trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #112

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But we never found the woman/women Travis cheated on Jodi with...
Don't have names let alone testimony.
Well Jodi named that one woman (can't remember the name except that it reminded me of apples) who went on HLN saying she did not have any sort of sexual relationship with Travis.

Ashley Thompson? Detective Flores interviewed her after she phoned in an anonymous tip saying they should look at her then-husband, Dustin Thompson, who she was in the process of divorcing.

She said she was a close friend of Travis', they had known each other about three years, but were friends and nothing else. It's in Detective Flores' report, page 12 and page 17.

On page 17, "She and Travis were very close and she had even asked Travis about moving in with him as a roommate after her separation from her husband, Dustin. Both she and Travis agreed it was not a good idea she move in, because of the way it might look. They were just good friends and they didn't want people to think something inappropriate was going on. After Travis was found she thought about how strange Dustin had been acting. It was during the few weeks leading up to Travis' death that she had moved out to her own apartment and they were both dealing with the possible foreclosure of their house. Since the day she made the anonymous call, her suspicions of Dustin have gone away....See detective Kaufman's supplemental report for the full details of the interview with Ashley."
I was physically shaking I was so upset! My daughter is Caylee's age, so at the time looking at my 3 year old made me emotional to know what happened to that little girl.

I told my DH I would never follow a trial again--this is the first one I've followed since then.

If I had a dollar every time I swore I'd never follow another trial again....

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Good Evening. They have been playng the tape for 12 minutes without Nancy interrupting. I am wondering why Nancy isn't unleashing the lawyers.

Bombshell tonight!! NG goes 12 mins without speaking!!
Ashley Thompson? Detective Flores interviewed her after she phoned in an anonymous tip saying they should look at her then-husband, Dustin Thompson, who she was in the process of divorcing.

She said she was a close friend of Travis', they had known each other about three years, but were friends and nothing else. It's in Detective Flores' report, page 12 and page 17.

On page 17, "She and Travis were very close and she had even asked Travis about moving in with him as a roommate after her separation from her husband, Dustin. Both she and Travis agreed it was not a good idea she move in, because of the way it might look. They were just good friends and they didn't want people to think something inappropriate was going on. After Travis was found she thought about how strange Dustin had been acting. It was during the few weeks leading up to Travis' death that she had moved out to her own apartment and they were both dealing with the possible foreclosure of their house. Since the day she made the anonymous call, her suspicions of Dustin have gone away....See detective Kaufman's supplemental report for the full details of the interview with Ashley."

Shannon Crabtree Petersen
Also, I forgot to add in my previous post that one of the people who got a picture with JM was one of Dr. Drew's jurors.
My problem with ALV is while she's seems very knowledgeable about DV and those involved in those relationships, she seems a little dated on sexual norms today. When TA called JA a *advertiser censored* star it actually was a complement (although many won't want to admit it) in the context it was used. JA even talked about how money they would make if they did a *advertiser censored*.

Not every communication or action can or should be measured in her DV continuum.

Like Freud said, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
I agree wholeheartedly with most of your post except the snipped part. Being "played" by a guy is not being "emotionally abused":

What is Emotional Abuse?

Abuse is any behavior that is designed to control and subjugate another human being through the use of fear, humiliation, and verbal or physical assaults. Emotional abuse is any kind of abuse that is emotional rather than physical in nature. It can include anything from verbal abuse and constant criticism to more subtle tactics, such as intimidation, manipulation, and refusal to ever be pleased.
Emotional abuse is like brain washing in that it systematically wears away at the victim’s self-confidence, sense of self-worth, trust in their own perceptions, and self-concept. Whether it is done by constant berating and belittling, by intimidation, or under the guise of “guidance,” “teaching,” or “advice,” the results are similar.

In other news, I missed all day except a tiny bit around 11:30 or so. I was at court. What happened? What was significant? Did any of our trial watchers go? Did cross begin? TIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If anything good comes out of this trial it will be better awareness of psychological abuse that isn't prioritized by gender, sexual preference. I'm skeptical.

