Danielle's parents were treated by the defense and thinking about it brings me back to realize, he is on death row with a lot less evidence.

The jury will get it and do the right things. I pray.

Man, that was a rough trial. I was so worried when that jury was out for so long. You are so right though. My heart ached for the Van Dammes. They were abused and humiliated beyond belief.
Corey Rangel ‏@CoreyABC15 4m
JUST IN: Updated numbers show #JodiArias defense has cost taxpayers $1.4 MILLION...includes 15,582 hours billed.
Good Evening. They have been playng the tape for 12 minutes without Nancy interrupting. I am wondering why Nancy isn't unleashing the lawyers.

I'm curious if she didn't tape this program in anticipation of taking a long Easter holiday weekend? It doesn't appear she has any guests so far.

Whatever, it is much better than the courtroom considering ALV is on the stand.

Good Evening. They have been playng the tape for 12 minutes without Nancy interrupting. I am wondering why Nancy isn't unleashing the lawyers.

Senility is setting in. She's going soft in "the fog" of dementia.
For everyone that said ALV is a nice person and Juan should go easy on her and not be aggressive. BS! I hope he takes her down in a way she won't soon forget.
Remember when JA herself explained that single Mormans are supposed to date with the goal of marriage so they are discouraged from spending too much time with one person if they aren't planning on marrying them? She said they are encouraged to go on dates with more than one person...yet she tries to make Travis seem like a jerk for doing just that.

I really feel like he was just looking for a wife but she thought she could keep him for herself. I don't believe they ever really had the same opinion of what they were to each other. For example, her telling people she was his girlfriend and him telling them otherwise. She did everything she could to sabotage his attempts at finding a wife. Right until the end.

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Early, early on in this case I saw the picture of TA and JA in front of the Mormon Temple (Mesa?). I mentioned to my husband that I bet he might have wanted to marry her. Since seeing Chris and Sky Hughes on TV I have felt they were way too much into TA's life. They thought JA showed way to much PDA and they did not like that. Really, how was that their business, Travis was 30.

I was raised Mormon and was a Mormon until I was 23 or 24. To have a picture taken with your boyfriend in front of a temple was a big, big deal. "He's going to take me to the temple!" At least back then, when I was young it was a big deal for me and my girl friends. In my experience, Mormon family, friends can be very critical of the date choices. Lots of peer pressure.
I thought JA DID say TA cheated on her... I could be wrong.
Anyone know for sure?

I don't get the feeling that TA treated JA all that well - like when he was trying to get her to go the eff away.

Isn't that the reason she gave for breaking up with him?

(Not that I believe SHE broke up with HIM or anything else she says.)
Try doing a youtube search for (defendant's name) trial day 4 or 5 (maybe 6, but I don't think so). I don't write her name, I use 'JA'. But type it out for the search.

Keep an eye out for uploads by croakerqueen123, eonblue(3?) and tawndilly (may not have spelled these correctly, but well enough for you to recognize them).

Click on their username and browse their video uploads. I think eonblue may have the early few days (no one has OS in full) or try croakerqueen123.

Or check the first page of this thread.


ETA: This was uploaded Jan 11, 2013 - sorry I don't have time to look for the whole thing! But it gives you a date range!

Thanks! And thanks to all the others that found what I was looking for! I never did watch the first day of trial on YT because they all said they were the opening statements, so I thought that's all there was for that day and didn't want to listen to the opening statements.

I've been noticing the names like croakerqueen and in tawndilly so I'm always looking for those two. There's also another one - a guy's name that I can't remember - that I like because he cuts out all the sidebar and other nonsense.
Can any of the lawyers here help out with this?

If the Hughes are on the DT witness list, can they be called by the prosecution, as in a witness list is for the court, or does the prosecution have to submit their names on a prosecution list?

I think he can call them w/o submitting their names but hopefully one of our lawyers will chime in on this point more authoritatively.
:eek:nline: I want to share this with you. I love the voice and interrogation style of Det. Flores. :beats:
Good Evening. They have been playng the tape for 12 minutes without Nancy interrupting. I am wondering why Nancy isn't unleashing the lawyers.

Do you think she knows they are not live? :giggle:
Why is Chris talking about the case anywhere? Isn't he still under subpoena? I am confused as to what a witness can or cannot do.
Chris is the one who got things going on the paypal account to help the family with expenses they are drowning in due to attending the trial. He is helping raise money for them. He had to convince them to do this, I would say they are on good terms.

Are friends of travis, offering the family lodging or are they. Having to rent hotels?
I wonder if members of travis church are offering to lodge any family. I know this. Has been such a burden on. The families.
They have had to. Put their lives in hold to attend this trial.
Justice for the dear family.
What the heck was this about?

Nurmi is accusing JM of prosecutorial misconduct based on a tape HLN played last night of JM signing autographs and taking pictures with "fans" outside the courtroom. JC commented on it, and Nurmi misconstrued what she said. He claimed she said a juror saw it. What she in fact said was that she would be concerned if a juror "did" see it.

It was a low point for the DT IMO. But the jury will never know about it, so they'll get away with it :furious:
Isn't that the reason she gave for breaking up with him?

(Not that I believe SHE broke up with HIM or anything else she says.)

I thought she said some nebulous nonsense about "trust issues," but never really explained what that meant.
Are friends of travis, offering the family lodging or are they. Having to rent hotels?
I wonder if members of travis church are offering to lodge any family. I know this. Has been such a burden on. The families.
They have had to. Put their lives in hold to attend this trial.
Justice for the dear family.

I would hope so. Some churches are big on this, don't k ow where the Mormon church has store:support for Travis family. I wonder about the siblings jobs as they are there daily (as I would), I hope they are all being taken care off.
What the heck was this about?

Last night JC said on one of the HLN shows that JM left through the front door of the court and a bunch of people wanted pictures with him and his autograph. She said she was AFRAID A JUROR MIGHT SEE IT! KN spazzed out and thought JC said she actually saw a juror see it.

So they called JC to the stand. She was already in the courtroom and she explained that she was afraid a juror MIGHT see it and that she didn't actually see a juror when this was happening. KN is just trying to get JM's goat. According to KCL this was the only time JM has left by the front door.
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