Very tough topic for me because I'm only personally familiar with the non-physical variety (except for being blocked from leaving a room or the house, clenched fists heading for my face but not touching me, telling me I *needed* to get beaten (in uglier terms), throwing objects, physically raging (don't know how to explain it). But these things were mild compared to the bad stuff.

There is SUCH a huge difference between getting fooled by a 'player' or a cad, even being put down by an immature fool because... he's an immature fool (using male pronouns because that's my experience) - and psychological abuse.

I've dated fools, cads and been duped, the single actions of whom could be called out of line, not abusive. Only one person was abusive. A key component is the cumulative affect of multiple behaviours meant to cause deliberate harm. Individually, some harmless. A phone call is harmless. Even a mean one, unless threatening. 30 a day - or being paged when out shopping, etc. so you know you're being watched... that's not harmless.

Agreed. There is no comparison between a jerk and an abuser. imv
Did this ALV "seeds of jealousy" claptrap open the door for the tire slashing to come in? They can always call it "suspected vandalism of his automobile" to take out the "slashing" part that is prejudicial to poor Jodi.

And ALV mentioned the lie about TA having nothing to do with JA in public. Sounds to me like that opens the door to that tape where she's laying on his lap and looking bored while he's describing almost getting murdered.
Chris and Sky Highes will be part of the rebuttal case. Dont even worry about that email. They cannot talk right now. Just wait.....
Can any of the lawyers here help out with this?

If the Hughes are on the DT witness list, can they be called by the prosecution, as in a witness list is for the court, or does the prosecution have to submit their names on a prosecution list?

I would surmise that JM placed them on the prosecution's list; the prosecution probably listed anyone and everyone who might possibly be called (out of an abundance of caution). Even if the Hughes aren't on the State's witness list, I think the prosecution would be able to call them -- the purpose of a witness list is to give notice to the other side; thus, the defense had "notice" of the Hughes being possible witnesses since they are on the defense's own list.
Also, I forgot to add in my previous post that one of the people who got a picture with JM was one of Dr. Drew's jurors.

Remember when he asked Jinx if DD's Katie was an employee of HLN? I wonder where he was going with that?

Thank you! :)

“I was married and moved on with my life and so they weren’t inappropriate e-mails by any means.” Peterson continued, “We were just two friends that kept in touch after he moved, and, you know, she was very jealous.”

Petersen told a Nancy Grace producer, “She's a known liar. I can't believe my name got dragged into it, but I think she's going to say whatever she can to save herself.”
have just rewatched Chris Hughes from Day how tough he is, love how he says to Nurmi numerous time "what are you saying"...and love how he calls out the bs....what a tough, strong, admirable class heart breaks for the Hughes' and how they are being eploited and messed with by JA and the DT
Why is Chris talking about the case anywhere? Isn't he still under subpoena? I am confused as to what a witness can or cannot do.

He isn't talking about the case. He brought the donation issue for the family on the Justice for Travis FB page and said NOTHING about the case.
IDK why but that whole thing was very disturbing. I felt like JC was excited to be up on the stand...INVOLVED rather than an observer...weird.

I got the impression that she was glad to get what she said straight.....after Numri misconstrued (or flat out lied). I am not a fan of her's...but I don't think she intentionally tried to get involved. JMO
From the interrogation tapes - Jodi's take on what's it's like to have a nervous breakdown is to go in another room and hyperventilate. She thought Darryl was answering her back in an odd way once, and it caused this nervous breakdown where she had to breathe heavy.

So, there's no telling how Jodi defines the words "official" or "cheating" because she may have warped definitions. I get the idea that once Travis entered the "official" of Jodi's world, he wasn't going to be able to escape alive. She was ready to get married and determined that law of attraction could work, and nevermind what Travis was saying.
He isn't talking about the case. He brought the donation issue for the family on the Justice for Travis FB page and said NOTHING about the case.

Oh, ok, gotcha. I thought I read today here that he someone talked to him and he said "don't worry, this will beco e clear on cross" referring g to the email mentioned in today's testimony. Thanks!
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